Lab 2-physio Flashcards
trachea (y pseudo)
hyaline cartilage, lining is pseudostratified - open airway, hyaline for structure and support.
Tidal Volume (TV) (title - indianapolis)
amount of air inhaled or exhaled with each breath under resting conditions (500 ml)
Inspiratory Reserve Volume (IRV) (film)
amount of air that can be forcibly inhaled after a normal tidal volume inhalation (1900 - 3100 ml)
Expiratory Reserve Volume (ERV) (expired credit score)
amount of air that can be forcibly exhaled after a normal tidal volume exhalation (700 - 1200 ml)
Vital Capacity (VC) (vital cleaning - done)
maximum amount of air that can be exhaled after a maximal inspiration (3100 - 4800 ml), this is the total amount of exchangeable air
Residual Volume (RV)
amount of air left in the lungs after a maximal expiration (1200 ml), cannot be measured with a spirometer (this is the volume that makes it possible for gases to be exchanged continuously)
Total Lung Capacity (TLC) (necessary and leftover - tax return)
vital capacity plus residual volume (4200 - 6000 ml), this is the total amount of air that can fit in the lungs
urine is generally (color)
clear and pale yellow (straw) to amber in color
color is from (your- break down)
urobilins, pigments that come from the breakdown of hemoglobin
Abnormal color of the urine can come from…
certain foods, such as beets, drugs, bile or blood
pH of urine averages
6.0 but may range from 4.5 to 8.0
major normal urine constitutes include (WUSSUPP CC - hot tub)
water, urea, sodium, potassium, phosphates, sulfates, creatinine, and uric acid, chlorides
can be found in small amounts in urine (meds - migraine)
Calcium, magnesium and bicarbonate ions
urine should not contain…(GARLK) (alb - kitchen)
glucose, albumin, ketones, RBC/hemoglobin, leukocytes
glucose in urine (and normal levels of glucose)
It indicates abnormally high blood sugar levels. At normal blood sugar levels of 80-100mg/100ml. Pathological glycosuria occurs in uncontrolled diabetes mellitus
albumin - non pathogenic (alb - running)
conditions like excessive exertion, pregnancy, or high protein intake can temporarily increase membrane permeability.
ketones normally present in…
only trace amounts. If present in excessive amounts, this usually indicates abnormal metabolic processes.
RBCs in urine - called…(think hema)
called hematuria, and nearly always indicates pathology.
hemoglobin is caused by…(cut)
hemolysis of red blood cells.
bile pigments are called…
Presence of bilirubin (bile pigments) in the urine is called bilirubinuria.
wbcs (egypt - uti)
Presence of WBCs or other pus constituents in the urine is called pyuria. It indicates inflammation of the urinary tract
casts (plate)
hardened cell fragments flushed out of the urinary tract. they always indicate pathology.
simple cubiodal (cubes in..)
stratified squamous
simple columnar
small intestine
simple columnar
large intestine
simple columnar
simple squamous
P wave
atrial depolarization
QRS complex
ventricular depolarization (obscured atrial repolarization)
T wave (tubular - re)
ventricular repolarization, may be inverted, elevated, or depressed depending on the lead sampled, or pathology
a heart rate over 100 beats per minute.
slower than normal heart rate, heart beats fewer than 60 times a minute
heart can beat too fast, too slowly, or with an irregular rhythm
fibrillation (afib - BSH)
a quivering or irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia) that can lead to blood clots, stroke, heart failure and other heart-related complications
heart block (cement block)
abnormal heart rhythm where the heart beats too slowly, which results in the electrical signals being partially or totally blocked between the upper chambers (atria) and lower chambers (ventricles)
myocardial infarction
heart attack
ECG can diagnose (ACH)
arrhythmias, coronary heart disease, and heart attacks
cardiac output decreases with..(tp)
increased T-P
pale red and blue cytoplasm
multiple lobes
large nucleus - thin pale blue cytoplasm
kidney-shaped, pale blue cytoplasm
large in size
arteries (EESEC)
endothelium, elastin, smooth muscle, elastin, connective tissue
arteriole (ESC)
endothelium, smooth muscle, connective tissue
large vein (ESEC)
endothelium, smooth muscle, elastin, connective tissue
albumin - pathogenic (micro - metal)
things that damage the membrane, such as kidney trauma due to blows, ingestion of heavy metals, bacterial toxins, glomerulonephritis, and hypertension.
excessive ketones
The results may be acidosis and associated complications. Ketonuria is expected during starvation, as the body uses up its fat stores.
White blood cell casts (white uti)
typical of pyelonephritis (UTI)
red blood cell casts (micro)
common in glomerulonephritis
fatty casts
severe renal damage
causes of RBCs in urine (stone)
kidney stones, infections, or physical trauma to the urinary organs. Accidental contamination with menstrual blood is possible.
causes of hemoglobin in urine (tu - low hemoglobin)
It may be caused by hemolytic anemias, transfusion reactions, burns, or renal disease.
causes of bile in urine (mario)
It is detected by a yellow foam that forms when the sample is shaken, and generally indicates liver pathology such as hepatitis or cirrhosis
excessive ketones and glycosuria
generally diagnostic for diabetes mellitus.
PR interval shortens during (tacky)
PR interval lengthens during (think long)
long PR interval may indicate…(long ava)
a partial AV heart block caused by damage to the AV node
typical PR interval value (jesus and mary chain)
from 120-200 msec
QRS duration (perf)
60-100 msec.
longer QRS indicates..(tv issues)
conduction problems, often caused by bundle branch blocks that cause one ventricle to contract later than the other
QT interval measures..(depol to..)
the time from onset of depolarization to the completion of repolarization of the ventricles
QT normal values are…(your fav)
around 300-400 msec at a heart rate of 70 beats/min
QT intervals - as heart rate increases, the interval becomes…(logical)
shorter. As heart rate decreases, the interval becomes longer
long QT interval may indicate…(qt mattias)
slowed ventricular repolarization, possibly due to hypokalemia, or other electrolyte imbalances
Shortened QT intervals indicate…(short kath)
hypercalcemia and digitalis toxin
During exercise ECG..(p wave)
the interval between the maximum space of the P wave and the onset of the QRS complex decreased, while the magnitude of the P wave increased. The direction of the P vectors did not change
BP changes during excerise (Ed lbs)
systolic blood pressure rises. It’s normal for systolic blood pressure to rise to between 160 and 220 mm Hg during exercise
anemia causes
blood loss, reduced or impaired RBC production, and the destruction of RBCs
you lack enough healthy red blood cells to carry adequate oxygen to your body’s tissues
polycythemia (cyth - cabin)
polycythemia most often develops as a response to chronic hypoxemia, which triggers increased production of erythropoietin by the kidneys
causes of polycythemia (gabrielle)
sleep apnea, obesity hypoventilation syndrome, and COPD
liver tissue (meaty)
dense irregular
gall bladder tissue (bladder)
smooth muscle
pancreas (iced pan)
simple cuboidal and smooth muscle
A buffer is a chemical system that prevents a radical change in fluid pH by dampening the change in hydrogen ion concentrations in the case of excess acid or base
a buffer has to have..
a weak acid or a weak base. it has to have a conjugate (different in one proton) salt.
all buffers do not maintain a ph of..
- You can change the pH of the buffer solution by changing the ratio of acid to salt, or by selecting a different acid and one of its salts.
blood plasma is..
a weak buffer. Remember that it is designed to buffer around pH 7.4 and therefore its capabilities are limited to weak acids or alkalis
Biuret reagent is a…(color)
blue solution that, when it reacts with protein, will change color to pink-purple
pink - trypsin test (same)
(incubated at 37 degrees C) strong digestion of bapna of trypsin
orange - amalyse test (malta)
strong positive for maltose and negative for starch. heated at 37 degrees celcius, perfect temp for amalyse to react with starch and turn it to maltose
What does a weak positive result for starch (Lugol’s test), combined with a strong positive result for sugar (maltose, Benedict’s test), mean? (malta)
heated at 37 degrees celcius, perfect temp for amalyse to react on starch and turn it to maltose
yellow trypsin test (bap)
(incubated at 37 degrees C) strong digestion of bapna of trypsin
A purple color indicates the presence of protein, specifically albumin in this experiment. Why is that considered a negative result? (israel)
The test gives positive result to any compound containing two carbonyl groups attached to a nitrogen or carbon atom.
Biuret is a color indicator that turns pink in acidic conditions. The pink color in tube 4P indicates a positive result. (pep)
light pink color may result in the presence of small peptide chain
vivid red - fat digestion test
strong ph, complete digestion of fat in cream. addition of bile salts allowed for emulsification of fat at 37 degrees
without emulsification in fat test at 37 degees..
digestion of cream was difficult.
heart murmur
Abnormal heart sounds are usually associated with cardiac disease and are called murmurs. Sometimes a non-pathological murmur (called a functional murmur) can be heard, probably due to relatively thin heart walls that vibrate with rushing blood. Functional murmurs are more common in very young or elderly individuals.
Pathological murmurs are heard due to turbulent blood flow that causes vibrations in the heart.
stenotic valve
valve is a stiff, narrowed valve that does not open completely - screetching or whistling sound
insufficient or incompetent (also known as prolapsed) valve (backwards gurgle)
does not close completely, and backward flow of blood creates a swishing or gurgling sound. This is sometimes referred to as regurgitation
systolic murmur (sister first)
A murmur occurring between the first and second heart sounds (lub-murmur-dup).
diastolic murmur
a murmur occurs between the second and first heart sounds (lub-dup-murmur).
Red blood cells carry oxygen from our lungs to the rest of our bodies.
They are important in the clotting process
They are active phagocytes and fight bacterial invasions (important in inflammatory response) as well as cleaning up debris
They are active phagocytes and considered important in long-term clean up. fight certain infection, kill cancer cells.
Important role in immune system. T cells and B cells
alveoli - tissue type
simple squamous