Chem ch 23 Flashcards
lipids - soluble in what?
naturally occurring, nonpolar, insoluble in water. soluble in organic solvent
types of lipids (wtfgsse like lipids)
- fatty acids
- waxes
- triacylgylcerols aka triglcerides)
- gylcerophospholipids
- spingolipids
- sterols
- eicosanoids
fatty acids - box the fat (how many carbon - fatty these years)
a long chain of carboxylic acids, straight chain, usually 12-20 carbons.
2 types of fatty acids
saturated fatty acids (SFAs) or unsaturated fatty acids (one or more double bond - USFAs)
waxes (waxes like ester, acid and alcohol)
It’s just an ester. acid + alcohol = ester and H2O, ie. long chain acid + long chain alcohol
triacylgylcerols aka (triglcerides)
triester of glycerol (just 3 carbons with
CH3-O-C attached)
has phosphate group on one carbon. Has a charged phosphate group. called diester lipid - also component of cell membrane
spingolipids - polar or no polar? (spring in the pool)
these are polar - they have polar and nonpolar head
types of spingolipids (2) (sping is smart sugar)
sterols (CHB steroids)
4 rings. 1) cholesterol, 2) bile salts, 3) hormones
eicosanoids (echo - 24/7)
signaling molecules. arachiodonic acid - 20 carbons with 4 double bonds
fatty acids - saturated
no double or triple bond
saturated fatty ACIDS - examples (saturated LMPS in laura)
lauric acid
myristic acid
palmitic acid
stearic acid
2 types of unsaturated fatty acids - aka monounsaturated fatty acids
one double bond
unsaturated fatty acids - 2 numbers mean…
carbon 1st and number of bonds 2nd
essential unsaturated fatty acids (lin uncool)
linoleic acid and linolenic acid
omega 3 (and how many carbons?) (the omega is down by 14-1)
14-1 (1 is the number of bonds, if you’re naming it this way), first double bond away from carboxylic group is on carbon 3. Can be named 14-1 fatty acid. IT could be 14-2 omega 3, also, just wherever the first double bond is.
omega 6
first double bond away from carboxylic group is on carbon 6
waxes (wax evenly, ester is waxy) - What is the Rule???
fatty acids ester. R has to be even number of carbon (waxes don’t have odd #s) R prime is 24-36 carbons. R is 16-36 carbons
function of waxes
protecting coating on fruits, leaves, animal skin or fur and aquatic birds
ester will have a..
COO in it
triacylglycerols - 2 major classes (try animals or veggies)
animal fat or vegetable oil. They are triester (3) of glycerol.
R, R prime, R double prime are…
vegetable oil, are unsaturated
animal fat (saturate the animals)
mostly saturated fatty acids
function of triacyclglycerols (store the tricycle)
used as longterm storage of energy. can provide a thermal insulation, and protective padding.
reactions of fatty acids (think saturated and non)
hydrogenation and hydrolysis
partial hydrogenation is bad..
because it creates trans fat, it is harder to digest due to higher melting point
hydrolysis of triacyleglycerols (water splits it down the middle)
THIS IS IN ACIDIC SOLUTION. the result is glycerol + 3 fatty acids.
The CH2-O-C-R group is just split in half and you’re left with a gylcerol and 3 fatty acids.
hydrolysis of triagylcerols in basic solution (basic tricycle makes basic soap)
soap - in basic solution it’s called saponification
saponification (soap needs water - think 3 glycerol soap)
hydrolysis of triagclyglycerols in basic solution
(most important)
sphingomyelin (sphingosine)
nerve fiber and brain tissue
a phospholipids with a fatty acid bonded on carbon #2, NH2 and a sugar on C1 (OH) group on sphingosine. cell membrane
sterols (cb for steroids)
- cholesterol
- bile salt (essential for digestion of fats and oils
for emulsification of fats. formed in the liver, stored in gall bladder, released in small intestine)
be able to identify it
mineralocorticoids (to the mines)
involved with maintaining the salt balance in the body. simulates absorption of Na by kidneys.
hormones with sterol nucleus (think roid and you know the last one)
- mineralocorticoids (ex. aldosterons)
- glucocorticoids
- sex hormones
glucocorticoids (it’s in the name)
cortisone (anti-inflammation) involved in metabolism of carbohydrates/protein/fat. they have anti-inflammatory activity.
sex hormones
1. testosterone
2. androsterone
affect sexual development or reproduction
cell membrane structure
lipid bilayer composed of 2 parallel sheets of lipid molecules arranged tail to tail.
main components of cell membrane (PLLG the membrane) think protein
lipids, protein, gylcoprotein, lipoprotein
2 types of protein in cell membrane
- peripheral protein
2. integral protein
3 types of transport
simple diffusion (passive), active transport, facilitated diffusion
simple diffusion
high to low concentration, CO2, O2, NO - use simple. small mostly non-polar.
active transport
low concentration to high concentration. This uses ATP
facilitated diffusion
ie - glucose. needs to go from high to low concentration using protein channels. no energy is needed.
how to tell if it’s a reducing sugar or not
if it has a free C=O-O or a C-H=O
hemiacetals have an…
OH group, acetals just have 2 O groups
glycosidic bond/glycoside
the formation of acetals or just the bond linking disaccharides and monosaccharides
enzymes provide an..(show me another way enzyme)
alternate pathway lowering the activation energy
eicosanoids structure (eco cooed at the ring)
long chain w/ COOH at the end, but also the ring structure attached
sterol structure
4 fused rings
examples of unsaturated fatty acids (don’t need to memorize)
oleic acid - olive oil - 18 carbons, one double bond.
linoleic acid - 18-2 - vegetable oil. linolenic acid - 18-3 - canola oil. arachidonic acid - 20 -4 - liver animal fat.
monosaturated fatty acids - what do the number represent?
the first is the # of carbons, then 2nd is the # of double bonds.
the number of double bonds raises or lowers the melting point?
are fatty acids cis or trans?
only cis, no trans in nature
arachidonic acid (spider in liver 24.7)
20-4, liver, animal fat
linoleic and linolenic are essential or not?
essential, because our bodies can’t make it
cis can be converted to…
trans fat
memorize the structure of..
triglycerides aka triglcyerols ex. (tricycle if veggies and animal)
vegetable oil, unsaturated. animal fat (mostly saturated fatty acids)
which triglyceride/triglycerol is the ONLY unsaturated fatty acids? (Veggie is liquid)
vegetable oil
if you see NaOH as a base, it’s….
glycerol-3 phosphate
a glycerol w/ a phosphate group on the 3rd carbon
CH2- OH | CH - OH | O || CH - O - P - O | O
polar part of the phospholipid
the head, the PO4(-2) part
nonpolar part of the phospholipid (cat tail and water)
fatty acid tails
it’s the backbone
sphingomyelin (type of sphingo)
brain tissue and main component of coating around nerve fibers (myelin sheath)
glycolipids (type of sphingo)
phospholipids, with an NH2 bonded on carbon #2, and a sugar on carbon #1. sphingosine backbone. have carbohydrate attached
sphingomyelin is a type of what?
glycolipid is important component of…(the main thing)
cell membrane
bile salt essential for…
digestion of fats and oils (in small intestine) their job is emulsification of fats. they are synthesized in the liver. stored in gall bladder. can be released in small intestine.
when you shake phospholipids in the water, they make
micelles - no polar part of molecule goes inside micelle and makes a ball
in cholesterol, one ring is…
cholesterol is polar or nonpolar?
slightly polar bc there is one OH group
bile acids are polar or nonpolar?
polar, more polar than cholesterol bc they have more OH groups
ex of mineralocorticoids (alden in the mine)
involved with the salt balance in the body. stimulates absorption of Na+ or K+ by kidneys
micelles are also called…(my lips)
important components of cell membrane (GLLP the protein for the membrane)
lipids, proteins, glycoprotein, lipoprotein
each layer of cell membrane is called…
leaflet, polar part outside, nonpolar facing inward
2 types of protein in cells
1) peripheral - only on one face of bilayer - one leaflet
2) integral protein - makes channel extended through the cell membrane
step one structure
just remove the double bond and add CH2 for 2nd C, and an OH on the left side
peripheral protein
only on one side of bilayer (one leaflet)
integral protein
with channel extended through the cell membrane
lauric acid (laura loves 12 coconuts)
coconut oil - 12 carbons - source is coconut oil.
myristic acid (at 14, butter and nutmeg are mystical)
14 carbons, butter fat or nutmeg fat. Both have high melting and boiling points bc many carbons.
palmitic acid (palm reader at 16)
16 carbons, palm oil
stearic acid (cocoa sterile at 18)
18 carbons, all animal fat or cocoa butter.
triacylglycerols - characteristics (tricycles don’t like water or membranes)
no charge, nonpolar, hydrophobic. can’t be part of the cell membrane.
sphingomyelins - make up
contain a charged phosphate group
gylcolipids - make up
contain a sugar group
waxes structure
just an ester in the middle, and only C and Hs on either side
Triacylglycerols - structure
3 carboxylic acids
Glycerophospholipids function - (glossy phospho is boss)
help to control the flow of molecules into and out of cells
Sphingomyelins - structure
amides derived from an amino alcohol (sphingosine) - also have a phosphate group
if there is a C=O-O-H at the end, it’s a…
fatty acid
Polyunsaturated fatty acids have…
more than one carbon–carbon double bond.
if there is an H2-O, it’s an..
alcohol. No matter what else is attached to it
All fats and oils are..(try the fats and oils)
triglycerols (think 3)
what makes the melting point lower?
the more double bonds, the lower the melting point
saturated fat - appearance
straight chains
unsaturated fats - appearance
kink where the double bond is - they’re bent
Triacylglycerols are polar or nonpolar? (tricycles cant swim)
Nonpolar and hydrophobic
The three major kinds of cell membrane lipids in animals are…(think lipids and crisco)
phospholipids, glycolipids, and cholesterol.
what has 2 tails instead of one? (phosphate likes 2)
Glycerophospholipids (split the name in 2 and that’s what it is)
Two of the ester bonds are with fatty acids, 3rd is phosphate. It’s just 3 (triacylglcerol) with a phosphate as the last one
fatty acids are..(the numbers) (fatty at this age)
carboxylic acids with 12 - 22 CARBONS - this is important
all lipids are nonpolar except…(phosphate is the key to water)
sphingolipids and glycerophospholipids
higher the carbon, the higher the…
melting point
how to identify a wax (what number)
it will be an even # of carbons with an ester (COO) (24 - 36 carbons, including the COO one)
remember to count…
the carbons when you identify structures
memorize gylcerol structure
it’s just 3 CH2 with OHs attached
triglyceride structure (also called triacylglycerol) (TRI to remember the carboxylic part)
just a gylcerol - the OH becomes O, with an ester attached at all 3. basically just a =O attached to all 3 glycerols.
fats and oils are…(fatty acids on tricycles)
full hydrogenation is…
fine, partial is the one that can cause trans fat
hydrogenation of fatty acids
if unsaturated - undergo hydrogenation (think of H added to alkene becomes alkane) of unsaturated fatty acid. partial hydrogenation may convert some of the cis configuration to trans
hydrolysis of fatty acids (tracylglycerols)
if there is an Na+ or NaOH it’s…
ester looks like (Oh Oh ester)
O - C - C