Chem exam 2-1 Flashcards
carbonyl groups (C=O) are polar or nonpolar?
very polar
formaldehyde (form just one C)
O || C / \ H H
acetaldehyde (think what ace is…always)
Benzene w/ CHO attached
acetone (acetone my propanone)
formaldehyde properties
At room temperature, formaldehyde is a colorless gas with a pungent, suffocating odor. irritates throat. used for fuel. Breakdown of methyl alcohol
Acetaldehyde properties (sweet ace’s hyde is high)
Acetaldehyde is a sweet-smelling, flammable liquid formed by the oxidation of ethyl alcohol. narcotic, silver mirrors.
Acetone properties (world’s most)
widely used solvent. miscible w/ water. volatile - fire hazard.
Benzaldehyde properties (cherry benz)
Benzaldehyde is a colorless liquid, pleasant almond or cherrylike odor; first extracted from bitter almonds.
acetic acid - formula
proprionic acid (3 props)
Butyric acid
valeric acid (valley girl at 5)
CH3CH2CH2CH2COOH (5 carbons)
Stearic Acid (sterile at 18)
Oxalic Acid (backwards ox)
Acrylic Acid (acrylic sneeze 3 times and double after the first)
old naming system for acids (the omega is the oldest)
alpha beta
asprin (front door taking asprin - Y benzyl Y)
benzyl w/ 2 C=Os, one C-O, an OH and a CH3
Salicylic acid (willow sails) (plant)
benzyl, one C=O, and 2 OHs
phenol (phent patch with alcohol)
benzene with OH attached
Polar dissolve in…
polar solvent such as water
small alcohols, Small acids, Amines and amide can be…
dissolved in water
H-bonding increases the….
boiling point
esterification equation (ester makes water)
you are literally just taking the OH from the acid and the H from the alcohol and putting them as the product + H20. Then you add the chains together
you’re literally just adding the OH back to the acid, and the H back to the alcohol
Acid-catalyzed hydrolysis is simply…(hydro is ester’s evil twin)
the reverse of the esterification.
saponification (sap is basic)
Ester hydrolysis using a base such as NaOH or KOH is known as saponification (this is just the opposite of esterification)
H+ or OH- (used in saponification)
the H on the carboxylic group is basic or acidic
it’s acidic
carboxylic acid dissolved in water produces what? (think of adding Hs)
H3O hydronium ion
esters have how many O?
2 - C-C=O-OC
amide also has…(think bonds)
acyl group naming (a seal is oyly)
Replace oic acid with oyl. only exception - CH3-C=O - acetyl
most to least priority functional groups (CEAA KAT AE - AAAA - Carla eats apples always KAT always eats triple A) (alden is an alchy and amine)
carboxylic acid, ester, amide, aldehyde, ketone, alcohol, thiols, amine, ether, alkyne, alkene, alkyl halides, alkane
IUPAC naming carboxylic acid (I think box is stoic)
drop e and use oic acid.
CH3CH2C=O-OH common and IUPAC name
propanoic acid - IUPAC
common - propionic acid
if you see COOH, it’s just…
carboxylic acid
carboxylic acid naming just like aldehydes, do NOT include
number 1. it’s always 1
lactic acid - (just a nickname, not common or IUPAC) IUPAC name (milk for 2)
2-hydroxy propanoic acid
common names are also called…
latin names, alpha beta, etc
4th carbon in alpha group
when using alpha, beta in name, you need to use…
common name, butyric, proprionic, etc.
alanine - just a nickname, not common or IUPAC (alan drinks propane and aminos)
O || CH3-CH-C-OH | NH2
common name for carboxylic acid (I before E is so common)
IO - propionic acid
dioic acid (also called oxalic acid) (di ox in a box)
just 2 carboxylic acids attached - also called ethanedioic acid
malonic acid (malory in the middle of the boxes)
CH2 sandwiched in between 2 carboxylic acids
succinic acid (malory twice as succinct)
2 methyls sandwiched between 2 carboxylic acids
REMEMBER, carboxylic acid has…
an OH group. An O and an OH.
benzoic acid is…
just benzene with COOH attached at the top
nitro is…
if you use alpha and beta w/ carboxylic acids, remember…
that the parent, ie butane, will be butyric - add the yric.
alpha, beta suffix is…(y ric is alpha?)
butanoic acid structure
The bigger the Ka…(if Kaj is big, he’s strong)
the stronger the acid
the larger the Ka, the ____the pKa
large Ka and small pKA =
strong acid
acid + base =
salt and water. ex - CH3COOH + NaOH
when comparing acidity of carboxylic acids…(halos on acid with boxes)
higher the electronegativity, the higher the acid. look at the alpha carbon - alkyl groups are electron donors
Cl is pulling electrons towards it
what increases acidity of carboxylic acids?
F, Cl, Br, and I increase acidity
esterification (the boxed alcohol makes ester water)
carboxylic acid + alcohol = H2O
carboxylic acid - bp and solubility
high BP and soluble in water
ester bp
low boiling point - can’t make H bonding w/ themselves - there’s no H
small esters are…(small ester can float)
soluble in water (bc they can accept H bonds from water)
you are removing the OH from the acid and the H from alcohol (leave the other O there)
2 ways to name cyclic carboxylic acids
cyclohexanoic acid (IUPAC is better) or cyclohexane carboxylic acid
naming esters (I ate my ester)
end in ate
naming esters (split ester in 2 and ate it)
the part attached to =O name ate, ie - ethanoate, and the other part is just regular akyl - methyl