week 5 - adult teaching Flashcards
joint commission standards (I need the ability to be ready to plan an intervention that’s effective)
Needs Assessment
Ability Assessment
Readiness to Learn
Educational Plan
Educational Intervention
Evaluation of Effectiveness of Teaching
factors that influence teaching - nurse
Knowledge of material - nurse knows material well. maybe knowledge about a disease. if not, it can be referred to an NP or a expert in the area. ex. - diabetes - might refer to diabetes nurse specialist.
Communication skills
- Verbal: Should match educational level of pt.
Avoid medical jargon ex- instead of ACE inhibitor for BP, say this med opens up blood vessels and lowers BP.
Nonverbal communication:
Nonverbal communication: Don’t appear hurried - designate a certain amount of time for teaching, like 10 min.
Cultural Issues
- Active listening skills: nonverbal clues
- Ability to demonstrate empathy
Readiness to learn
- Emotional readiness - take info in small doses
- Experiential readiness - maybe have a family member with this
Ability to learn - Physical Condition 1st address comfort - think about Maslow
- Experiential readiness - maybe have a family member with this
- Cognitive Ability - - some ppl are not teachable, so use a significant other.
- Level of Education -
Ability to Learn (con’t)
- Literacy/Health Literacy
Ability to Learn (con’t)
- Literacy/Health Literacy (everything kept at 5th grade level)
- Communication skills
- Primary language
Important to assess learning abilities in order to
ID teaching strategies - ask patients how they best learn, audio, visual, etc
Learning Strengths
- Successful learning in the past
- Above average comprehension/ reasoning, memory, psychomotor
skills- High motivation
- Strong network
- Adequate financing (think about shelter)
factors that interfere with learning
Lack of Time
- Shorter hospital stays - teach in small spurts.
- Begin teaching on admission
Lack of Knowledge
- More specialties
- Floating
- New equipment
Disagreement with patient or family
Language Barrier
- Interpreter
- Set aside time
- Assess cultural influences
don’t ever say let’s learn this together - you need to know it before you walk in
planning (do we plan our goals?)
Goal Setting
- Write clear and measurable learning objectives
- Long term goals
- Short term goals (should be met during hospitalization)
Time Frame
documentation (document my needs, my methods, my understanding, my referrals and my goals)
Needs assessment
Whether pt required return demonstration
Pt stated or demonstrated understanding
Appropriate referrals made
How pt has met goals
discharge teaching (and document what?)
Any instruction necessary i.e. Danger signs
Specific instructions outlined by MD
Provide written material/ phone numbers/
Equipment & supplies necessary
Document response to education
intefere with learning
disagreement w/ patient or family
set goals with pt
realistic goals
powerlessness, frustration on part of nurse & patient
teach back show back
after instruction, have patient teach back to you or show back to you
using technology to teach
apps, websites. ex. financial resources - maybe they don’t have a smart device - make sure it’s an appropriate choice
telehealth -
group peer teaching
eating disorders, diabetics, weight loss
always evaluate what you taught
how are they progressing towards goal.