Hemineglect and apraxia Flashcards
what is abulia
lack of motivation
what is aphasia
lack of lang undertanding and ability to speak
what is apraxia
inability to use a motor program to do something
what is hemineglect
inability to orient toward, perceive or act on stim from one side despite intact motor and sensory function
3 tests for hemineg
- double simultaneous stim
- line bisection
- cancellation
3 other tests of cortical sensory functions
- graphesthesia
- 2 point discrim.
- point localization
** what is gerstmann’s syndrome (4)
- acalculia
- agraphia without alexia
- finger agnosia
- impaired left/right discrim
what is lesion of gerstmann’s
left parietal
what does hemineglect indicate until proven otherwise and why
R parietal lesion - does attending for BOTH lobes
IF not R parietal, what else? (3)
- R prefrontal
- cingulate gyrus
- R striatum
cause of hemineglect
2. post-icta;
what are neigbourhood signs for hemineglect (2)
- anosagnosia
2. field cuts
what are 3 attentional aspects that can contribute to hemineglect
- higher cognition
- monitoring area
- select
what is apraxia
inability to perform movement in response to commands
5 types of apraxia
- limb
- ideomotor
- ideational
- apraxia of speech
- gait apraxia
what is and what are tests of ideomotor apraxia
can’t perform overlearned tasks when asked
- wave goodbye
- flip a coin
- use scissors
- kick a ball
what are limb (kinetic) apraxias
clumsy, slow movements, awkward
- not overlearned skills
what is ideational apraxia
sequencing problems - what order to do a task in - cook a meal
what is speech apraxia
hard to coordinate mucsles of speech
how does one lose praxis
disconnection or destruction of dominant hemisphere association areas
**DDx for ideomotor apraxia and prev.
- non-fluent primary progressive aphasia/corticobasal syndrome 80-90%
- alzheimers - 70-80
- progressive supranuc. palsy 70%
- stroke 25-57
- parkinsons -
what happens to apraxia with time
not consistently elicited and come and goes