Leg Flashcards
3 compartments of thigh, their muscles and movements
- Posterior - semitendinous, semimenbranous, biceps femoris - movement at hip and knee
- Anterior - Quad group and sartorious, illiopsoas (semi), pectineus (semi) movement at hip and knee
- Medial - Adducter magnus, longus, brevis, pectineous, gracilis - movement at hip only
True and (not) true knee joints
true - tibiofemoral
false - patellofemoral
2 depressions between condyles
intercondylar groove (ant and inf) and fossa (post)
tibial attachment for quad
tibial tuberosity
tibial plateaus for articular portions of femoral condyles
med and lat tibial plateaus
two knee menisci
lateral and medial
Number of patellar facets that are medial and lateral
medial - 1,2,3
lateral - 4,5,6,7
direction of patellar apex
femoral and patellar surface of PFJ joint
femoral - ant surface of femoral condyles and femoral sulcus
patellar - embedded in quad tendon
side patella most likely to slide out
medial due to steep lateral slope
4 ligaments of knee, attachments and movement restriction
- medial collateral lig (MCL) - med femoral condyle to medial tibia - limits opening medially - limits valgus
- Lat. collateral lig (LCL) - lateral femoral condyle to head of fibia - limits lateral openin (varus)
- Ant cruciate - ant tibia to lat, post femoral condyle - limits translation of tibia under femur
- Post cruciate - post intercondylar tibia to inner medial femoral condyle - prevent post translation of tibia
Attachment, action, nerve, and blood of semitendinous and semimembranous
Attach - isc tub to medial tibia
Action - hip ext and knee flex
Nerve - Sciatic
Blood - Femoral profundus
Attachment, action, nerve, and blood of biceps femoris
Attach - isc tub to fibular head
Action - hip ext and knee flex
Nerve - Sciatic
Blood - Femoral profundus
vessels and nerves (levels) of post thigh
sciatic L4-S3
tibial - L4-S3
common fibular L4-S2
femoris profundus art
4 muscles of quad and main move
vastus medialis, lateralis, intermedius
rectus femoris
Attachment, action, nerve, and blood of vastus medialis, lateralis, intermedius
Attach - femur to tibial tuberosity
Action - knee ext
Nerve - Femoral
Blood - Femoral
Attachment, action, nerve, and blood of rectus femoris
Attach - AIIS to tibial tuberosity
Action - hip flex and knee ext
Nerve - Femoral
Blood - Femoral
Attachment, action, nerve, and blood of pectineus
Attach - pubis to femur
Action - hip flex and hip adduct
Nerve - Femoral
Blood - obturator
Attachment, action, nerve, and blood of illiopsoas
Attach - illiac fossa and lumbar spine to lesser trochanter
Action - hip flex
Nerve - Femoral
Blood - medial femoral circumflex
Attachment, action, nerve, and blood of sartorius
Attach - ASIS to tibia
Action - FABER (flex, abduct, ext rotate) hip
Nerve - Femoral
Blood - femoral
Borders and contents of femoral triangle
Lat - sartorius
Med - adductor longus
Sup - inguinal lig
Floor - pectineus and iliopsoas
Content Femoral VAN
Attachment, action, nerve, and blood of adductor brevis and longus
Attach - pubic bone to femur
Action - adduct hip
Nerve - obrturator
Blood - obturator and femoral
Attachment, action, nerve, and blood of adductor magnus
Attach - iscial and pubic to femur (adductor portion to mid-femur, hamstring portion to adductor tuberel)
Action - adduct hip, hamstring extends as well
Nerve - obturator, hamstring by sciatic
Attachment, action, nerve, and blood of gracilis
Attach - pubic bone to tibia
Action - adduct hip
Nerve - obturator
supply of obturator nerve
medial aspects except pectineus and hamstring portion of magnus
Boundaries and contents of adductor canal
Ant - vastus medialis
post - add long and add med
medially (roof) - sartorius
contents femroal AV and saphenous nerve
point where sartorius, gracilis, semitendonous insert in tibia
pes anserine
order of muscle insertions in pes anserine
SGT - sart, gracilis, semitendonous
Border of popliteal fossa
superomed - semimembranous an tendinous
superolat - biceps femoris
inferolat - lat gastrocemious
inferomed - medial gastrocemious
Contents of popliteal fossa
popliteal AV, tibial N, lymph vessels, small saphenous vein
4 knee bursae
suprapatellar, prepatellar, infrapatellar, bursae around tendons
Blood supply to thigh
femoral: ant and anteriomed
deep A: med, post, and lat parts of ant compartment
med circumflex: head and neck of femur - anast with inf gluteal
lat circumflex: ant part of gluteal region
Obturator: obt externus, pectineus, adductors, gracilis, muscles attaching to isc tub
bones articulating in ankle joint
med and lat malleoli articulate with sup talus
movement of toes apart or in
apart - abd
in - add
layers and muscles of post leg compartment + movement
superficial: gastronecemius, soleus
deep: tibialis posterior, flexor digitorum longus, flexor hallucis longus
movement at ankle and subtalar
muscles and movement of lat. leg compartment
fibularis longus and fibularis brevis
movement at subtalar and tranverse tarsal
muscles and movement of ant. leg compartment
tibialis ant, extensor digitorum longus, extensor hallucis longus
movement: ankle, subtalar, toes
Attachment, action, nerve, and blood of gastrocnemius
Attach - two heads off lat and med femoral condyle attaching to calcaneus
Action - plantarflexion, knee flexion
Nerve - tibial
Blood - post-tibial
Attachment, action, nerve, and blood of soleus
Attach - tibia and fibula attaching to calcaneus
Action - plantarflexion
Nerve - tibial
Blood - post-tibial
Attachment, action, nerve, and blood of tibialis posterior
Attach - tibia and fibula attaching to navicular
Action - inversions and plantarflexion
Nerve - tibial
Blood - post-tibial
Attachment, action, nerve, and blood of flexor digitorum longus
Attach - tibia and lat 4 toes
Action - flexion of toes and plantarflexion
Nerve - tibial
Blood - post-tibial
Attachment, action, nerve, and blood of hallucis longus
Attach - fibula to big toe (hallux)
Action - flexion of big toe and plantarflexion
Nerve - tibial
Blood - post-tibial
order in which muscles and vessels cross medial aspect of ankle
ant to post - tibialis post > flexor digitorum> post tibial A > tibial N > lexor hallucis longus (TomDickANdHarry)
Attachment, action, nerve, and blood of tibialis anterior
Attach - tibia, fibia to navicular
Action - inversion and dorsiflexion
Nerve - deep fibular
Blood - ant tibial
Attachment, action, nerve, and blood of extensor digitorum longus
Attach - tibia, fibia to lateral 4 toes
Action - extend toes and dorsiflexion
Nerve - deep fibular
Blood - ant tibial
Attachment, action, nerve, and blood of extensor hallucis longus
Attach - tibia, fibia to big toe
Action - extend big toe and dorsiflexion
Nerve - deep fibular
Blood - ant tibial
order in which muscles and vessels cross in front of ankle
medial to lat : tibialis ant > ext hallucis longus > ant tibial A > deep fibular N > ext digitorum longus
Tom Harry And Not Dick
Joint between inf talus and sup calcaneus
subtalar joint
Two joints of travsverse tarsal joints
taleocaneonavicular joint and calcaeocuboid joint
3 lateral ligaments of ankle joint
post talofibular, calcaneofibular, ant talofibular
Attachment and resistance of post talofibular
Attach - inf fibula and post talus
Resist - inversion
Attachment and resistance of calcaneofibular
Attach - inf fibula to calcaneous
Resist - inversion
Attachment and resistance of ant talofibular
Attach - inf fibula and ant talus
Resist - inversion
Medial ligament of ankle
medial/deltoid ligament
Attachment and resistance of medial ankle ligament
Attach - lower tibia in fan to talus, calcaneous, navicular
Resist - eversion
Muscles of lat compartment of leg
Fibularis longus, fibularis brevis
Attachment, action, nerve, and blood of fibularis longus
Attach - fibula to inrf base of 1st metatarsal
Action - eversion
Nerve - sup fibular
Blood - fibular
Attachment, action, nerve, and blood of fibularis brevis
Attach - fibula to inrf base of 5th metatarsal
Action - eversion
Nerve - sup fibular
Blood - fibular
Muscles of layer 2 of sole of foot (3)
flexor digitorum brevis, abductor digiti minimi, abductor hallucis
Attachment, action, nerve, and blood of flexor digitorum brevis
Attach - calcaneous to lateral 4 toes
Action - flex toes
Nerve - medial plantar
Blood - medial plantar
Attachment, action, nerve, and blood of abductor digiti minimi
Attach - calcaneous to lateral 5th metatarsal
Action - abduct toes 5
Nerve - lateral plantar
Blood - lateral plantar
Attachment, action, nerve, and blood of abductor hallucis
Attach - calcaneous to 1st metatarsal
Action - abduct toe 1 (hallux)
Nerve - medial plantar
Blood - medial plantar
Tendons and muscles of 3rd layer of sole (4)
Flexor digitorum longus, flexor hallucis longus, quadratus plantae, lumbricals
Attachment, action, nerve, and blood of abductor hallucis
Attach - calcaneous to 1st metatarsal
Action - abduct toe 1 (hallux)
Nerve - medial plantar
Blood - medial plantar
Attachment, action, nerve, and blood of quadratus planta
Attach - calcaneous to insert into tendon of FDL
Action - control angle of FDL tendon
Nerve - lateral plantar
Blood - lateral plantar
Attachment, action, nerve, and blood of lumbricals
Attach - tendons of FDL to attach to phalanges
Action - flex MTPs and extend IPs
Nerve - lateral and medial plantar
Blood - lateral and medial plantar
Bones creating medial arch
calcaneous, navicular, cuneiforms, metatarsals
bones creating transverse arch
cuboid, cuneiforms, bases of metatarsals
Supports of foot arches
bony architecture, dynamically by tendons, statically by ligaments
Veins of leg
Ant - Anterior tibial and dorsal venous arch
Post - posterior tibular, fibular