Fund 51 pneumonia Flashcards
pneumonia is (pneumonia is on fire)
Inflammation of the lung parenchyma (connective and supportive tissue) caused by various microorganisms, including bacteria, mycobacteria, fungi, and viruses
aspiration pneumonia is
the worst. acid that breaks down food enters lungs. something in lungs not supposed to be there. Direct toxic inoculum of the lower airways (gastric acid, infection, obstruction d/t uncleared fluid or particulates, inflammatory processes from bacterial infection)
pneumonia - Nosocomial infections 15% - from what surgeries?
pneumonia - post op surgical, lower abdominal and thoracic surgeries usually
normal effects of aging
1) a decline in elasticity of the bony thorax, 2) a loss of muscle mass with weakening of the muscles of respiration and reduced mechanical advantage, 3) a decrease in alveolar gas exchange surface and 4) a decrease in central nervous system responsiveness, which have anatomical, mechanical and functional consequences.
give antibotics for pneumonia within (NOT 3)
6 hrs of admission to hospital and blood cultures right away
early signs - (pneumonia is a dull disease when percussed)
Early Signs and Symptoms
Increase work of breathing, HR, RR
Fever, chills diaphoresis at rest
Crackles, rhonchi, dullness to percussion
Productive cough, on purulent spectrum
Pleuritic chest pain
If bacterial, increased WBC (neutrophilia & left shift)
CXR: localized densities/opacities
double or triple calories for
fighting an infection. 6x for burns.
if not getting better in 24 - 48 hrs,
need to rethink treatment
humidify (pneumonia needs moisture)
chest PT (pneumonia is the whole band)
percussion and vibration
over 19 (vaccine)
can get the vaccine. Recommended for all adults 65 years of age or older and 19 years or older with conditions that weaken the immune system
type of lung sound (I’m fine and inspired by crackling pneumonia)
fine crackling.
auto digestion of lung parameta
happens with aspirational pneumonia
aspirational risks
Risks include neurologic disorders, reduced consciousness, vomiting, witnessed aspiration
NGT, ventilators, airways, sedation, positioning, poor oral hygiene, maxofacial/oral, head, neck surgeries
pneumonia oral hygiene - how many times a day
plaque can cause aspirational. should brush 3X a day and at bedtime.
Lung Abscess - telltale sign (leather for my PP L)
Most are a complication of bacterial pneumonia. telltale sign is pleural friction rub. IV antibiotic therapy for 3 weeks or longer, followed by oral antibiotics for 4 to 12 weeks
Lung Abscess - exercises (abcesses need breathe and cough)
deep breathing and coughing exercises
TB is
AFB - acidfast bacillus
TB patho
Highly communicable (aerosolization)
Immunosuppression allows spread and may also create a false negative PPD
Exudative response pneumonitis
Bacilli multiplication usually controlled
Walled off in tissues (collagen fibrosis)
Necrotic tissue lesion calcifies or liquefies & spreads cavity
TB pts must remain in isolation how long? (you know this)
Must remain in isolation until 3 consecutive sputum cultures are negative
TB type of sputum (I can’t eat with TB and I’m a little rusty)
mucopurulent sputum. also rusty colored.
no underlying risk factors TB mm
15 mm or greater - visual and feel
TB therapy
Initial treatment phase (8 weeks)
Continuation phase (4 to 7 months). can last for 4, 6, 9 months up to a year.
TB lung sounds (rhonda has TB)
rales (crackles) or rhonchi.
TB actions
Humidified oxygen
Airborne/AFB isolation
Teaching – testing for close contacts; completion of meds, support systems
TB nursing intervetions - when to take TB meds? (I can’t eat with TB)
Watch for signs and symptoms of medication side effects (take on empty stomach or at least one hour before meals)
Patients taking INH should avoid foods containing tyramine and histamines
Rifampin will discolor body fluids and can increased metabolism of other medications, making them less effective
can asthma cause atelectisis?
increased tactile fremitis is what disease? (pneumonia is super tacky)
decreased tactile fremitus and hyperresonant percussion sounds are what disease? (emphsyma is hyper not tacky)
coarse, moist, high-pitched, and non-continuous sounds that do not clear with coughing
rust colored sputum
lung sound for collapsed alveoli (crack collapsed)
A client seeks medical attention for a hoarseness that has lasted for more than 2 weeks. Which additional finding indicates to the nurse that the client may need to be evaluated for cancer of the larynx? (cancer makes my throat hurt)
sore throat
Which is the priority nursing diagnosis for a client undergoing a laryngectomy?
Ineffective airway clearance
enlarged adenoids. caused by
noisy breathing
enlarged adenoids. caused by
noisy breathing
OSA causes
morning headaches and polycythemia (high RBCs)
endotracheal tube - sign of life threatening situation?
sudden restlessness
emphasyma breath sounds
Faint breath sounds with prolonged expiration
A humidification system
angioedema can cause
life-threatening airway obstruction.
what is one main symptom of pulmonary hypertension?
After undergoing a left thoracotomy, encourage
coughing and deep breathing
pneumonia early - how is respiration?
RRED assessment = rapid and shallow
pneumonia early - can they exercise?
Subjective complaints of fatigue or dyspnea with exertion
Activity intolerance
pneumonia early - ABGs and acidosis or alkylosis? (think - rapid breathing)
ABG: hypoxemia with respiratory alkalosis