Moment Flashcards
triangle volume
1/2 x b x h x L (write M3 (cubed)
volume of a cube (basic volume)
b x h x L
volume sphere (4/3 ppl think volume of sphere is too loud)
4/3 x pi x r3 (cubed)
volume cone (icecream cone - pi, r, ladder)
V= pi x r2 x h/3
coordinate plane ex. -4, -2
-4 = x, -2= y
smaller to larger - divide; larger to smaller - multiply
cell grouping order
chemicals, cells, tissues, organs, systems, organisms
ribosomes synthesize___from___?
synthesize protein from amino acids
golgi complex does what? (mailman)
synthesizes/process material such as proteins that are transported out of cell. it has layers of membranes
storage, digestion, waste removal
vesicle is a___that moves___
small organelle that moves material in a cell
cytoskeleton - and made of what? (skeleton tubes)
consists of microtubules that shape and support cell, whole movements of cell
microtubules (made of and what they do)
made of protein, support cell
liquid material in cytoplasm
cytoplasm - NOT
the cytosol and organelles. NOT in nucleus.
endoplasmic reticulum - what does it do? (think carrier)
smooth and rough. the transport system of the cell.
smooth ER
no ribosomes
rough ER
has ribosomes
mitochondria makes…
ATP, cell growth and death. they have their own DNA.
functions of mitochondria (mite - marathon)
cell energy, cell signaling, cell differentiation, cell cycle and growth regulation. Energy is the main function.
inner membrane of mitochondria encloses the…
matrix, contains mitochondria DNA and ribosomes
mitochondria folds are called..
cristae. chemical reactions occur here and release energy.
aerobic respiration occurs in the…(gym)
centrosome (cents makes a trio)..involved in____
a pair of centrioles. involved in mitosis and cell cycle.
centrioles - micro trio TRIO = 3
cylinders near nucleus involved in cell division. has 3 microtubules. centrioles occur in pairs.
lysosomes digest
protein, lipids, carbohydrates, and transport for removal.
causes cell to move
tail to help cell move
contains chromosomes and regulates DNA.
all eukaryotic cells have a
nucleus contains envelope….
nuceloplasm, nucleoulus, nuclear pores, chromatin, and ribosomes.
thread-like rods of DNA
chromatin (chrome car)
consists of DNA and protein that make up chromosomes
nucleoulus (downs bubble)
small sphere in nucleus (during interphase). made of protein, inside the nucleus. no membrane, is involved in protein synthesis, synthesizes and stores RNA.
nuclear pores involved in exchange between..(only thing it can exchange)
involved in exchange of material between nucleus and cytoplasm
liquid within nucleus, similar to cytoplasm.
glycolipids in membrane help…(fat)
cells to recognize other cells
proteins in membrane help..
to give shape
cholesterol in membrane helps…(stiff crisco)
give stiffness and flexibility
oxygen and water can..
easily pass through membrane
2 ways cells can reproduce
mitosis and meiosis
mitosis - daughter cell is…
exact replica of parent cell
meiosis - daughter cell has…(mei parents)
different genetic coding than parent cell
meiosis only happens where?
specialized cells called gametes
a group of cells that control the process of less specialized cells becoming more specialized
gastrulation (start)
early phase of embryonic development in most animals
3 cell layers in gastrulation
ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm
develops from ectoderm
nervous system
develops from mesoderm
muscular system
develops from endoderm
digestive system
events of mitosis in order (pmat)
interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase and cytokinesis.
interphase (nathaniel - guess)
the cell grows, replicates its DNA and prepares for mitosis. can be divided into g1, S and g2.
prophase (TDTS M - willow)
thicken, disintegrates, trio, spin, move.
chromatin thickens into chromosomes and nuclear membrane disintegrates, pairs of centrioles move to opposite sides and spindle fibers form. mitotic spindle moves chromosomes around the cell.
metaphase (spin in the middle of the met w/ chrome)
spindles moves towards center and chromosome pairs align along center of spindle
anaphase (ana - no….)
chromsome “sisters” pull apart, and after they separate are called daughter chromosomes.
telophase (chrome tel)
spindles disintegrate, chromosomes revert to chromatin. in animals, membrane is pinched.
physical splitting of cell.
meiosis - same phases as….
mitosis, but they occur twice.
result of meiosis (4 meis)
4 daughter cells called haploid.
layers in heart - inside to outside - (end my heart ache)
endocardium, myocardium, epicardium
near midline of body.
opposite of medial. further away from body’s midline. thumb is lateral to the little finger (palms up)
close to center. hip is proximal to knee
further from center of body. knee is distal to hip
caudad (horse)
tail or posterior. hindquarters.
above, close to head
below, close to feet
divides body in upper and lower halves
sagittal plane (sag - two faced)
right and left sections
coronal (frontal plane) (home in cdm)
vertically front and back
lower respiratory - what organs (BLT for lungs)
trachea, lungs, bronchial tree
right lung
3 lobes - superior, middle, and inferior
left lung
2 lobes (leaves room for heart) - superior and inferior
diaphragm separates…(thor)
thoracic and abdominal cavity
exchange of gas occurs in…
air moves through larynx (voice box) and vibrates to make sound, then enters trachea (windpipe).
chemoreceptors in nose
maintains acid-base homeostatis
respiratory system
hyperventilation can increase..(secret)
blood ph during acidosis.
slowing breathing can..(in regards to ph)
alkalosis (high ph) helps lower blood ph
which muscles expand/contract lungs during breathing?
diaphragm and intercostal muscles
during inspiration…
diaphragm contracts and moves down, increasing size of chest cavity.
during expiration, what relaxes?
diaphragm and intercostal relax, decreasing chest cavity and forcing air out of lungs.
breathing controlled by…(which part of the brain)
medulla oblongata. it monitors the level of co2 in blood and signals breathing rate to increase when co2 is too high
3 parts of circulatory (is cardiovascular) system (obvious)
blood, blood vessels and heart
closed circulatory system
most animals have - heart and blood vessels are continuously connected.
3 layers of wall of blood vessels (vessel has tunes on inner, middle and outer)
innermost tunica intima, tunica media, and outer tunica adventitita
tiny vessels that lead to capillary beds
venules (exit where…)
tiny vessels that exit capillary beds
veins - what type of tunica (vein - thin in middle and intimate)
thin tunica media and tunica intima
adult human has how much blood?
5 qts of blood
blood is composed of (blood is warped - WRPP)
red and white blood cells, platelets, and plasma
platelets make up how much blood volume?
over half of blood volume
plasma contains (plasma - PIGHAANG)
proteins, ions, glucose, amino acids, hormones, nutrients, antibodies, and dissolved gases.
rbcs transport ___to cells
can live up to 4 months
wbc - function
defend against infection and remove waste
types of wbc (MELBN - melbourne)
lymphocytes, neutrophils, moncytes, eosinophils, and basophils
platelets - what are they made of and what do they do?
fragments of stem cells and help in clotting
how many chambers in heart?
atrial contraction fills___
fills ventricles and ventricular contraction empties them. this is the cardiac cycle
cardiac cycle is..(just 2)
diastole and systole
1st diastole phase (starts w/ right)
blood flows through superior and inferior venae cavae. blood flows passively through av (tricuspid) to right ventricle. SA node generates electrical signals carried to purkinje, stimulating it to contract and fill right ventricle with blood. SA transmitted to AV and right ventricle contracts starting 1st systole phase.
1st systole phase (1st to the left)
tricuspid closes, and pulmonary semilunar valve opens. blood is pumped into pulmonary arteries to lungs. blood returning from lungs fills left atrium as part of 2nd diastole phase.
2nd diastole phase (SA - couch)
SA triggers mitral valve to open, blood fills left ventricle
2nd systole phase
mitral valve closes and aortic semilunar valve opens. left ventricle contracts and blood is pumped out of aorta to rest of body.
circulatory system is…(CPS circulates)
coronary, pulmonary and systemic circulation
coronary circulation - enters through___with____blood (think opposite)
enters arteries, enters heart with oxygenated blood.
pulmonary circulation
blood between heart and lungs. deoxy blood goes from ra to lungs through pulmonary artery. oxygenated blood goes back through left atrium through pulmonary veins.
systemic circulation
blood to the entire body except coronary and pulmonary circulation.
portal circulation is…(portal to stomach)
systemic circulation, which is blood from digestive to liver and then heart
renal circulation is..
blood between heart and kidneys
arterial blood pressure - transports oxygen___blood to ____and oxygen___blood to____
transporting oxygen-poor blood to lungs and oxygen-rich to body tissues.
arterioles are where…(small adjustment)
adjustments are made in blood delivery to specific areas
capillary beds are..(AND between what?)
the diffusion sites for exchanges btwn blood and interstitial fluid. just one single layer of endothelial cells
capillaries merge into…
venules, venules into veins.
lymphatic system
lymph capillaries, vessels and ducts
major function of lymphatic (transport transport)
return excess fluid to blood, return protein from capillaries, transport fat from digestive tract, disposal of debris and cellular waste
lymphoid organs are…(SSAALTT)
lymph nodes, spleen, appendix, adenoids, thymus, tonsils, and patches in small intestine.
each lymph node contains..(yellow nym)
lymphocytes and plasma cells.
spleen filters…(just 2, you know this)
blood stores of rbcs and macrophages
thymus…(nym) secretes what?
secretes hormones and is the major site of lymphocyte production
spleen - location and make of what?
upper left of abdomen, made of lymphoid tissue
peritoneal ligaments that support spleen (perry - GLP)
gastrolienal, lienorenal, and phrenicocolic ligaments
gastrolienal ligament (lane gastro - same)
connects stomach to spleen
lienorenal ligament (sister kids spleen kleen)
connects kidney to spleen
phrenicocolic ligament (phrantic left)
connects left colic flexure to thoracic diaphram
functions of spleen
to filter unwanted material from blood (and old RBCs) to help fight infection.
protein digestion begins in the…(protein first)
absorption begins in the…
small intestine
largest solid organ and largest gland
ligaments that attach liver (FRRLC in the liver)
falciform, coronary, right triangular, left triangular, and round ligaments
liver processes all of the___that passes through the digestive system
blood that passes through digestive system.
nutrient rich blood is supplied to liver by…(liver is nutricious for veins)
hepatic portal vein
oxygen rich blood is supplied to liver by…
hepatic artery
blood leaves the liver through…
hepatic vein
liver’s functional units called
blood flows through liver through small channels called…
functions of the liver (C-BPG killing my liverI
produce bile, blood plasma proteins, cholesterol, stores excess glucose in the form of glycogen,
regulates amino acids
liver (because glucagon activates amino acid transporters)
processes hemoglobin (heman eats liver)
converts ammonia to urea (does it all)
purifies blood
regulates blood clotting (not platelets)
liver (hepatocytes help w/ clotting)
controls infection by boosting immune factors
liver (by cleaning your blood)
4 less than a quotient of a number and two is at least 5
n/2 - 4 >_ (greater than or equal to) 5
D2P (decimal to a percent)
decimal to percent - move decimal 2 places to right. Percent to decimal, move decimal 2 places to left
area =
Circumference = (just 2)
pi x diameter
area of a circle = (area is the OG)
pi x R2 (radius squared)
radius is half of the..
1 mile in feet
5,280 feet
flip < or > if you divide or multiply by a negative. ex.
-2x + 5 > 19 =
x < -7
on a graph, closed dot (solid dot) means..
greater than OR equal to, or less than OR equal to.
if asked to write an inequality, should look like
> or < (can also be less than or equal to or greater than or equal to)
on a graph, line going down from left to right is
negative linear relationship
on a graph, line going up from left to right is..
positive linear relationship
1 sq. ft is___inches
144 inches. Square foot is L x W
circumference of a circle is (go around twice)
2 x pi x r
cytoplasm is the…
entire content within the cell membrane
1 meter = ___centimeters
how many ounces in a pound?
rounding FRACTIONS to the ones place
if numerator is greater than or equal to half the denominator, round up to next whole number. if numerator is less than half the denom, round down to next whole number.
systemic circulation - blood exits through…(shoot up opposite)
left ventricle through aorta, branches into carotid, subclavian, iliac, renal artery.
systemic circulation - blood returns through..(shoot up stomach and kidneys)
jugular, subclavian, iliac and renal and empties into superior and inferior vena cavae.
coronary circulation returns where…(corona corner)
deoxy blood returns to ra through cardiac veins, which empty into coronary sinus.
coronary circulation is..
blood to heart
level of organization - (from TEAS) (CCTOO)
chemicals, cells, tissues, organs, organ systems
use photsynthesis to produce ATP and other sugars
palmar surface of hand
dorsum of hand
back of hand
bronchioles terminate in..
alveoli are the exchange site for what?
aqueous surfactant
layer covers alveoli and serves as medium for gas exchange and keeps lungs from collapsing by maintaining surface tension
each segment of the lungs receives air from..
its own bronchus and blood from its own artery
tidal volume
the amount of air breathed in and out of the lungs
residual capacity
small amount of air rich in CO2 trapped in alveoli after expiration
airways narrow, a result of swelling of the airways and mucus buildup
functions of the cardiovascular system (WINC to cardio)
transport nutrients, wastes, chemicals messengers and immune molecules
2 parts to closed circulatory system
pulmonary and systemic
pulmonary loop carries deoxygenated blood from right ventricle to…
systemic loop
carries oxygenated blood from left ventricle to the body
lub sound (ava)
AV valves close
dub sound (moon)
semilunar valves, aorta and pulmonary arteries close, preventing blood from falling back into ventricles
RBCs contain (tu) and transport…
hemoglobin and transport oxygen from lungs to rest of body
2 main types of WBCs (just l’s)
leukocytes and lymphocytes
lymph is made of…(lymph in plaza)
plasma w/out the RBCs
myocardium tissue (my muscle)
muscle tissue
epicardium tissue (epi connects pen to patient)
connective in the blood and epicardium
endocardium tissue (it’s epi in the end)
epithelial in tissue membrane and endocardium
dependent variable goes on ___axis (dependent goes second)
y axis
most important function of ribsomes
synthesize protein
what absorbs nutrients in the small intestines?
estrogen does what?
matures egg
what layer are hair follicles found?
what waste do kidneys remove?
what prevents pathogens from entering the body?
what breaks down bone material?