Moment 333 Flashcards
sympathetic efferent division - what hormones?
ACH and NE
parasympathetic efferent division - what hormone?
only ACH AND only through direct innervation
ach receptors are..nic
nicotinic and always excitatory - just means they will always send the message - never not fire
muscarinic - on effector CELL - that means ONLY (relax your muscarals)
parasympathetic - can be excitatory or inhibitory
adrenergic - on effector ORGAN (always sympathetic or parasympathetic?)
always sympathetic
adrenergic receptors - again, always sympathetic are..(adriene always a spaz)
alpha (a) receptors - binds w/ NE and E - usually excitatory (constriction of arterioles - NOT fight or flight organs, ie digestive, etc)
beta (b) receptors:
b1 - binds w/ NE and E, mostly in heart, excitatory
b2 - binds mostly with E, response is inhibitory (dilation of arterioles)
Somatic nervous system -
always terminates on muscle cell = always excitatory
Bronchioles respond to
arterioles respond to..
arterioles vasoconstrict w/___02
decreased 02
small intestines goes (small DJ)…
serous membrane in stomach is called..
HCl activates…
digestive enzymes. it coverts pesinogen into pepsin
inogen is the___form
motility in small intestine is..
any digestive enzymes in the lumen (inside part) of the small intestine came from…
the pancreas
liver excretes
liver excretes
sinusoidal capillaries in liver - the leakiest (more than fenstrated) - so that…
plasma proteins can get out
help small intestine absorb fat
movement in large intestine
kill parasites
converts vitamin D to its active form
if you have high bp, you vasodilate…
and gfr would increase, allowing you to filter more fluids and lower bp
tubular reabsorption
getting back most of the Na, and then H2o follows.
angio II
vasoconstricts arterioles, which will raise BP. it also causes the adrenal cortex to release aldosterone. this will insert more Na pumps into DCT and increase blood volume, then bp.
ANP does the opposite of…
angio II
glucose reabsorption in kidneys is…(type of transport)
secondary active transport bc it’s hitching a ride with Na
mac the…
important for homeostatis
subcutaneous and hypodermis are..
the same
apocrine and eccrine are in the..(layer) sweat can’t be too close
water, sodium, chloride and magnesium are excreted by what glands? (ferris drinks milk)
sudorferrous glands
sweat is produced by which glands? (sweat in the sea)
where are salt and water reabsorbed?
in the proximal and dct
vital nutrients are returned to the blood through the…(in the kidneys)
renal vein
urethra carries what in men?
urine and sperm
informed guess based on causal relationships
its and it’s is a…
while and when are signal words for…
sequential order
chronological tells…
when or how often - when something happened
while and when are…
signal words for sequential order
chronological tells…
when or how often - when something happened
pH 3 will have 100 times more H+ than…
a solution of pH 5
log2(16) =
- Because you change 16 to 2, which is 2(4), then log is the same as the power, just 4.
log (1000) =
if there is no base, it equals 10, so it’s log10(1000), which equals log (10(3) = 3
inguinal or groin region
between legs and genitals
tarsal region (tara)
antecubital region
encompassing the front of the elbow
antebrachial region
encompassing the forearm
acromial region (picking acorns)
encompassing the shoulder
olecranal region
encompassing the back of the elbow
antebrachial region
encompasses the forearm
manual or manus region (slap mani)
encompassing the back of the hand
sural region (sura leg)
encompassing the back of the lower leg
auricle or otic region
coxal region (cox belt)
encompassing the belt line
rational numbers are…
just a fraction (p/q) that are integers (whole numbers, positive or neg) and q can’t be 0.
how answers___information
implicit - implied info
shows changes over time
bar graph
cutaneous layer is also called the…
dermis (where we get the word cut)
2 types of hypodermis tissue are…
loose connective - areolar and adipose
ceruminous glands
produce sebum only found in dermis of ear canal
cerumen is…
ear wax
apocrine glands are..
sweat or scent glands
main role of eccrine sweat glands..
sweat is used for thermoregulation
most effective means of retaining heat..
vascoconstriction. hair standing on end helps a little.
lactic and fatty acids encourage a…(on the skin)
low ph on the skin
***ureter brings..
urine to the bladder
4 (0) =
- Any number raised to the power of 0 is equal to one
acid and a base always equals (the equation)
1.0 x 10 (-14)
logs in ph
just count the zeros or digits behind the decimal. bam.
X 10Y Y = log10(X) 1,000,000 10 (6) 6 100,000 105 5 10,000 104 4 1,000 103 3 100 102 2 10 101 1 1 100 0 0.1 10-1 -1 0.01 10-2 -2 0.001 10-3 -3 0.0001 10-4 -4 0.00001 10-5 -5 0.000001 10-6
if compound subject is connected by “and” the verb is…
plural. Mark and Ana live in Florida. If it’s connected by “or”, it’s singular “lives”.
if you can add the word “members” after the subject, the verb is…
plural. ex the class are tuning their instruments (can be class members)
everyone is sitting in his seat
everyone is singular
each of the animals is unique
each is
the careful ordering of molecules w/in solids that have a fixed shape is…(careful crystal)
triple beam shows units of measure in…
the ending “ism” is a…
Aunt Sally is capitalized
because it’s a proper name. If you said “my” aunt Sally, it would not be capitalized..
drive to the South
is capitalized because it’s part of the US. We drove east, not, bc it’s directions.
what has the least oxygenated blood?
pulmonary artery
sensory information is interpreted where?
the cerebrum
emotionally charged words and words like “only” indicate…
if the writer claims something is the best or worst, it’s an…
as well as indicates..
A (atomic radius) and M (metal reactively) like to stand at football games
Down increases and right decreases
EINstein likes to do headstands
decreases as it goes down, increases to the right
e- electronegativity I - ionization N - nonmetal reactivity
log 10 (-3)
Negative is divide, positive is multiply. divide 1 by 10 by 10 by 10. MUST divide by one first. Answer = .001
last sentence in a paragraph elaborates on..
controlling idea by summarizing the points
occasionally I add another s
occurred (did 2…)
did 2 r’s occur to you?
apparently one r is enough
science tious
consensus (the consensus is s)
with an s
entre pre neur
are you able to dispense?
laid off
not layed
only one c is necessary
underrate (rs are underrated)
2 rs
pharnyx and then…
chyme is made where?
bile is…(what ph)
on the left on periodic table
H, K, Ca, Na, Mg
on the right on periodic table
He, O, C, N, Cl, Ne, Sulfur, P
metals on the…
left. nonmetals on right starting w/ carbon and P