External thorax Flashcards
Surface location of S1 beats
tricuspid - over lower sternum
bicuspid - apex beat
Name of first major neck vertebra
vertebra prominens C7
number of C,T,L,S vertebra
C7, T12, L5, S5
Verterbral level of sym. innervations
Right cardiac border
costal cart 3-6, just to R of sternum
Level of apex beat
5th intercostal place at midclavicular line
L cardiac border
From apex beat to 2nd intercostal space just left of sternum
Inf cardiac border
across xiphisternal junction to apex beat
surface location of S2 beats
aortic - 2nd space, R of sternum
pulmonary - 2nd space L of sternum
border of superior thoracic aperture
T1, Rib 1, manubrium
2 attachment points of rib to vert
costotransverse joint, costovertebral joint
joint of rib and costal cart
costochondral joint
2 parts of diaphram
central tendon and domes
Blood supply to anterior intercostals
T1-5 internal thoracic, T5-12 musculophrenic arteries
True ribs, false ribs
true 1-7, false 8-12
point of bifurcation of internal thoracic art (and what it becomes)
xiphisternal joint to sup epigastric and musculophrenic
Name of artery with no further anastamoses
end artery
divisions of blood drainage from posterior intercostal veins
left > into hemiaz and acc hemiaz
right > into azygous
parts of anterior breats
nipple, areola, lactiferous duct, lactiferous sinus
lymph drainage from breast parts (4)
sup - clavicular
inf - to inguinal
lat - axillary
med - internal thoracic art.
lymph destination for upper R quadrant and rest
R quad - L lymph duct > R brachiocephalic
resr - thoracic duct > L brachiocephalic
most common region of breast cancer
upper lateral quad – to axillary nodes
anatomical planes
sag - though midline
trans - cross-sectional
lateral - sideways
4 parts of neuron
body, axon, dendrites, terminal branches
location of cell bodies in aff nerves
dorsal root ganglion
route of outgoing and incoming nerves
incoming - dorsal
outgoing - ventral
2 rami and their innervation
posterior - vert muscle and skin
ant - rest of body
lesion of spinal nerve vs. terminal plexus
spinal - dermatome
plexus - portions of multiple dermatomes
sensory inervation from central vs. ext. diaphragm and where pain felt
central - phrenic - shoulder
ext - intercostal - along vert
superficial reflection of bifurcation of trachea
@ sternal angle and slightly right - R bronchi goes down obliquely for 2.5 cm, and 5 cm on L