leadership Flashcards
Characteristics of a Great Leader- Possesses 3 Elements: (Obama)
Possesses 3 Elements:
Bring groups together
Work toward a common goal
Focus on people. Management focuses on projects and bottom line.
Setting priorities 3 Es:
Evaluate needed tasks
Eliminate what others can do (assign and delegate)
Time management
Mentoring: help people with a sense of direction
Set missions, visions, goals, and purpose
Motivate and inspire a group to commit to its goals
Face challenges as they arise; change and innovate
An autocratic leader (auto - self)
tries to move the group toward his or her goals
A democratic leader tries to move the group toward
shared goals
A laissez-faire leader makes
no effort to move the group
Followership (Follow the critical thinker)
An active, not passive role
A valuable follower is skilled, committed and fully participates in decision making
A self-directed critical thinker
Advocates for new ideas
Takes initiative when needed without being asked
Managers have a formal organizational authority and accountability for the use of resources in the organization
An assigned position
May or may not possess effective leadership skills
Business sense
Business sense – eliminate wasteful resources, staffing, compliance, patient outcomes, meeting organizational goals
Effective Manager Behaviors
Conflict negotiation and resolution
Employee Development – supports continuing education and skills development
Promote shared governance - keeps employees engaged, motivated and share in decision making
Coaching – nurtures employees to improve personal and professional growth
Rewards and disciplines – salaries,
time off, praise and recognition
Management Responsibilities
Responsible for ensuring patient care is given as effectively and efficiently as possible
( How do these 2 words and skills differ?)
Employee evaluation
Resource allocation - budget
( $$ spent vs. $$ need)
Management Responsibilities cont’n
Organizational planning
Spokesperson – between staff and upper administration
Monitoring – Quality indices (census, infection rates, errors, variances, staff attendance)
Public Relations
What should you do if work under an ineffective manager
Seek other employment options
Continue doing your best
Do not take on negative behaviors
Seek support among co-workers
Consider transferring within organization
What is essential for interaction
Interacting with people begins and ends with communication
Involves the spoken words
Involves non-verbal cues
Paralanguage (pitch, tone, body language)
Emotional state of the person
Cultural backgrounds may interpret spoken messages differently
Listening is the most important of all communication skills
Listening is the most important of all communication skills
Listen for:
Demonstrate attentiveness
Eye contact
Body language
Verify understanding
Ask questions
Repeat important points
Paraphrase and summarize
Assertive communication (I am assertive)
Honest and direct
Use “I” statements to confront an issue. Requires that verbal and non-verbal messages are congruent.
As new nurses working with interdisciplinary team, assertiveness assumes even greater importance for patient advocacy.
agressive communication
Forcing your ideas on another (abrasive and demanding)
Passive (Avoider)
Avoids expression of ideas and feelings.
Leads to resentment, misunderstanding and may contribute to harm
Avoids conflict; people pleaser
Passive-aggressive (Sabotager)
Passive on surface but brewing anger in subtle ways or behind the scene
Leads to hurt feelings, confusion, anger and resentment.
Barriers to Communication
Physical barriers – noise, activity or environmental set-up
Psychological barriers – social values, emotions, judgments and cultural differences
Gender barriers – Men and women communicate differently
Semantic barriers – Different meanings in words or symbols
Semantic barriers – Different meanings in words or symbols
Phone/Verbal Orders
Student nurse may not take a verbal order alone; a nurse has to be present.
Verbal orders, except in an emergency, are NOT a good use of nursing time.
Ask for clarification from the person who wrote it. Don’t guess. You are legally responsible for the consequences even if there is an error. The order must be legible if written and clearly understood, including abbreviations (Joint Commission has approved list.)
Must be written exactly as communicated
Pros and Cons of Unions
Pros – Protection of the right to fair treatment and the availability of a grievance process
Cons – Some RNs think it’s unprofessional to belong to a union. It separates management-level from staff-level as opposing parties. Nurses who make staffing decisions may be classified as supervisors and are therefore ineligible to join a union, separating them from their colleagues.
**contract adds a layer of rules and regulations between staff and supervisors. These rules can take up to ¼ of a manager’s time
leader will help you get it done, ie transportation, etc. management will tell you to get it done.
(“Controlling, Authoritarian”)
Focused on centralized decision making → works well in crisis situations
Employs team approach; encourages ideas and participation
. Laissez-faire
(“Passive, Non-directive)
Little planning or decision making; fails to encourage
Focus on people
Do the right things
Influence and inspire
Focus on things
Do things right
Qualities of an Effective Manager
Leadership skills
Clinical expertise – knowledge of the field
Business sense – eliminate wasteful resources, staffing, compliance, patient outcomes, meeting organizational goals
Interdisciplinary Team Conferences
Brings together the members of the treatmentteamto coordinate care and to document the communication among all members of theteamrelated to the patient’s plan of care and treatment goals → high quality patient outcome
Team members: Primary care team, bedside RN, SW, CM, dietician, pharmacist, OT/PT/RT, etc.
Allows the nurse to advocate for patient needs and concerns
Practice communication and leadership skills
Have background data
Enhance sense of teamwork, self-esteem and value to patient care **you know the patient best!!
when you can take a verbal order
code blue
use the sandwich method
1 - verbal
2- written
3- written termination
you can refuse an assignment when
you don’t have the skills
6 qsen competencies (PEST QIC)
patient-centered care, teamwork and collaboration, safety, evidence-based practice, quality improvement, and informatics
quality improvement method**(plan to study and modify it before practice)
it’s a planning, study result, and modify it, put into practice.