Hip and glutes Flashcards
Regions of lower extremity (7)
Inguinal Hip Thigh Knee Leg Ankle Foot
Location of center of gravity
Midline, just ant to knee and ankle joint
3 bones of pelvis
Ileum, Pubus, Ischium
Point of pelvic bone meeting
Parts of femur
Head Neck great and lesser trochanter Shaft Medial and lateral condyles Adducter tubercle Gluteal tuberosity Popliteal surface
Bones of hip joint
head of femur and acetabulum of pelvis
Thickening around border of acetabulum
acetabular rim
Movement pairs at hip
flexion, abduction, rotation = circumduction
Def of q-angle
angle between gravity and femur
Name of bowlegged and knock-knee and consequences
Genu varum - break femoral neck
Genu valgus - dislocate hip
Angle formed b/w shaft of femur and neck
inclination (126 degree)
3 femoral ligaments, attachments, limits
- Iliofemoral - AIIS to intertrochanteric line - hyperextension
- pubofemoral - supero-anterior acetbular rim + pubic bone to intertrochanteric line - hyperabduction
- ischiofemoral - post acetabular rim to intertrochanteric line - hyperextension
3 gluteal muscles
maximus, minimus, medius
Attachment, actions, nerve supply, blood supply to glut max
Attach - post illeum + sacrum to illiotibial tract and gluteal tuberosity
Action - hip flexion + lateral rotation
Nerve - Inf gluteal nerve
Blood - sup and inf gluteal art
Attachment, actions, nerve supply, blood supply to glut medius and minimus
Attach - post ilium to greater trochanter
Action - hip abduction + medial rotation
Nerve - sup gluteal nerve
Blood - sup gluteal art
Controls of ITband
tensor fascia lata + glut max
TFL attachments and actions
Attach - ant iliac crest to ant-sup aspect of ITB
action - control ITB tension
6 lateral rotators of thigh
Gemelli (sup and inf)
Obturators (int and ext)
Quadratus femoris
Attachment, actions, nerve supply, blood supply to piriformis
Attach - ant sacrum to greater trochanter
Action - lat rotation
Nerve - N to piriformis
Blood - sup and inf gluteal art
Attachment, actions, nerve supply, blood supply to gemelli sup and inf
Attach - ischium to greater trochanter
Action - lat rotation
Nerve - sup - nerve to obt int, inf - N to quad fem
Blood - inf gluteal art
Attachment, actions, nerve supply, blood supply to obturator int and ext
Attach - int - int obturator membrame to greater trochanter, ext - ext obturator membrane to GT
Action - lat rotation
Nerve - Int - nerve to obt int, ext - obtruator nerve
Blood - int- inf gluteal art, ext -obturator
Attachment, actions, nerve supply, blood supply to quadratus femoris
Attach - ischial tuberosity to intertrochanteric line
Action - lat rotation
Nerve - N to quad femoris
Blood - inf gluteal art
Blood supply to head and neck of femur
medial circumflex A
blood supply to ant gluteal region
lateral circumflex art
fluid filled sacs between bone and tendon
bursae - reduce friction