FET Flashcards
FET Definition
Frozen Embryo transfer cycle is a cycle in which previously created embryos (autologous or donor) are thawed and transferred into the uterus.
How to best prepare the uterus for future embryo transfer?
Utilize the natural menstrual cycle or control/manipulate environment by utilizing hormones…
Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET)
goal: Create the best environment to transfer a previously frozen embryo.
considerations: Patient should have menses before starting medications for cycle
Stage embryo was frozen
Location of embryo/tissue
Protocol MD has ordered to prepare for future transfer
protocol options:
Natural/Letrozole FET
Use patient’s ovulation to time embryo transfer
Controlled FET
Suppress Natural cycle/Ovulation and control endometrial lining development and receptivity by giving exogenous hormones.
Follicular/Proliferative phase
Day 1-~14 of menstrual cycle
Can be variable
Key hormones:
Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
Secreted from anterior pituitary
Stimulates oocyte (egg) development within the follicles
Estrogen (E2)
Secreted from follicle
High level will suppress FSH
Causes endometrial lining to develop/thicken
LuteinizingHormone (LH)
High estrogen triggers LH surge-> ovulation
Luteal/Secretory Phase
Last 14 days of the menstrual cycle
Key hormones:
Progesterone (P4)
Secreted from Corpus Luteum (CL)
Causes endometrial lining to develop glands that optimize for implantation
Only elevated AFTER ovulation
Estrogen (E2)
Secreted from Corpus Luteum (CL)
Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)
If egg fertilized, implants
HCG->CL continues to produce E2/P4 until placenta takes over ~5-10 wks gestation
Implantation - what day does HCG start?
Endometrium must be “receptive” to allow proper implantation
Implantation occurs approx 6-7+ days after ovulation
Blastocysts begin secreting hCG 7-8 days after fertilization
FET Natural/Letrozole Priming
For the natural/letrozole FET protocol there may be priming with OCP
CD1 or OPK +5
OCP 7-231 days:
OCPs taken per current phase of cycle*:
Ensure patient take 1 pill daily, active pills NOT placebo:
If started early follicular (CD 1-3): 10-15 days
If started late follicular (CD 4-ovulation): 14-21 days
If started luteal (LH+5): 7-10 days
baseline - 3-5 days later:
3-5 days after stopping the birth control pill the patient will get their full flow period. They will need their baseline ultrasound during this time – ideally 4 days after last dose however avoid weekend/holidays
baseline w/ menses - CD1-4:
Patient tocontact withCD1,bring in forBaseline USCD 1-4 to determine if anyovarian cysts presentthat could impactresponse/outcomeLMP is the date of
first day of full flow period
Monitoring will include ultrasounds tracking follicular growth and lining thickness and bloodwork including E2, LH & P4 as requested by the provider
1. Cycle Day 9-11 for first US & potential bloodwork
Then continued until ovulation is confirmed or triggered
Once ovulation has been confirmed or triggered then you will be able to establish all other medication instructions and the transfer date
FET: Letrozole
baseline w/ menses
ltz start cd2-4 for 5 days:
Letrozole will be started on cycle day 2-4 and continue for five days. If dose not specified then assume 5 mg (2 tablets)
LMP is the date of
first day of full flow period
monitoring: Monitoring will include ultrasounds tracking follicular growth and lining thickness and bloodwork including E2, LH & P4 as requested by the provider
Cycle Day 9-11 for first US & potential bloodwork
Once ovulation has been confirmed or triggered then you will be able to establish all other medication instructions and the transfer date
Once ovulation has been confirmed or triggered then you will be able to establish all other medication instructions and the transfer date
In a natural cycle, after the egg ovulates from its follicle, that follicle will become a hormone secreting structure called Corpus Luteum(CL). It will begin secreting progesterone and estrogen. However, after a few days this structure will begin to degenerate and stop hormone production unless there is HCG.
If that month there is embryo implantation then the placenta will begin producing HCG therefore keeping the corpus luteum active and producing progesterone and estrogen to support the early pregnancyOvidrel is commonly given to trigger ovulation to ensure proper timing for FET.
If a patient has an LH surge, Ovidrel may be given as a “booster” to stimulate the corpus luteum to continue producing progesterone and estrogen.
(Ovidrel=HCG which is the hormone of pregnancy)
Often supplementation with exogenous (external) P4 is not required.
FET bloodwork
Throughout Natural/Letrozole FET cycles bloodwork will be monitored to assess when ovulation occurs. We will primarily be tracking the rise of E2 leading into ovulation, the quick surge of LH the day before ovulation and the rise of P4 following ovulation
Progesterone levels are checked 2 days after ovulation (LD2) to ensure a proper rise.
The ideal range is >9, in this case no supplementation will be needed.
If <2we are concerned and this could result in cycle cancellation or delay of transfer. See FET 02 for details
If >2 but <9we will supplement with progesterone starting the AM of LD3(Endometrin/Prometrium TID or Crinone8% QD) and continue until pregnancy test
FET: Natural/letrozole
FET: Natural/letrozole
LDO is the day of ovulation
Transfer Date is dependent on the day the embryo was frozen:
Day 3 Embryos transferred on LD 3 (3 days after ovulation)
Blastocyst Embryos transferred on LD 5 (5 days after ovulation)
Medrol: Option to waive, per provider
Valium will be taken one hour before transfer to help with uterine relaxation
Progesterone level is check on LD2
If P4 >9, no supplementation is need
If P4 2.0-9: Begin vaginal P4 (PV) the AM of LD3 and continue until pregnancy test.
If P4 < 2, add HCG level to blood draw to confirm adequate booster/trigger–then follow provider order
Options: Cancel FET or begin P4 (IM or PV) and push date of FET
Ovidrel Booster—Ideas documentation
If Ovidrel is used to Booster to thenatural LH surge, you must document in the cycle summary ADD-> Booster DO NOT list as a Trigger
Edit treatment plan:
Add drug->Booster-Ovidrel
Confirm the Ovidrel
Enter the LH surge into Treatment plan to set LD0
LD0 should be day following LH surge
Medrol (Methylprednisolone)*
16 mg tablet
Sig: 1 pill PO once daily x 5 days
Quantity: 5 tablets, no refill
*NYC will d/c using ~10/2023
Valium (Diazepam)
10 mg tablets
Sig: 1 pill one hour prior to procedure the second is an optional dose 6-8 hours later
Quantity: 2 tablets, no refill
If LD2 bloodtest indicates need for P4 supplementation order one of the following options -
(progy is a pro at ending)
ProgesteroneVaginal options:
Endometrin 100 mg vaginal insert tablets or
Prometrium 200mg tablets
Sig: 1 tablet three times daily vaginally for 16 days
Quantity: 50 tablets, 3 refills
Progesterone in oil (sesame, ethyl oleate-compounded)
Sig. Inject 1 ml IM once daily (dose will titrate per instructions)
Quantity: 3 vials, 3 refills
Will also need supplies(syringes/needles)
ovidrel - what is the dose?
250 mcg prefilled syringe
Sig: Inject SQ full dose once when specified
Quantity: 1 syringe
Controlled FET
Medications are given to prepare the uterus for embryo transfer:
BCPs and Lupron can be given to gain control and suppress hormonal activity
Estrogen is given to thicken the uterine lining
Progesterone is started when indicated, after Endometrium is developed,
Controlled FET pros/cons
Any patient that can tolerate SQ/IM injections
Less monitoring
Can determine target date for transfer based onprotocol and expected response
No risk of natural conception, since no ovulation
Multiple weeks of injections
Estrogen /PIOcontinues until 9 & 12wksgestation respectively
FET: Controlled-Estrace
(loop in the estrace for 7 days)
(Ester in 1623 was 433 and 2)
OCPs can be started in the follicular phase (CD1-3) or in the luteal phase (five days after positive OPK). OCPs will be continued for 14-28 days, active pills ONLY no placebo.For the last 7 days of OCP the patient will need to overlap with Lupron injections 10 IU SQ daily. These injections will be continued until progesterone injections are started
LMP is the date of Estradiol start
3-5 days after stopping the birth control pill the patient will get their full flow period. They will need their baseline ultrasound during this time – ideally 4 days after last dose however avoid weekend/holidays
With menses after the baseline appointment the patient will be instructed to start
estrace/estradiol 2mgtablets orally. They will follow the scheduled below.
lupron inections started last 7 days of OCP and continued
Estradiol 2mg dosing Schedule:
1 tablet (2mg/day) orally for 6 days, then
Increase to 1 tablet twice daily (total 4 mg/day) for 3 days, then
Increase to 2 tablets twice daily (total 8mg/day) until Progesterone start
On day of progesterone start, decrease to 3 tablet for 3 days
(i.e. 2 tabs AM and 1 tab PM- total 6 mg/day), then
Decrease to 1 twice daily (4mg/day) thereafter until bHCG.
If positive, continue 1 twice daily until 8w6d gestation.
An ultrasound appointment will be scheduled after 12-15 days on the estradiol tabletsto check lining
FET: Controlled- vivelle
(Vivien is 1, 1, 2, 4)
OCPs can be started in the follicular phase (CD1-4) or in the luteal phase (five days after positive OPK). OCPs will be continued for 14-28 days.
For the last 7 days of OCP the patient will need to overlap with Lupron injections 10 IU SQ daily. These injections will be continued until progesterone injections are started
LMP is the date of Vivelle patches start
Estrace pills can be used instead of patches. 1 x 2 mg PO tablet = 1 x patch
lupron inections started last 7 days of OCP and continued
3-5 days after stopping the birth control pill the patient will get their full flow period. They will need their baseline ultrasound during this time – ideally 4 days after last dose however avoid weekend/holidays
With menses after the baseline appointment the patient will be instructed to start Vivelle patches placed on their lower abdomen and/or back. They will follow the scheduled below.
Vivelle Patch Schedule:
With menses place 1 patch for 72 hrs
Remove and replace with 1 patch for 72 hrs
Remove and replace with 2 patches for 72 hours
Remove and replace with 4 patches for 72 hours
Continue at 4 every 72 hrs until instructed otherwise
An ultrasound appointment will be scheduled after 12-15 days on the patches to check lining
lining check - what date do you need to start progesterone by?
(progy at 17)
needs to be 7 mm, If the lining is within the ideal range the provider will confirm the progesterone injections start date. With this date you will be able to establish all other medication instructions and the transfer date.
If not yet at the ideal thickness the provider will considered additional estrogen supplementation such as Estrace tablets PO or PV or Estradiol Valerate IM and return for another check in 2-4 days.
Progesterone should be started no later than CD17
IM Progesterone Teaching
Draw up with a 18, 20 or 21 gauge 1½ inch needle.
Then switch to a 22 gauge 1½ inch needle for injection if Sesame/Olive Oil
OR a 25 gauge 1½ inch needle if Ethyl Oleate
Best positions for administration is leaning against a table or chair. If self-administration lean again a wall or back of a chair and shift body to one side.
Important tips for pain relief:
Warm up the oil slightly to body temperature by holding it in hand or placing a warm cloth around the vial
Deep tissue massage immediately after and get up and walk around
Apply heating pad or compress to site after injection
FET: Controlled (continued)
Lupron will stop once IM P4 is started
Transfer Date is dependent on the day the embryo was frozen:
Day 3 Embryos transferred on LD 3 (on the 5th day of IM P4)
Blastocyst Embryos transferred on LD 4 (on the 6th day of IM P4)
Vivelle patches continue 2 patches every 72 hrs until pregnancy test. If pregnant will continue until ~9 weeks gestation
Prog continue at 1.5mL until pregnancy test. If pregnant will continue prog. until ~12 wks gestation (dosage will decrease to 1ml at 7wks)*
Controlled FET Protocol - Vivelle
Suppression/priming (CD 1-4 or 5 days after +OPK) 14-28 days:Beginluprondaily injection (10 units) last 7 days of OCPs (best to use longer course of pills to avoid flare effect).
Lupron continue daily until P4 injectionbegins
Baseline 3-5 days after d/c of BCP (avoid weekend/holiday)Ensure period has started before starting Vivelle patch..
Vivelle patch q 3 days—1, 1, 2, 4,cont4 q3day until day of P4 start. Day of P4 start change to 3 patches, in 3 days decrease to 2 patches and stay on 2 until 9wks gest.
Lining Check U/S ~12-15 days aftervivellestart (Must be before D17): If EM >7mm, MD will advise when to begin PIO, day of PIO start d/clupron
PIO is daily titrated up in the following doses (50mg/ml PIO)
½ ml, ½ ml , 1ml, 1ml, 1ml, 1.5ml–stay on 1.5 until pregnancy test. If positive, will continue at this dose until 7weeks, then decreased to 1ml until 12 weeks.
Can switch to vaginal at 8 6/7th wks gest.
Blast transfer will be day 6 of PIO (LD4)
FET Controlled Medications - OCP
(eclipse the OCP)
Reclipsen 0.15-0.03 mg tablets
Sig: 1 pill daily for X days (14-28 unless specified)
Quantity: 28 pill as it is always dispensed in pack, refills 3
FET controlled meds - Estrogen
Vivelle Patch 0.1 mg 24 hr patch
Sig: 1-4 patches (as instructed) q72h, until instructed otherwise
Quantity: 32 patchs, 3 refills
Estrace (Estradiol tablets) 2mg #60 w/refills
Sig: Take orally as directed
FET controlled meds - progesterone
Progesterone in Oil (Sesame, Olive or Ethyl Oleate)
Progesterone in Oil 50 mg/mL, 10 mL vials
Sig: Inject 1 mL (dose will titrate up per instructions) IM once daily
Quantity: 3 vials, 3 refills
FET controlled meds - lupron
(Leuprolide Acetate)
Sig: Inject SQ 10 IU daily
Quantity: 1 kit/vial, refills 3
Lupron is specialty. If self pay send to Alto, order compounded 4-wk kit (28 vials). If insurance send to preferred specialty 2-week kit 1mg/0.2mL
FET controlled meds - medrol
(meddie is 16)
Methylprednisolone) 16 mg tablet
Sig: 1 pill PO once daily x 5 days
Quantity: 5 tablets, no refill
*NYC to d/c use ~ 10/2023
FET controlled meds - valium
Diazepam) 10 mg tablets
Sig: 1 pill one hour prior to procedure the second is an optional dose 6-8 hours later
Quantity: 2 tablets, no refill
all meds except
expect Lupron, can be filled through local or specialty pharmacy
If patient does not follow instructions:
i.e. Did not take trigger on assigned date or begin PIO as instructed—Transfer day will need to be moved!
Natural/Let FET, once triggered, does not need a repeat US unless MD had a concern
LH surge may be interpreted differently , per provider
LH>20 , should indicate an LH surge however this is also dependent on US, E2, etc..And hormone analyzer running the test.
Analyzer at Spring is very sensitive andLH>12 may indicate a LH surge..
Check in with your provider /team
May compare results over multiple days to determine LH surge day and advise best day for transfer day
The two week wait
The hormonal symptoms for the medications following the transfer will make them feel as though they are about to get their period and/or are pregnant. It is therefore important to remind them to try and not read into these symptoms
Recommendations during this time include:
Take it easy the first 1-3 days, no bed rest but avoid strenuous activity and high stress. After this okay to resume all normal activity. Exercise is okay but no lifting over 30 lbs and avoid bearing down in abdomen.
No hot tubs, saunas or hot yoga
Normal diet and fluid intake – following standard pregnancy precautions (no alcohol, moderate caffeine (1-2 8 oz cups daily) raw animal products, unpasteurized cheese/milk, processed deli meats, fish high in mercury)
No intercourse/orgasm at minimum for one week, however most patient opt to wait until the pregnancy test
Due to false readings we do not recommend checking home urine pregnancy tests during this time!
Progyny Patients-Multiple Embryo Transfer (MET) policy
Progyny patients desiring Multiple Embryo Transfers (MET) - require pre-approval
Progyny patients require pre-approval for multiple embryo transfers before starting thecycle, and only those that adhere to ASRM guidelines will be covered by insurance.
If denied, the patient could still plan to proceed with plan it will just not be covered by Progyny.
This process will mostly be handled by Finance Team, but will require RNs or PNs sendingthe Order to Finance beforetreatment in which a MET is desired .
Utilize the @ phrase @METforProgyny in remarks of order to Finance-Progyny to generate the paragraph template, and fill in the required information (cycle type, number of embryos to transfer, stage of embryos)
elective single embryo transfer (this always means just one)
when do we check P4?
(P on day 2)
(cryin in the morning)
use in the am, the heat and friction help w/ absorption
when to start progesterone?
(progy transferred at 3)
transfer day 3
Progesterone lower than expected following ovulation…
if P4 is less than 2 = Provider to advise
Cancellation vs. Supplementation and move transfer date
Progesterone in oil (IM)
vaginal P4
New Transfer date will be on NEW LD3 (D3) or LD4 (Blast) -Start of PIO = LD-1 (LD minus 1) or Start of PV= LD0
look at this slide - start at .25 (check this)
after starting E2, how long until you start progesterone?
usually around day 17 is good, but it depends on how thick the lining is
FET - when is LDO?
the start of progesterone determines LD0 and future transfer date.