Myeloma and lymphoma Flashcards
3 diagnositic pitfalls for MM
- non specific symptoms - back pain, anemia
- can have no Sx
- rare - 1%
epi of MM
age 65
blacks more common
What causes renal failure in MM
- tubular depostion (cast nephropathy)
- light chain deposition diseases
- volume depletion
- hypercalcemia
- nephrotoxins
- amyloidosis
4 features of MM
CARB Ca elevation Renal disease Anemia Bone disease
Sx suggestive of MM
- fatigue
- back/bone pain
- anemia
- renal failure
- recurrent infections
- peripheral neuropathy
initial tests for MM
- lytes
- Ca/albumin
- SPEP - serum protein electrophorsis
- immunofixation
- Ig quantitation
- urine bence jones
what is seen in SPEP
- most important
- will see monoclonal ABs
what does immunofixation do, and what is seen
- tells us what type of protein
- will see tight bands of with IgA or kappa
what is bence jones urine
20% of MM have light chain production only
- will precipitate out in the urine
what is MGUS
monoclonal gammopathy of unknown sig.
- prevalence increases with age
- see increased single M protein
- what is sig. of MGUS
1% risk per year of prog. to MM or lymphoma
when to worry about lymphadenopathy (4)
- age - older is worse
- char. of the node
- location of node
- clinical setting assoc. with node
what are important char of the node
- size over 3cm - bad
- consistency
- cervical - 50% of people normall have
- inguinal - genreally common
- supraclavicular - highest risk of malig
4 things to ask about on Hx
- cause for lymphadenopathy - sickness?
- constitiutional Sx
- epi clues - occup., animal, travel
- meds - serum sickness
3 parts to Phx
- nodal exam
- organomegaly
- locatlized exam of what the node drains
*4 common causes of generalized lymphadepopathy
- malignany
- infectious
- autoimmine
- drugs
3 things to do with lymphadenopathy
- wait 4 weeks and rexamine
- no indication for ABs
- streoids don’t help and mask Sx
3 tests from least to most helpful
- FNA - fairly useless - no arch.
- core needles - gives 3d view
- exisional LN biopsy - gold standard
what is lymphoma
Ca of immune system cells
- 5th most common in NA
4 general types of lymphoma
- aggresive 46%
- indolent - 38%
- hodkins - 10%
- zebras 6%
features of aggressive
- rapid growth
- symptomatic
- fatal in months
- potential for cure
- diffuse large B-cell lymphomas
features of indoleent
- slow growth
- often asymtomatic
- fta l in years
- incurable now
- follicular lymphoma
Sx of lymphoma (4)
- enlarged painless nodes
- low blood cell counts
- general Sx (fever, weight loss, night sweats, fatigue)
- less than 20% of Sx at onset
*** what is ann arbor staging based on
4 stages - based on location and marrow biopsy also: A- absence of B Sx B - fever night sweats wight loss
3 tests for lymphoma
- biopsy
- node and marrow - labs
- viral serologies - CT
3 main treats for lymphoma
- chemo
- rads
- mabs
what is target for mab
- expressed on 90% of B-cell
- not internalized or hidded
3 mechs of mabs
- NK cells attack
- apoptosis
- complement