SI LAB - Glossary 4 Flashcards
hemagglutination-inhibition technique is used in the detectionof Ab involved in what?
blocking of agglutination of red cells
hemolysin causes release of what substance
hemolysis is the lysis of rbc by specific —- and —–
antibody and serum complement
HIV leads to
in inactivation, the activity of which substance is nullified
serum complement
virus that causes IM
Epstein Barr
Characteristics/Symptoms of IM
Pharyngitis, lymphodenopathy, fever
severity of leukocytosis in IM
moderate leukocytosis in IM is due to what ?
abnormal mononuclear cells
processes involved in lyophilization (2)
rapid freezing and dehydration
lysin causes what
dissolution or lysis
O antigen is the surface ___antigen of bacteria
opsonin attaches to an antigen and renders it susceptible to ______
Passive hemagglutination results from antibodies directed to what kind of Ag
Ag absorbed to their erythrocyte surface
in postzone reaction
describe levels of antigen or antibody and titer
excess antigen
low Ab titer
in prozone reaction
describe levels of antigen or antibody and titer
high Ab titer
low Antigen
the antibody that causes an antigen to settle out in the precipitation process
pseudoagglutination is caused by
agents other than Ab
radioisotope emits __ as it decays to a stable nucleus
under what circumstances is reagin produced
in response to tissue invasion and destruction
normal amount of reagin
reagin is increased in what conditions (2)
syphilis and malaria
in sensitization or sensitized, cells are coated with what type of Ab
incomplete (blocking or univalent) specific Ab
solid radioimmunoassay is an assay in which one of the reactants is bound to a ___
streptokinase is an enzyme which dissolves ____
streptokinase dissolves clots by ____
converting plasminogen to plasmin
T cell is derived from which organ
T cell is responsible for what kind of immunity
titer is the expression of ___dilution of a serum which gives a ___ reaction
highest dilution
visible reaction
high ionic strength colloidal medium
zeta potential is the reduction in the electric charge of red cell when it is suspended in what type of medium?
high ionic strength colloidal medium
zeta potential is the ___ in electrical charge of red cell