SI LAB - Glossary 2 Flashcards
used in the detection of antibodies involve in the blocking of agglutination of erythrocytes
hemagglutination-inhibition technique
ruptured erythrocytes
a substance causing agglutination of red blood cells
an antibody capable of causing the lysis of dissolution of red cells with the consequent release of hemoglobin
the lysis of red blood cells by specific antibody and serum complement
inflammation of liver caused by virus or other agent
an antibody produced in response to one antigen that will react with a second antigen genetically unrelated antigen
heterophil antibody
antigen that is broadly distributed in nature
heterophil antigen
virus that caused AIDS
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
solution in which has a concentration greater than the system with which it is compared
hypertonic solution
a process by which the activity of serum complement is nullified
acute infectious disease caused by Epstein-Barr virus characterized by fever, pharyngitis, and lymphadenopathy
infectious mononucleosis (IM)
acute infectious disease in which there is a moderate leukocytosis due to abnormal mononuclear cells
infectious mononucleosis (IM)
outside the body; observable in a test tube
In vitro
observable in a test tube
in vitro
within the living body
in vivo
molecule that combines with specific complementary configurations of the binding agent (e.g. receptors, proteins, or antibody)
creation of a stable preparation of a biologic material by rapid freezing and dehydration of the frozen product under high vacuum
an antibody which causes dissolution or lysis of cells
an antigen-antibody reaction in w/c the reactive effect of a particular antigen is nullified by a specific antibody
surface somatic antigen of bacteria
O antigen
antibody that attaches to a cellular or particular antigen rendering it susceptible to phagocytosis
hemagglutination resulting from antibodies that are directed against antigens absorbed to their erythrocyte surface
passive hemagglutination
liquid portion of unclotted blood
weak or irregular antigen-antibody reaction occurring when a great excess of antigen is exposed to a serum containing a relatively low titer of antibody
postzone reaction
an Ag-Ab rxn in w/c a soluble antigen is caused to settle out by the action of specific antibody (precipitin)
a negative or weak reaction occurring when serum containing an extremely high titer of antibody is exposed to a relatively small amount of antigen
prozone reaction
failure of serologic reaction to occur in high concentration of antibody
prozone reaction
clumping of cells caused by agents other than antibodies
an atom with an unstable nucleus that spontaneously emits radiation as it decays to a stable nucleus
antibody-like substance produced by the body in response to certain types of tissue invasion and destruction
found in varying small amounts normally, but is usually increased in syphilis, malaria, etc
a progressively higher dissolution of a substance arranged in a definite sequence or series
serial dilution
branch of biology which concerns itself with antigens and antibodies and their relationships
a condition wherein cells are coated with incomplete (blocking or univalent) specific antibody
the detection of a specific antibody in the serum of an individual in whom the antibody was previously undetectable
fluid portion after the blood clots
special affinity between an antigen and its corresponding antibody
an assay in which one of the reactant is bound to a surface
solid radioimmunoassay
an enzyme that dissolves clots by converting plasminogen to plasmin
thymus-derived lymphocyte responsible for cell-mediated hypersensitivity
T-lymphocyte (T-Cell)
expression of the highest dilution of serum w/c gives a visible reaction
measurement of light transmitted through a suspension of particles
agglutination of red blood cells by a virus
viral hemagglutination
antibody (or agglutinin) or hemagglutinin that is active at 37C but not at 4C
warm agglutinin
reduction in the electrical charge of a red cell when it is suspended in a high ionic strength colloidal medium (albumin)
zeta potential