social stratification Flashcards
The basic component of social organization, which refers to the ranking of iindividuals and groups in any given society.
social stratification
It is the hierarchal arrangement and establishment of social categories, as well as status and their corresponding roles.
social stratification
Refers how things or people can be distinguished from one another. (e.g. Skin, colors of hair)
Refers to the ranking of things or people, separating them into categories.
what people own, and is often inherited.
how much people get; the amount of money a person or group receives.
ability to control one’s own life
personal power
And to control or influence the actions of others
social power
fundamental and inherent element in all human interaction
The social recognition that a person or group receives from others. The “esteem, respect, or approval that is granted by an individual” Provides people with a sense of worth and respect, a feeling that somehow they are accepted by others.
Stratification is the result of struggle among people
conflict theory
capitalist who own the means of production
the workers who sell their labor
In a capitalist society, the struggle takes place between
b and p
Four Ways of Wealth Distribution
what is earned
what can be taken
Their argument simply states that the different jobs that have to be filled in the society are not equally important and not everyone is equally capable to them that is why stratification exists .
functionalist theory
class system” Positions are awarded the basis of merit, and rank is tied to individual achievements.
open system
based primarily on economic criteria, particularly income.
open suystem
The boundaries between classes are more flexible than in the closed system. There is opportunity for social mobility, as individuals can move up or down the class scale, and therefore their status can improve or decline
open system
based on ascribed status (birth)
Nothing can be done to affect mobility and there are no chances of changing one’s social position.
closed system
a closed system of stratification in which a person’s social position is based on ownership of land, birth, or military strength.
It is a segment of society that has legally established rights and duties.
the stratification system of medieval Europe, consisting of three groups or estates: Nobility, Clergy, Serfs
estate system
Great wealth Recognize one another Recognized by others by reputation and lifestyle Have influence in the society’s basic economic and political structure Usually isolates itself from the rest of the society
upper class
Made up of successful business and professional people
Usually below the top in the organizational hierarchy
They often have a college education, own property, and have money savings
Active in civic groups
upper-middle class
Usually high school or vocational education graduates with modest incomes
Lesser professionals, clerical and sales
workers, and upper-level manual laborers
Emphasize respectability and security
Politically and economically conservative
Blue-collar workers
Keep the country’s machinery going
Live adequately but with little left over for luxuries
Very much involved with their extended families
Many have not finished high school
working class
At the bottom of the economic ladder They have little in the way of education or occupational skills Unemployed or underemployed Often have many problems Have little knowledge of world events Not involved with their communities
The Lower Class
ability to attain goals, control events, and maintain influence over others – even in the face of opposition (max weber)
In poor countries, it’s usually attributed to people who have the wealth and position
a movement aimed at liberating the poor people from their poverty, and the powerless people from their situation
Sometimes referred as Economic Indicator
Total economic assets of the individual or a family
Consists of the approval and respect on individual or group receives from other members of society
prestige open to all
more difficult to achieve
- acquire prestige simply by virtue of their positions and social statuses
the movement of an individual or a group within a stratification system that changes the individual’s or group’s status in society.
social mobility
refers to the movement of individuals from lower to higher status ina social stratification system.
vertical m
movvement that involves a change in status with no change in social class.
horizontal m
known as Geographical Migration, the movement of people from one geographical spot to another.
physical m
known as Geographical Migration, the movement of people from one geographical spot to another.
role mobility