Biostats module 1-2 Flashcards
def clinical vs. stats significance
stats - probability that occured by chance alone is less than 5%
clinical - size and relevance of effect
what is relative risk calculation for smokers
incidence of cancer in smokers/incidence of cancer in non-smokers
hill criteria for causation (8)
strenght of assoc, - high RR
consistency of association - multiple studies and times
temporal relat. - did cause happen before
biological gradient - dose response
specificity - do other things cause the outcome as well?
biological plausibility
coherence to existing data - do other epi evidence support
experiment - gold standard
analogy - do other similar things do the same thing
def. populaiton
group from which samples taken for statistical purposes
target population
supset of overall pop that you study hopes to target
study pop
subset of target population that you can actually sample
subset of study population that is actually used
def. non-responder
those that don’t fill in or don’t show up
def. probability
means of quantifying the chance that something will occur
def. validity
how well the test measures what is says it does
def. external validity
how well that results can be generalized outside - to population
what to take into account to determine ext. validity (2)
- setting of study
- selection bias
def. internal validity
are you measuring what you think you are
4 types of internal validity
- face - intuitive sense
- content - does it encompass all aspects
- construct - does it conform to theory about the construct
- criterion related - does it correlate with other known measures
def. precision
(reliability) - are the result reproducible
does it measure the truth?
def. bias
systematic error that causes deviation from the truth
3 types of bias related to internal validity
- observer - misinterpret events or uses a different scale
- subject bias - personal beleifs on part of subject
- instrument bias - bad ruler
5 other types of bias
- selection bias
- non-response bias - non random loss of indivs.
- differential measurment - different groups being tested differently
- recall bias
- misclassification bias - people being put in wrong catagory
7 ways to reduce bias
- standardize measurement - manuals
- train and certify observers
- refine instruments
- automate intruments
- make unobstrusve measures
- blind participants
- calibrate instruments
def. random error
non-sytemtic error that can generally be controlled by stats