Traffic - week 16 Flashcards
endocrine system is a…(and nervous)
slow” control system
- many interactions among endocrine glands
- interacts with nervous system (neuroendocrine reflexes)
acts via hormones (only bullseye target)
- chemical secreted into the blood that acts on target cells elsewhere in the body
a. only target cells have receptors for a particular hormone
endocrine function at very low…(long headache and hormones)
- prolonged effects
- includes neurohormones
general functions of endocrine (run to the end)
- regulate metabolism
- H2O and electrolyte balance
- coping with stress
most hormone systems operate with
negative feedback
diurnal (circadian) rhythms - hormone secretion…(up and down) set point changed by…
varies throughout time (a day- days- months)
a. set point changed by CNS
endocrine disorders (hypo/hyper is the target)
- hyposecretion
- hypersecretion
- abnormality of target cell
responsiveness of receptors (# warehouse)
- action of hormone depends on number of receptors
a. hormone influences number of its own receptors
(1) down-regulation (more hormone ➝ fewer receptors)
other hormones influence receptors of a (permissive, synergism, antag)
different hormone (number of receptors or affinity)
(1) permissiveness - enhances response of another hormone
(2) synergism - both hormones enhance each others response
(3) antagonism - inhibits response of another hormone
Pineal Gland (pine needle bed)
- melatonin
1. regulates biological clock
a. cued by light/dark sensed by
Hypothalamus and Posterior Pituitary (neurohypophysis) (post for storage - released by…)
- Hypothalamus produces hormones that are stored in posterior pituitary
1. hypothalamus signals release with APs
Vasopressin (ADH) (angie - hoard)
- conserves H2O (when osmolarity increased)
2. vasoconstrictor (when ECF/BP decreased)
Oxytocin (contract neuro estro)
- uterine contractions during childbirth
a. estrogen has permissive effects
b. triggered by neuro endocrine reflexes (baby’s head pushing against cervix)
(adenohypophysis) - Anterior pituitary produces…(copies hypo)
hormones and releases them in response to hormones from hypothalamus
hypothalamus secretes ____hormones (tropics in the hypo)
tropic hormones (releasing and inhibiting hormones)
anterior pituitary tropic hormones act on other…(pit dr. ponty)
endocrine glands
thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH, thyrotropin) (goide trophy)
(1) growth and secretion of thyroid gland
2) thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH
adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH, adrenocorticotropin) (tall adrian)
(1) growth and secretion of adrenal cortex (cortisol)
2) corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH
(1) secretion of sex hormones by gonads
2) gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH
GH, somatotropin (soma opposite - geh and grr)
growth hormone
(1) regulates growth and metabolism
(2) growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) and growth hormone inhibiting hormone (GHIH)
nontropic anterior pituitary hormone (no tropics)
a. prolactin (PRL)
(1) breast development and milk production in typical female
Growth Hormone (andre - gif - door)
- stimulates production of IGF-1 (somatomedins) mainly in liver that then act on target cells (most cells) to promote growth
growth hormone - growth of cells in size/number (mattias)
(1) stimulates protein synthesis and cellular uptake of amino acids
(2) inhibits protein breakdown
growth hormone - growth of bones in…(chloe)
growth hormone conserves…(sugar for my brain) and uses…
glucose (for brain) and use fat stores.
Thyroid Hormone (many effects) (T2 - couch)
- mix of T3 and T4
- acts on most cells
- increases overall metabolic rate
disorders among most common in endocrine system (mom)
hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism
Calcitonin (think calcium)
- involved in Ca2+ balance
a. inhibits break down of bone
b. protects bones when there’s high aCa2+ demand (pregnancy, breast feeding)
Adrenal Cortex (steroid hormones) (adrian - tv)
Mineralocorticoids and sex hormones
cortisol (stress response; makes energy and building blocks available) (cort - genesis - save gluc)
a. increases blood glucose
(1) inhibits uptake by most tissues, sparing it for brain
(2) gluconeogenesis by liver (aa ➝ glucose)
b. increases blood aa and fatty acids
Adrenal Medulla secretes both…(medus graveyard)
NE and E (E more important)
Adrenal Medulla - Epinephrine - sympathetic effects - increased HR and CO…..(dr - kitchen table - legs relaxed)
vasoconstrictor ➝ increased BP (α and β1)
vasodilation in skeletal muscle and heart (β2)
metabolic effects - adrenal medulla (medus bed - sugar - tickl)
(stress response makes energy and building blocks available)
a. increases blood glucose
(1) stimulates gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis in liver, glycogenolysis in skeletal muscle
Pancreas - Insulin (candy drawer)
stores energy as body absorbs nutrients (absorptive state)
pancreas - decreases blood… (pan - sweeping in cells - pictures)
(1) glucose to cells (increases transporters)
(2) glycogenesis in liver (glucose ➝ glycogen)
(3) inhibits glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis in liver
pancreas - decreases…(pan cooking and baking)
blood fatty acids
(1) glucose to adipose tissue to form fatty acids and glycerol
pancreas - decreases…(pan - bridge AA)
blood amino acids (AA)
(1) amino acids to the cells and made into proteins
(2) inhibits protein breakdown
diabetes most common..
endocrine disorder
Glucagon (glum - scales - veggies) and major effects are on…..
maintains levels of blood nutrients after absorption - opposite of insulin. major effects are on liver
Glucagon - increases blood glucose (glum - corner)
1) decreases glycogenesis
(2) increases glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis
Glucagon - increases blood… (glum - cooking - lip)
fatty acids
(1) increases lipolysis
(2) decreases lipid synthesis
Parathyroid Hormone (PTH) (parrot - calcium)
- involved in Ca2+ balance (opposite of calcitonin)
a. increases plasma Ca2+
(1) breaks down bone
Parathyroid Hormone (PTH) also involved in PO43 ….(parrot - bedroom)
a. decreases plasma PO43 (phospate
1) increases excretion by kidneys (in bone, would ppt in blood w/ Ca2+)
endocrine disorders - hyposecretion (hypo GIDT)
genetic, dietary, toxins, immune disorder
abnormality of target cell (no eskimo receptor)
lack of receptors or lack of enzymes for reactions
cortisol stimulates the breakdown of…(cort protein bar)
…protein and fat
Adrenal Medulla - Epinephrine - sympathetic effects - brochio….(breath heavy, get out)
c. bronchodilation (β2)
d. also increases alertness, sweating, dilates pupils
metabolic affects - adrenal medulla - inhibits secretion of…(medus - guest bedroom)
- insulin, simulates secretion of glucagon
b. increases blood fatty acids
parathyroid hormone - stimulate reabsorption by…(parrot - beans)
(3) helps activate vit D, which enhances absorption of Ca2+ from diet
endocrine disorders - hypersecretion (simple)
endocrine disorders - abnormality of (bullseye)
target cell (lack of receptors or lack of enzymes for reactions)
cortisol has permissive actions on…(permit medus)
hormones of adrenal medulla (catecholamines)
cortisol is important in…(how you feel right now)
adaptation to stress
cortisol alters…and its…
mood and behavior (mechanisms unclear)
f. anti-inflammatory
pineal gland - induces…(SSIE - slows aging)
a. sleep
b. inhibit sex hormones
c. enhance immunity
d. slow aging (antioxidant)
endocrine system is responsible for…(GRRD - dr. ponty)
- growth and development
- reproduction
- RBC production
- digestion/absorption
tropic hormones regulate…(others in the tropics)
hormone secretion of other glands
oxytocin - milk ejection
triggered by baby nursing
diurnal (circadian) rhythms (negative light)
- negative feedback maintains level at set point for that time
- external cues like light/dark or activity/inactivity
growth hormone increases…(andre - eating tv)
blood fatty acids for muscle use
growth hormone is triggered by…(bike front door)
exercise, stress, changes in blood nutrient levels such as increase in amino acids, decrease in fatty acids
growth hormone maintains body during..
nontropic anterior pituitary hormone - prolactin…(release/inhibit)
(2) prolactin releasing factor (PRF) and
prolactin inhibiting hormone (PIH)
thyroid hormone - permissive effects on…(graveyard thy)
E and NE
- critical for normal nervous system activity
- critical for growth, increases GH secretion and has permissive effects
hyperthyroidism (bulging)
increased metabolic rate, perspiration, loss of weight, weakness, palpitations, irritability, bulging eyes
hypothyroidism (couch)
decreased metabolic rate, cold intolerant, gain weight, fatigue, slow reflexes
Mineralocorticoids (steroid hormones - adrenal cortex) (self explanatory)
influence mineral balance (e.g., aldosterone)
sex hormones(steroid hormones - adrenal cortex)
similar or identical to gonadal hormones
metabolic affects - adrenal medulla - breakdown of…(large medus)
c. increases overall metabolic rate
pancreas (pan - corner)
(2) fatty acids to cells
(3) inhibits lipolysis