Fund 50 week 2 - day 2 Flashcards
Florence Nightingale
Florence Nightingale
•Introduced concept that nursing
care focuses on manipulating
the environment to maintain or
achieve a state of health
• First nursing theorist
•Advocated nurses provide clean
surroundings, fresh air and light
to improve quality of care
nursing theory
Nursing theories provide the foundation for nursing and guides research for best practices in
Influential Nursing Theorists
Patricia Benner (Benner is a beginner)
From Novice to Expert:
Excellence and Power in
Nursing Practice
Dorothea Orem (Orem is optimal)
Nursing role to assist the client to achieve and
maintain an optimal level of self-care
Influential Nursing Theorists
Madeleine Leininger (Madeleine understands culture)
Transcultural Nursing Theory
Culture Care
First theory that was congruent
and sensitive to culture
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
•Interdisciplinary theory adapted in nursing for
designating priorities
•Theoretical Framework for CCSF Nursing
•A pyramid with most basic needs at base
IOM Report: “To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health Care System”
2003: “All health professionals should be
educated to deliver pt-centered care as
members of an interdisciplinary team,
emphasizing evidence-based practice, quality
improvement approaches and informatics” (IOM)
QSEN Faculty & National Advisory Board*
•Using the IOM competencies, QSEN defined quality and safety competencies for nursing
•Proposed targets for the knowledge skills and attitudes (KSAs) to be developed in prelicensure programs for each of the competencies
Competency: Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN)(American Association of Colleges of Nursing) (QSEN is for the patient talks to the team, presents evidence. Then they improve quality, safety, and info)
Patient-Centered Care
Teamwork and Collaboration
Evidence-Based Practice
Quality Improvement
New AACN Essentials
New AACN Essentials
● Influenced by AACN’s Vision for Academic Nursing (AACN,2019)
● This new model for nursing education will serve to bridge the gap between education and
● Transition from QSEN Competencies to the new competency expectations in the 2021 Essentialsfor professional nursing programs
The Future of Nursing
The Future of Nursing
•RNs should practice to the full extent of their training & education
•Nurses should achieve higher levels of education and training through improved education system that promotes seamless academic progression
•Nurses should be full partners with other healthcare
professionals in redesigning health care in the united states
•Effective workforce planning & policy making require better
data collection & improved information infrastructure
The Future of Nursing Recommendations (just education and practice)
•Impact on nursing education
•Impact on practice
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA)
(a.k.a. “Obamacare”)
- Expansion of preventative and wellness efforts
- More Nurse Managed Clinics
- Community Health Centers
- School-based Health Centers
- Home Visiting
- Advanced Nursing education expansion
- Nurse faculty loan program
White Paper by the California Institute for Nursing
& Healthcare identified five new nursing roles (coordinate the team leader for info and facilitator for primary)
- Care Coordinator
- Faculty Team Leader
- Informatics Specialist
- Nurse/family cooperative facilitator
- Primary Care Provider
White Paper by the California Institute for Nursing
& Healthcare identified five new nursing roles
- Care Coordinator
- Faculty Team Leader
- Informatics Specialist
- Nurse/family cooperative facilitator
- Primary Care Provider
current system (Its a long way home, w/ primary wellness acutely gone)
Long-term Care
Home Care
Primary Care
transformed healthcare system (top to bottom - ALHMW - all home well)
Acute Care (top - less acute care, more wellness at bottom)
Long-term Care
home care
Management of Chronic Illness
wellness & primary care
Inflation Reduction Act: 2022
Inflation Reduction Act: 2022
Impact on Healthcare:
ACA subsidy extension for healthcare premiums
Prescription drug price reform - mom had cap of 2K a year.
Energy security and climate change investments - will have a start of an impact on climate, impacts healthcare.
Nursing in the 21st Century
Rapid Changes in Healthcare Technology
•Great impact on hospital stays
•Increase in outpatient services
Nursing in the 21st Century
Shorter Hospital Stays
Shorter Hospital Stays
•Average length of stay for 55% of population is 4.8 hours
•90% of healing will not take place in the hospital
Levels of Healthcare
More acutely ill patients in the hospital setting
More chronic secondary diagnoses
Nursing in the 21st Century
•“Compression of Space & Time”
•Clockwork Organization and
Complexity Science
Changes in Communication Technology
Technology is changing how patients manage their own health care needs and how nurses
manage patient care. Nurses need new skills to:
1. Use and contribute to the development of electronic health records
2. Find and evaluate the relevance of evidence to support clinical decisions
3. Use data to solve patient and system problems
Hand-Held Devices
Hand-Held Devices
While computers are the primary
means of using information
transmission and reception across
health care settings, hand-held
devices have been used by nurses
for point-of- service decision-
making. Use of smart devices has
been found to improve
communication and patient care
and also improve the use of clinical
support tools