Final review 4 Flashcards
ALTERATIONS In VENTILATION (breathing) - factors (either lungs can’t expand, or there is resistance) vent resists compliance
- Lung Compliance - lung expandability
- Airway Resistance - asthma patients
External respiration (what has contact with the external environment?)
alveolar-capillary gas exchange
internal respiration (where does INTERNAL exchange happen?)
capillary-tissue gas exchange
hypoxemia number (Just think of the 02 range you memorized)
level less than 80
Hypercapnia**and is it acute or chronic?
Hypercapnia can be acute or chronic
hypocapnea causes - just one
usually high altitude
alveolar-capillary membrane disorders (just lung disorders)
stiff lung; pulmonary edema, acute respiratory distress
syndrome ARDS, pulmonary fibrosis
Prolonged expiratory time - what causes it?
air in subcutaneous tissue - it’s a little bump
pulse ox estimates what?
Estimate of arterial blood 02 sat
Med administration such as inhalers, nebulizers
(every 4 hours as needed, or for acute every 4 hours around the clock. for someone who is wheezing, but don’t give it too often bc it’s a CNS stimulant)
lactic acid - excess in anaerobic respiration - causes what?
ex airway inflammation
ventilation is movement of____respiration is exchange of____
air, gases (O2 and CO2) in the lungs
what disease is Lung Compliance an issue?
COPD - need more pressure to expand lungs
fever causes what to happen with 02 levels?
hypoxia - - fever (more oxygen is needed)
internal and external causes of hypoxia? (pneumonia comes from the outside in to steal 02)
internal - severe sepsis
external - pneumonia
what sound with pulmonary edema? (edema strides in)
how to prevent atelectasis?
****prevent collapse use spirometer, get patient to cough, ambulate, sit patient up, pain medication!
interventions if patient becomes hypoxic - order of masks from least aggressive to most (CFVOCI) - Cedar Falls is Very Oakey Causing Ice
nasal cannula
simple face mask (also inhaling some of their oxygen so it’s more concentrated)
venturi mask
oronasal face - one way valve mask
good O2 % level for ppl with COPD
90- 92%
HAI - exogenous and ex.
develop infection outside of you, tetanus
HAI - endogenous
endogenous - w/in you, flora on skin (yeast) IV inserted and now you have a bloodborne infection.
- Bones serves as the
- Joints serve as the
- Bones serves as the levers
- Joints serve as fulcrums for the levers
Assistive devices should always be used to lift a weight >
35 pounds
Isotonic exercises (tone your muscles by lifting weights)
muscle shortening and active movement
* Ex: lifting a weight
isometric exercise (my abs are not metrics)
muscle contraction without muscle shortening
* Ex: keeping arm extended or contraction of ab muscles while seated
Isokinetic exercise (my kin needs knee machine)
muscle contraction with resistance
* Ex: use of Continuous Passive
Motion (CPM) device after knee surgery
Adduction (adding to my body)
Pronation (put down pro nation)
Moving the bones of the forearm so the palm of the hand faces downward while held in the front of the body
Moving the bones of the forearm so the palm of the hand
faces upward while held in the front of the body
Complications of Immobility
Negative nitrogen balance Resulting from ↑metabolic demand from acute illness (catabolic protein breakdown)
○ manages Hypotension
○ Avoid in patient with increased intracranial
Supine - when to use?
Use when patient becomes hypotensive
Position for administering enemas
PRN restraint orders are
Extensor or stretch reflexes (extend the knee reflex, skip the brain)
THIS ONE SKIPS the brain - ex is knee jerk
types of fevers (SIRR - you have a fever)
maslow (PS LSS maslow)
physical, safety, love and belonging, self esteem, self actualization
Hypoglycemia: BG (blood glucose)
Hypoglycemia: BG (blood glucose) < 70 mg/dl
greater than 126
Sustained fever
Sustained: Constant above 38 C with little fluctuation
intermittent fever
Intermittent: Fever spikes interspersed with usual temperature levels
remittent fever (admit your spikes and falls)
Remittent: Fever spikes and falls without a return to normal temperature levels
relapsing fever (relapsing can be normal)
Relapsing: Periods with febrile episodes and periods with acceptable temperature values
droplet precautions (pimp my ride)
PIMP my ride like DROPping lowrider
Surgical mask and goggles
Single room
Teach UAP to wear a mask
F and C conversion
(C x 1.8) + 32=F
(F - 32) / 1.8= C
Information will never be made public or available to others.
Establishes national privacy standards for all individuals and institutions.
Only communicate information with people working directly on the case
You are not allowed to look up a patient chart if you are no longer caring for them
nociceptive pain
caused by damage to somatic or visceral tissue, sharp, aching.
neuropathic pain
pain sustained by abnormal processing of sensory input by peripheral or CNS
somatic pain (I sprained my soma)
Pain that originates from skeletal muscles, ligaments, or joints.
diffuses or scattered in tendons, ligaments, bones, blood vessels and nerves
Ex: sprain
living will
not legally binding
Expected trajectory/path for wound healing (healing at 2,4, 12)
Expected trajectory/path for wound healing is that the wound should be 20% smaller at week 2 and 40-50% at week 4 to heal in 12 weeks
beta strep in any wound
is infection
sedation scale
1 – awake & alert
2 – occasionally drowsy, easy to
3 – frequently drowsy, arousable, falls
asleep during conversation
4 – somnolent, minimal or no response
to physical stimulation
order of assessment is (IPPA)
- Inspection
- Palpation
- Percussion
- Auscultation
levels of sedation (stupid pain)
● Alert & Oriented? Person, Place, Time
Lethargic – drowsy, sleeps most of the time, woken by gentle shaking
● Obtunded – difficult to wake; woken by vigorous shake
● Stuporous – cannot be aroused; responds to pain only
● Coma – no response at all, complete unconscious
how long is transient urinary incontinence?
last ≤ 6mths
normal BMI
18.5 to 24.9
how often to change ostomy bag (3 o’s in ostomy)
every 3 days or policy
long term goal
Long term >7 days
Nasogastric feeding tube is best choice to
use if tube feeding plan is how long?
< 6 weeks
post op check what?
Presence of Protective Reflexes: gag, cough
Activity: Able to move extremities, sensation