SCL Prelims Flashcards
proclamation of salvation from sin: a liberation from everything oppressive to man.
It is not only seen as a seed-sowing or announcing and proclaiming mission but a matter of bringing people to an awareness of what has been planted unto them.
the proclamation of the word of God…the Good News
implies freeing from social sin and struggling against sinful structures
Christian liberatin
There is no evangelization without ____
In the secular sense, development is understood as
material progress, centered on technology and economics.
In the Christian sense, development is the
progress in the total human person being in the world, a being for others and for God.
Total development includes ____ dimensions of man.
economic, social, political and spiritual
- is now slowly understood as referring to structural realities, produced by human beings, that result in the exploitation and oppression of some sectors of the population.
Structural and Social Sin
examples of Structural and Social Sin
hunger, poverty, unemployment etc.
have intimate connection with personal sins( pride, selfishness, greed, hatred) because they lead to habitual patterns of human interactions creating sinful social structures
social sins
effects of sinful structures seen in
street children, jobless, homeless, violations of human rights
it is the firm and persevering determination to commit oneself to the common good and a commitment to the good of one’s neighbor with the readiness to lose oneself.
it is an expression of love of neighbor.
From the Old Testament:is the attitude or virtue that makes one conform to the moral norm.
It consists of obedience to the laws of the Covenant.
God’s justice demands (3):
- concern for the poor
- protection of widows and orphans
- protection of strangers
- respect for wage-earners
- attending to the condition of servants/slaves
- prohibition of lending at high interest
- avoiding giving bribes
from the NT, ___ giving to each person what is his and also giving to him what is also yours
In the Church tradition: justice is the habit whereby a person renders to each one, with a constant and perpetual will, his due or right.
giving to each person what is his and also giving to him what is also yours
(compassionate justice)
In the Church tradition: ___ is the habit whereby a person renders to each one, with a constant and perpetual will, his due or right.
division of justice
applies to the relationships of individuals. It commands that the exchange of goods and services take place accdg to strict quality.
division of justice
refers to the obligation of the community t0 the individuals. It demands equitable distribution of the benefits and burdens of community life. (fair share),
division of justice
it obliges the members of the community to comply with the demands of the common good.
division of justice
requires the authorities to look into real situations of different groups of people in the society and give them their due as members of human community.
division of justice
It works hand in hand with other divisions of justice.
Components of justice
- sufficient life-goods such as shelter, clothing, health care, skill development and work (economic rights)
- dignity of the human person
- participation- the power of each person and people to shape their own destinies.
- solidarity- corresponds to the duty of each person to promote human rights with and for others
power of each person and people to shape their own destinies.
- corresponds to the duty of each person to promote human rights with and for others
It is not the repression of bad people that hurts, it is the _____
silence of the good.
are considered unchristian and a sin of omission.
Silence and indifference
Causes of injustice:
a. super abundance of a few nations and groups of people
b. indifference and passivity of the poor nations
c. sinful attitudes and deeds that create oppressive structures
effective witnessing for justice
does not mean an alternative, but rather a decision and commitment in favor of the poor
choice of the poor as priority of Christian witnessing to justice and solidarity
is to love the poor which means living for and with them, lending a helping hand, giving service where needed, being just, honest, pure, gentle, truthful and kind to them.
Option for the poor-
an appeal to the poor to work for a change in their own socio-political situation
conscientization of the poor-
living for the poor, with the poor, and like the poor implies a practice of poverty in spirit, living a simple lifestyle sober and austere
- true solidarity with the poor-
It is part of evangelization.
Promotion of human rights
central to the ministry of the Church.
Promotion of human rights
is a pre-requisite for peace and linked with the need to transform social, political and economic structures.
Respect for human rights
those fundamental rights of human beings essential for the exercise of human dignity.
Human rights-
The rights are to things, powers or privileges to which individuals have a just claim or are entitled to, under the natural law as a consequence of their being human.
Human rights-
rights of the human person or his power to claim something that does not come from society but from human nature itself. They exist prior to any human organization/institution.
Natural rights-
rights spelled out by positive national or international laws. They are granted to citizens by the government, which in no case could go against the true spiritual and natural claims of the human person
Legal rights-
relationship of rights and duties
occurs when the possessor is conscious of his rights and equally aware of his duties and the obligation to discharge these duties.
first stage-
relationship of rights and duties
comes in the relationship that exists between the right of one person and obligation of others to recognize and respect it.
second stage-
calls for union among all persons regardless of age, race, religion, and social status and does not exclude anybody. It aims to create true solidarity in the human community regardless of sex.
Christian Feminism-
stands for the struggle for equal rights of women in all levels in the present socio-cultural system, wherein men enjoy dominant role
a person below 18 yrs of age or one over said age and who, upon evaluation of a physician, psychologist or psychiatrist, is found to be incapable of taking care of himself fully because of physical or mental disability or condition of protecting himself from abuse.
are persons who are to be engaged, or have been engaged in a remunerated activity in a country of which they are not nationals.
Migrant workers-
Consequence of migration
It separates, splits, detaches, and segregates the member of the family, creating a dysfunctional family life.
aim of economy
to enable individuals and entities develop human dignity.
any activity of the human person, whether manual or intellectual, through which he produces something new for his perfection.
It is a social activity through which we realize and develop our co-humanity.
the worker achieves fulfillment as human being in his work, without it, he achieves nothing
. personal sphere-
work makes family, the first school of work, possible. It is where man provides for his family, thereby, parents educate their children making them appreciate the necessity and nobility of work.
it is through work that citizens of the nations help in the development of the nation
the vast majority of people who do not own the means of production but have only their hands to participate in production.
refers to the few influential groups who own the means and instruments of production
is a normal way to self-preservation, it is through it that man satisfies his material needs and the needs of those entrusted to him.
Thus, work is not only a human right, but an
- this follows from the nature of human existence, for through it, man realizes his capacities. The obligation to earn one’s bread presumes the right to work.
Right to work or employment
The right to employment today has become problematic because of the alliance of both the
seen and unseen employers
the capitalist with whom the worker personally makes contact
direct employer-
all forces that influence or make economic policies and activities of the nation that result in the increase or decrease of employment opportunities
indirect employer-
the barometer of the justness or injustice of given society.
Just wage
It promotes a peaceful relationship between employer and worker.
Just wage
In the past, ———- is the sole determinant of wages.
wage contract
salary given to head of the family, sufficient enough for the needs of the family without the other spouse taking a gainful employment outside the home. It covers the decent needs of a family- worthy home, sufficient food, normal education and relaxation.
family wage-
This is based on commutative justice- where a worker receive a wage corresponding to the service he renders and energy spent
contribution of the worker in the economic effort
duty of the state
Minimum wage
is the least amount of salary an employer is obliged to give, below which he can not go without violating the law.
Minimum wage-
purpose of min wage
The purpose of this is to guarantee the worker of, at least the minimum standard of living.
Children are not to be incorporated into the working process until they
have sufficiently matured in body, mind and spirit
Women have the right to working conditions in accordance with their duties as
wives and mothers.
They are indispensable means to protect the workers’ rights and dignity and fulfill a vital role in the development of a nation.
Right to unionism
Concomitant with the right of membership in a union, is the ———–
right of members to participate in whatever positive activities of the organization without fear of negative repercussions.
Forms of strike
consists of groups of workers marching to and fro before the business establishment, generally with placards, portraying the issues of strike.
Forms of strike
complete cessation of production, but with the presence of workers in the place of work during normal working hours.
work stoppage-
Forms of strike
is the deliberate lessening of the rate of production below the minimum levels set by the management.
work slowdown-
Forms of strike
that which is called in support of a direct strike in another enterprise.
sympathy strike-
Forms of strike
is one carried out against an enterprise in which the workers are primarily employed and is the source of grievances of the workers.
direct strike-
Union’s means of action
it is the refusal to work on the part of the organized workers to pressure the employer to recognize their demands.
Strike as a means of protest-
Union’s means of action
the process where by representatives from both the union and management come together to negotiate a compromise on issues of wages and benefits.
Collective bargaining-
forms of strike
organized refusal to deal with a particular business
since they result in inconveniences to the industry, workers, and sometimes the public, it must follow conditions to be morally justifiable
- Strike must be for a just cause.
- The condition necessitates that the good expected from it should be greater than its negative consequence.
- All other means must be exhausted before engaging into a strike.
- Condition sees to it that there should be a reasonable hope of success.
- The means employed must be morally acceptable.
are sets of doctrines, assertions and intentions of a social or political movement that promotes their ideas through to a concerted action.
3 aspects of ideologies:
- it offers a view of the various aspects of life.
- this view expresses the aspirations, justifications, values and interest and longings of a particular group
or class in society. - the aspirations incite the group to action.
- this view expresses the aspirations, justifications, values and interest and longings of a particular group
3 Common ideologies:
Capitalism Communism Socialism
Liberal Capitalism- has four main tenets:
- profit motive- this is the motivating factor of the economy.
- unlimited private ownership
- the main principle of free and unrestricted competition
- non-interference of the State in economic matters (laissez faire or let alone policy)
It adheres to the principle of economic determinism or the materialistic interpretation of history.
Communism or Marxist Socialism
Private ownership must be abolished and replaced by collective ownership of land and means of production
Communism or Marxist Socialism
It believes that human history is a continuous struggle for wealth and holds that private property and the concentration of wealth in the hands of the few are the driving forces behind the meager social progress and individual development.
Communism or Marxist Socialism
- it differs from communism in the sense that it mitigates, to some extent, class warfare and abolition of private ownership.
Moderate Socialism
It allows private ownership, reserving only to the State certain forms of ownership of properties that are big and vital which if left to individuals would give them power that could threaten the common good.
Moderate Socialism
Collectivization of property leads to ———– of the economy.
Communism is also condemned because of its ===== stance.
opium of the people
adheres to relentless class struggle making it an essential law.
Communist socialism
There is curtailment of individual freedom and initiative by the socialistic state.
moderate socialism
Labor or human factor of production is state-controlled.
moderate socialism
Power is in the hands of politicians who are not economists.
moderate socialism
Atheism, crass materialism and loss of individual freedom are irreconcilable with Christian faith.
moderate socialism