BACTE LEC - Strep pdf Flashcards
– they grow in the
presence of oxygen but cannot use oxygen for
Aerotolerant anaerobe
types of strep based on respiration (???)
Facultative anaerobe
• Aerotolerant anaerobe
• capnophilic
taxo A positive /
group A strep
complications of group A [2]
- rheumatic fever
Infections of group A [3, PPT]
- pharyngitis / strep throat
- pyodermal infections
- toxic shock syndrome
Test: detects activity
of L-pyrrolidonyl arylamidase or
pyrrolidonyl aminopeptidase
Meaning of PYR
group A strep antigenic structure
attached to the peptidoglycan of the cell wall and
extends to the cell surface
– essential for virulence
M protein
– Best defined virulence factor of group A strep
– Resists phagocytosis
– Adherence of bacterial cell to mucosal cells
M protein
Both are adhesion molecules that mediate
adherence to host epithelial cells. [group A[
Fibronectin-binding protein (protein F)
• Lipoteichoic acid
– Group A VF weakly
immunogenic; prevents opsonized
phagocytosis by neutrophils or macrophages;
allows bacterium to mask its antigens and
remain unrecognized by its host
Hyaluronic acid capsule
– hemolysis incubated anerobically;
oxygen labile; lyzes blood cells; highly
immunogenic, ASO test
– hemolysis incubated aerobically; oxygen
stable; lyzes WBC, nonimmunogenic
Most common DNase [grp A]
DNase A,B
Pyodermal Infections of gp A[CISE]
Impetigo, Erysipelas, Cellulitis, scarlet fever
• Activates plasmin, turning itself into a tissue
Impetigo Caused by Streptococcus
- beta hemolytic (small zone)
- taxo A (-)
- CAMP test (+) / Hippurate hydrolysis(+)
Group B
Group B Virulence Factor
– prevents phagocytosis; ineffective
after opsonization; with sialic acid w/c inhibits
activation of the alternative pathway
• Capsule
Group B Virulence Factor
– most significant component of the
capsule; critical virulence determinant
• Sialic acid
Group B - No role in virulence [5]
- Hemolysin
- CAMP factor
- Dnase
- Hyaluronidase
- protease
Group B – Clinical Infections [2]
- pneumonia or meningitis with bacetermia
• Mastitis in cattle
S. anginosus (Viridans)
Large-colony-forming (w/ Group A) –
– S. dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis – upper
respiratory tract, vagina, skin, spectrum of
infections – like Group A
• Opportunistic infections
Group D Streptococcus
Species of Group D Streptococcus
– S. equinus
– S. bovis
Lab ID:
- Alpha or nonhemolytic
- PYR (-)
- psuedocatalase
- Bile esculin(+)
- 6.5% NaCl (-)
Group D Streptococcus
- Group D antigen
* Same infections as group D Strep
Enterococcus spp.
Lab ID Varied hemolysis - produce acid in CHO broth - Arginine hydrolysis - Tolerate 0.04 % tellurite (E. faecalis) - Utilize pyruvate - Produce acid from methyl-a-D-glucopyranoside (MGP) - Growth around 100 ug efrotomycin disk - motile - PYR (+) - Bile esculin(+) - 6.5% NaCl(+), 45 degrees C, alkaline pH
Enterococcus spp.
1 cause of bacterial pneumonia - lobar
(especially in the elderly and in those with
underlying disease) sinusitis, otitis media (most
common isolate in
s. pneumoniae
lab ID
- alpha hemolytic, CAP, brain-heart infusion agar,
trypticase soy agar with 5% sheep RBC;
s. pneumoniae
lab ID
dome shaped if young; coin with raised rim if old
s. pneumoniae
gram variable as culture ages
- gram (+) diplococci; lancet shape
- taxo P(+) / Optochin susceptible
- Bile solubility(+)
- Capsular Swelling(+)
s. pneumoniae
No Lancefield group antigens
• green – alpha hemolytic
• fastidious, some require CO2
• oropharyngeal commensals - oppportunistic
5 groups under Viridans
S. mitis group • S. mutans group • S. salivarius group • S. bovis • S. anginosus
– Infections:
• - oropharyngeal commensals - oppportunistic
- endocarditis with transient bacteremia
- meningitis
- dental caries
- osteomyelitis
Viridans Group
- most common cause of SBE
Viridans Group
PYR (-)
• LAP (+) leucine-B-naphthylamide, is hydrolyzed to
B-napthylamine + paradimethylaminocinnamaldehyde (DMACA) = red
• alpha or non-hemolytic
Viridans Group
• Ferments sugars, VP, B-D-glucuronidase acitivity,
hippurate hydrolysis – for species within the
viridans group
- taxo P (-)
- Bile esculin(-)
Viridans Group
biochem characteristics
• Throat swab
• Growth of most interfering respiratory
micobiota will be inhibited by SXT, but S.
pyogenes and S. agalactiae will grow. – may
have variable results – do PYR
Bacitracin susceptibility
biochem characteristics
• B-lysin producing strain of S. aureus
• Disk impregnated with the B-lysin
CAMP test
biochem characteristics
– a drop of
extracted B-lysin on a colony enhanced
Rapid CAMP test (spot CAMP)
biochem characteristics
• Hippuricase / hippurate hydrolase hydrolyzes
sodium hippurate to form sodium benzoate
and glycine
• Nihydrin
• Deep purple
Hippurate Hydrolysis
biochem characteristics
hydrolyzes sodium hippurate to form sodium benzoate
and glycine
Hippuricase / hippurate hydrolase
biochem characteristics
Detects activity of L-pyrrolidonyl arylamidase
or pyrrolidonyl aminopeptidase
• PYR impregnated disks serve as the substrate
to produce a-naphthylamine which is detected
in the presence of Ddimethylaminocinnamaldehyde (DMCA)
PYR Hydrolysis
biochem characteristics
• Hydrolyzes peptide bonds adjacent to a free
amino group
• The substrate, leucine-B-naphthylamide, is
hydrolyzed to B-napthylamine + paradimethylaminocinnamaldehyde (DMACA)
biochem characteristics
• Small colony forming B-hemolytic anginosus
group with groups A or C antigens vs. large
colony forming pyogenic strains with the same
• Detects acetoin production from glucose
• 5% a-naphthol + 40 % KOH; RT x 30 mins
red or pink color
biochem characteristics
• Enzyme in large colony forming B-hemolytic
Groups C and G Strep
• (-) in small colony forming B-hemolytic
anginosus group
biochem characteristics
• cfb gene – encodes CAMP-factor protein
• ptsI (phosphotransferase) – Group A, C and G
can be distinguished
Nucleic Acid Probes
biochem characteristics
• Autocatalytic enzyme amidase
• Organism’s cell wall lyses during cell division
• Suspension in solution of Na deoxycholate
lyses solution becomes clear
Bile Solubility
biochem characteristics
• Incubate overnight at 35 degrees C in a CO2
• Zone of inhibition > 14 mm with a 6 mm disk
or >16 mm with a 10 mm disk
• Do bile solubility if zone is smaller
Optochin Susceptibility
biochem characteristics
• For non hemolytic, catalase (-), g(+) cocci
• 40 % bile; ability to hydrolyze esculin (for
Group D and Enterococcus)
• Enterococcus and Aerococcus grow in 6.5%
NaCl broth
Bile Esculin and Salt Tolerance
A-naphthylamine detected in the lresence of
DMCA meaning
Uncommon human pathogens
Group C and G strep
VF of e faecalis
Extracellularw serine protease
VF of e faecalis which contribute to colonization and adherence to heart valves
Extracellularw serine protease
Enterococcus with cytolysin
E faecalis
SBE meaning
Subacute bacterial endocarditis
Chemical reaction of s pneumoniae
CRP + C substance = ppt
Treatment for strep pneumoniae
Treatment for strep pneumoniae if penicillin resistant
Erythromycin and chloramphenicol
Strep with antigen c similar to c carbohydrate of lancefield grouping
S pneumoniae
How manu serotypes are there for strep pneumoniae based on capsular antigens
Sterile pleural effusion
Opportunistic, oropharyngeal commensals
CM for strep pneumoniae
TSA with 5% sheep RBC
Colonial characteristic of spneumon if young
Dome shaped
Colonial characteristic of spneumon if old
Coin with raised rim
Lancet shape strep
Group of strep
Some require CO2
5 classif schemes [HPCBS]
Hemolytic pattern on BAP Physiologic characteristics Serologic grouping [lancefield] Capsular polysaccharide Biochemical characteristics
Meaning of LAP
Leucine Aminopeptidase
Motility of strep
Motility of enterococcus
C carbohydrate present in all except
Viridans group
Lancefield classif based on
Cell wall structure
AGN meaning
Acute glomerular nephritis
Large colony isolates
S. dysgalactiae subspecies equisimilis
VP detects —