Chem final Flashcards
alkanes alkenes and alkynes at room temp (alky gas)
gas. alkenes and alkynes 1-4 carbons.
benzene names
Methylbenzene is toluene. – Hydroxybenzene is phenol. –
Aminobenzene is aniline.
benezene w/ OH attached
benzene as side chain
do alcohols have high bps?
yes, bc of H bonding
do alkanes have high bps?
no, because they only have london
suffix for alcohols
diols and triols
2 and 3 alcohols
Diols with two–OH groups on adjacent carbons
if you remove and a O or an H, you almost always have to replace it with…
a double bond
name - O / \ H2C - CH2 (ether) (O but not oxy)
also 4 and 5 (furious diane)
ethylene oxide, and 4 is tetrahydrofuran, and 5 is 1,4 dioxane
alkoxy and ex.
an OR group - OCH3 is methoxy
mercaptan (theo is captain)
thiol - have an SH group
halide common naming
halide IUPAC naming
Configurations (can’t configure the stereo)
Stereoisomers that cannot be converted into one another by rotation around a single bond
formaldehyde (structure) (form JUST ONE)
H - C - H
acetaldehyde (structure)
H3C - C - H
common and IUPAC names for ketones
IUPAC name is 3-hexanone. The common name is ethyl propyl ketone
aldehydes and ketones - polar or non?
moderately polar
aldehydes, ketones, amine, acid, amides - soluble or not?
aldehydes, ketones - fewer than five or six carbon atoms are soluble in water because they are able to accept hydrogen bonds
amine up to 6.
acid - up to 4 carbons
amides - low weight
can aldehydes and ketones H bond with each other?
aldehydes and ketones - low or high bps?
lower boiling points than alcohols but higher boiling points than alkanes because of dipole-dipole interactions
aldehyde + alcohol =
D is alpha or beta?
if acid is added to an aldehyde and ketone + alcohol =
acetal. No acid it’s just a hemiacetal
hydrolysis of acetal or ketal causes what?
the formation of hemiacetal or hemiketal and then formation of aldehyde and ketone. The reverse.
COC (O double bond)
naming amines
N,N dimethyl propylamine - if the branches are different. And the parent is the longer chain
anything coming off of the N, even if the N is attached to benzene
bp of amines
higher than alkane, but not higher than OH
amines smell like..
ammonia - strong foul odor
carboxylic acid + alcohol = (ester drinks box alcohol)
ester - the biproduct is H20, so you’re literally just moving the O from H20 to the other O.
hierarchy (CEAA KAT AE AAAHA) (see a cat, ae, ah)
Carboxylic Acids > Esters > Amides > Aldehydes > Ketones > Alcohols > Thiols > Amines > Ethers > Alkenes > Alkynes > Alkyl Halides > Alkanes
uses alpha and beta on carbons when naming (god likes boxes)
carboxylic acid
if there are 2 carboxylic acid groups, name it..
dioic acid
common name for carboxylic acid uses…(acid for god)
alpha and beta. The IUPAC is numbers, like 2, 3.
naming esters
left part has the ate - benzoate, acetate, etc. right part is the branch - ethyl, etc.
small amides - liquid or solid at room temp? (hamide is small but solid)
solid, all other things are liquid, except alkanes are gas
tertierary amide
has 3 bonds, so it’s just an N, no H. (also can’t do H bonding because it doesn’t have an H)
amide naming ALSO uses…
N, N.
pKa, the larger and more positive number…
the weaker the acid
carboxylic acid + amine =
amide - byproduct is H2O
warming carboxylic acid + alcohol =
unsubstituted amide
ester hydrolysis is called…
saponification - it’s the opposite of esterification
amino acids have high or low melting points?
high melting points - similar to salt
oligopeptides (olga is large)
Very large peptides
amino acid naming ex.
Ala-Gly - always left to right
classification of proteins (FG classifications for proteins)
fibrous proteins or globular proteins
hydrophilic part of amino acid held together by what bonds? (water-free pocket in london)
london dispersion
conjugated protein
protein that has a group other than amino acid, like hemoglobin has a heme group
Denaturation is the
loss of secondary, tertiary, and quaternary protein structure
sugar and base in DNA and RNA is connected by what? (sugar base need glycosin)
β-N-glycosidic bond
nucleoside naming - RNA and DNA (just one difference)
DNA starts w/ deoxy - deoxyadenosine and RNA doesn’t - adenosine
Chargaff’s rule (Char made it fair)
amount of A and T are always the same, and amount of G and C are always the same
strands of DNA are anti-parallel - just means…
one goes 5 - 3, and the other 3 - 5
DNA polymerases (Poly is a court reporter)
just an enzyme that helps w/ transcription
template strand can only be read going which direction? (template is the fake one)
3 to 5
which strand can grow continuosly?
only the leading strand
which DNA strand is transcribed? (use the template)
the template strand
exon (gene exits)
small section of DNA that holds code for gene
codons always written in what direction (codons are OG)
5 - 3
complete combustion of propane (car overheats, pour water on it)
propane + oxygen = CO2, water and heat
C3H8 + 5 O2 → 3 CO2 + 4 H2O + Heat
REMEMBER - acetone is…(3 nail polishes)
2-propanone - there are 3 carbons
boiling points (branches in soup heats faster)
Boiling points increase as the number of carbons is increased. Branching decreases boiling point
Boiling points - do more carbons increase or decrease it? (more carbons makes you higher)
Boiling points increase as the number of carbons is increased.
general steps of enzyme reactions (eses pee)
E + S ↔ ES → P + E
where are substrates held in the enzyme? (the only active place in an enzyme)
in the active site
Ser-Ala → Ser + Ala - what enzyme reaction is this? (separate w/ water)
What kind of force holds two nucleotides together in an oligonucleotide (always think phosphate with DNA)
What kind of force holds two oligonucleotides together in DNA (olga gets the hydro)
DNA replication (replicate the fork, pair it with good wine, poly around 5 or 3, and lig up after)
Replication proteins bind to double stranded DNA at origins of replication.
The double helix opens and two replication forks form.
A base on the DNA pairs with its complementary base free in solution.
DNA polymerase forms bonds between a 5’-phosphate of one nucleotide and a 3’-hydroxyl of another.
DNA ligase connects short segments of DNA on one strand
where is the codon located? (mina has the code)
where is the anticodon located? (transfer the anti-trust, mina has the code)
What is the overall process of pyruvate oxidation
Pyruvate + CoA —- acetyl-CoA + NADH + CO2
overall process of citric acid cycle?
acetyl-CoA - 2CO2 + CoA + 3NADH + FADH2 + GTP
a glcyosidic bond is just..(the O, sugar)
an ether bond
if a sugar is reduced, it won’t have…
a double bond
if a sugar is oxidized, it will have…
a double bond
REMEMBER, just because something has OH or P doesn’t mean it’s….
polar. COUNT the carbons. If there are a bunch, it’s always nonpolar
omega fatty acid has a__at the end of the chain
zwitterion structure (zwitserland gets an extra one)
NH3+ and COO-
The peptide bonds that combine amino acids in a protein..(THINK, the N is combining with C=O-O)
Hydrophobic interactions help to stabilize the __________ structure(s) of a protein
secondary and quaternary
how to tell if it’s a hemiacetal or a hemiketal
hemiacetal has an OH and an H, hemiketal has an OH, and the others carbon
how to tell a ketal from acetal
acetal has an H, ketal just has carbons
amide and ester naming (amide and ester both left parents)
amide - attached to N on right is N-chain, left is butanamide - parent
ester - left is parent