Perineum Flashcards
2 subdivisions of perineum
anal triangle and urogenital triangle
Boundaries of perineum
Symphysis, conjoint rami, ischial tuberosities, sacrotuberous ligaments, coccyx
plane of urogenital triangle
Muscles forming the pelvic diaphragm
levator ani and coccygeous
Midline fiber insertions for levator ani
perineal body and anococcygeal ligament
Location of urogenital diaphram
between the conjoint rami
Content of anal triangle
ischioanal fossae, ant. recesses, ext. anal sphincter, pudendal canal, inf rectal vessels and nerves
Location of ischioanal fossa
from behind rectum superior along side both sides of urogenital diaphram
Contents of pudendal canal
internal pudendal art and vein and pudendal nerve (S2,3,4)
branches of pudendal nerve
inf rectal, deep and superficial (to scrotal) perineal, dorsal nerve of penis
Divisions of urogenital triangle
deep and superficial pouch
borders of deep pouch
super - no name
inf - perineal membrane
contents of male deep pouch
external urethral sphincter, deep trans perineal muscles, membranous urethra, bulbourethral glands, dorsal nerves and vessels of penis, deep branches of perineal nerve
contents of female deep pouch
membranous urethra, vagina, ext. urethral sphincter, dorsal nerves and vessels of clit, deep branches of pelvic nerve
separation of deep and super pouch
perineal membrane
borders of supererficial pouch
super - perineal membrane
inf - colle’s fascia
attachments of colles fascia
post - perineal membrane
ant - scarpas
lat - conjoint rami
contents of male superficial pouch
- components and muscles of penis
- super transverse perineal muscles
- post scrotal branches of pudendal nerve (sensory)
- internal pudendal art and veins
- super perineal branches of pudendal nerve
attachment of corpus spongiosum
pernieal membrane
ant and post end of corpus spongiosum
ant - glans
post - bulb of the penis
muscles of penis (function)
bulbospngiosus - squeeze during urination
isciocavernosus - over crura
bifurcation of corpus cavernosum
crus of corpus cavernosum
Superficial innervation source of penis
S2,3,4 > pudendal > perineal branches
Innervation for erections (source)
Para from S2,3,4 > nervi erigentes> hypogastric plexus (synapse) > cavernous nerves > vasodilation
innervation for ejaculation (2)
- sym from T11-L2 > lumbar and sacral splanchnic > hypogastic plexus (synapse) > follow blood vessels to smooth muscles
- somatic from S2,3,4 > pudendal nerves > contraction of bulbospongiosus and ischiocavernosus
tissue causing pressure for erection
corpus cavernosum trapped in tunica albugenia
Contents of female superficial pouch
glans clit, crura of clit,
- bulb of vestibule
- ischiocavernosus and bulbospongiosus
- post. labial branches of pudendal and internal pudendal vessels
- super transverse perineal muscles
- bartholins glands
- superficial branch of pudendal nerve
Muscles that attach to perineal body
Ext. anal sphincter
Levator ani
Superficial tranverse perineal