IVF Protocols Flashcards
priming - how long does it last?
2-4 weeks
Priming is about suppression of the follicles to ensure they are at the same small ideal size at the start of their stimulation – therefore leading to more synchronized growth
Variations in Priming Protocols:
Variations in Priming Protocols:
Mid Luteal
EAP (E2 & Antag)
ATP (Aygestin & Testosterone)
ETP (Estrogen & Testosterone)
stimulation - 8-12 days - this is obviously just monitoring
We will monitor throughout the stimulation closely and adjust dosing throughout to encourage synchronized growth and pick the ideal time for trigger for retrieval
Variations in Stimulation Protocols:
Minimal Stimulation
Clomid/Letrozole Flare
priming and stimulation
Spring offers many different protocols for priming and stimulation that will be selected specifically for each patient based on their diagnosis and history in order to give them the ideal outcome
IVF: Intended treatment - (this is just an example of how it will look in Ideas)
All treatment plans will state “IVF” however, you will need to look at the actual intended treatment to determine what type of cycle they will be doing. See example
This is an egg freezing patient doing Aygestin priming – no fertilization will occur even though it states “IVF”
If there is a fraction in remarks, like 3/2, that’s the 2 meds - FSH and LH, or whatever the doc prescribed
Invitro Fertilization “IVF”
IVF technically refers to the fertilization of the egg with sperm outside of the body.
We will utilize the term “IVF” to refer to any treatment cycle of controlled ovarian stimulation with the intent of an egg retrieval.
Egg Cryopreservation
Embryo Cryopreservation
IVF with fresh embryo transfer
Egg donor cycle
You must look at the actual intended treatment to determine what type of cycle is planned
priming protocol - OCP (OCP is birth control) follicular - CD1 - how long to take the BC? And in the follicular phase?
Patient reports full flow period and is instructed to start oral contraceptive/birth control pills (OCP/BCP) on CD 1-3. The birth control will then be continued for 10-14 days unless otherwise specified in treatment plan.
*If started late follicular (CD4-ovulation): instruct pt to take 14-20days.
Ideal Timing: Last BCP Sat for W/Th BUS
- OCP follicular baseline - 3-5 days AFTER stopping BC - what meds?
- expected menses - After baseline appointment the patient will be instructed to start injectable stimulastion medications FSH & Menopur
OCP - Day 8-12 after menses - Monitoring - what meds? and how big should the follicle be?
stimulation meds - Once a dominate follicle(s) reaches a size of 12+ mm the provider will start antagonist medication (Ganirelix/Cetrotide/Fyremadel) (to prevent early LH surge)
OCP - monitoring - stim day 3-4 and 5-6
Stim Day (stim day is the day we give the shots) 3-4 E2 only (blood test)
Stim Day 5-6 US & E2 (blood test)
Then continued per response until trigger
- OCP - trigger - what drugs? and when to retrieve?
(the OC is huggin lupe)
When cohort of follicles is at ideal range for best maturity outcome the provider will confirm trigger with HCG & Lupron. Her retrieval will be schedule 36 hours later
OCP follicular
CD1, OCP (10-16 days) baseline (3-4 days later) monitoring 8-12 days, retrieval = 36 hours later
PRIMING Protocol: OCP Luteal - CD1
and what bloodwork?
(this is when you start priming the month prior to stim)
Patient reports full flow period and is instructed to begin checking ovulation predictor kits for one week (expected ovulation date –3 & +3)
If the results are negative (for LH surge = with OPK) for the full week the patient will need to come in for bloodwork (E2 & P4) to confirm if the patient has ovulated yet or not
PRIMING Protocol: Aygestin - CD1
- and what if pt hasn’t ovulated according to OPK?
This ONLY starts in the luteal phase =
Patient reports full flow period and is instructed to begin checking ovulation predictor kits for one week (expected ovulation date –3 & +3)
If the results are negative (pt hasn’t ovulated) for the full week the patient will need to come in for bloodwork (E2 & P4) to confirm if the patient has ovulated yet or not
PRIMING Protocol: Aygestin – 5 days after +OPK
Once the patient reports a positive result 5 days after the positive OPK result patient is instructed to start Aygestin and continue for 10 days.
PRIMING Protocol: E2 (this is the least suppressive) - what day to start estrace?
(this is usually used for DOR)
(taking estrogen won’t stop period - it’s more to stop the body from releasing follicles)
This USUALLY starts in the luteal phase -
Patient reports full flow period and is instructed to begin checking ovulation predictor kits for one week (expected ovulation date –3 & +3)
Once the patient reports a positive result they are instructed to start Estrace BID 5 days (2 mg x 2/day) later and continue until menses
E2 - after baseline and menses, pt will do what?
After baseline appointment, and menses is confirmed the patient will be instructed to start injectable stimulation medications FSH & Menopur
PRIMING Protocol: E2 - stimulation meds (antagonist) - when egg is what size?
Once a dominate follicle(s) reaches a size of 12+ mm the provider will start antagonist medication (Ganirelix/Cetrotide)
PRIMING Protocol: E2 - retrieval - 36 hours - what to give for trigger?
When cohort of follicles is at ideal range for best maturity outcome the provider will confirm trigger with HCG & Lupron (prob won’t have HSSO bc they likely won’t have a lot of eggs due to DOR). Her retrieval will be schedule 36 hours later
check OPKs - OCP Luteal - when to start BC after positive OPK results? and how long to continue?
5 days after the positive OPK result, the patient is instructed to start oral contraceptive/birth control pills (OCP/BCP) and continue for 7-10 days unless otherwise specified in treatment plan.
Must confirm and document instructions for patient to abstain from unprotected intercourse.
Ideal Timing: Last dose BCP on Sat for Weds. Or Thurs. start
How these Priming MeDs work
Increases in Estrogen and Progesterone cause a decrease in FSH & LH production, therefore suppressing follicular growth (helps to quiet ovaries)
OCP is Estrogen & Progesterone
Aygestin is Progesterone
Estrace is Estrogen
PRIMING Protocol: Mid or Late Luteal - CD1***
(if it’s in luteal, then baseline is in luteal)
Priming is done naturally -
pt checks for LH surge - then will come in for baseline ultrasound (5 days later) could start FSH and LH 5 days after they’ve ovulated.
the uterus is separate from the FSH and LH - the follicle grows a little slower - allows for a little suppression in the beginning
Patient reports full flow period and is instructed to begin checking ovulation predictor kits for one week (expected ovulation date –3 & +3)
Once the patient reports a positive result the baseline will need to be scheduled (try to avoid weekend/holiday, if possible:
PRIMING Protocol: Mid or Late - monitoring - 8-12 days - after baseline, what stimulation meds?
(Mid is the same)
After baseline appointment, and ovulation is confirmed the patient will be instructed to start injectable stimulation medications FSH & Menopur
PRIMING Protocol: Mid or Late - retrieval - 36 hours later - what meds to trigger?
(the same - loop in the HCG)
When cohort of follicles is at ideal range for best maturity outcome the provider will confirm trigger with HCG & Lupron. Her retrieval will be schedule 36 hours later
How Mid & Late luteal Priming works
After natural ovulation progesterone levels will rise, causing the hypothalamus and pituitary gland to stop producing FSH & LH, therefore suppressing follicle growth
The mid & late luteal protocol relies on these natural hormones for suppression and therefore does not require additional medication
Lupron saturates GnRH receptors - over time they are over saturated, body can’t produce LH and FSH -
PRIMING Protocol: Demi Halt - CD1 - what meds to start? and on what day?
(Loop in demi)
Patient reports full flow period and is instructed to begin checking ovulation predictor kits for one week (expected ovulation date –3 & +3)
Once the patient reports a positive result they are instructed to start Lupron injections 5 days later and continue daily for 10-12 days
PRIMING Protocol: Demi Halt - monitoring = after baseline apt and menses is confirmed, what should pt do?
After baseline appointment, and menses is confirmed the patient will be instructed to stop Lupron and start injectable stimulation medications FSH (Lupron pts are one of the few that takes FSH bc we took it away from them) & Menopur
PRIMING : Demi Halt - retriveal - trigger - what meds to trigger?
(demi can’t trigger with loop)
When cohort of follicles is at ideal range for best maturity outcome the provider will confirm trigger with HCG & Lupron. Her retrieval will be schedule 36 hours later
*TRIGGER cannot be Lupron
How Lupron Priming works
Lupron (Leuprolide Acetate) when given in small doses over an extended period of time will shut down the pituitary gland, therefore stopping FSH and LH production and follicular growth
PRIMING Protocol: Follicular Testosterone Priming - when to start T?
Patient begins T on CD 1 or 2 and continues until Baseline
Patient reports full flow period and is instructed to begin checking ovulation predictor kits for one week (expected ovulation date –3 & +3)
Once the patient reports a positive result the baseline will need to be schedule 4-6 days later – avoiding weekends/holidays.
PRIMING Protocol: Follicular Testosterone - what stimulation meds?
After baseline appointment, and ovulation is confirmed the patient will be instructed to start injectable stimulation medications FSH & Menopur, stop Testosterone
PRIMING Protocol: Follicular Testosterone Priming - follicle what size? and what antagonist?
Once a dominate follicle(s) reaches a size of 12+ mm the provider will start antagonist medication (Gani relix/Cetrotide)
PRIMING Protocol: Follicular Testosterone Priming - retrieval 36 hours later - trigger w/ what med?
When cohort of follicles is at ideal range for best maturity outcome the provider will confirm trigger with HCG & Lupron. Her retrieval will be schedule 36 hours later
Protocol: Microdose Flare (MD Flare) - when to schedule BL and meds?
(flare early)
If Straight start: Patient reports full flow period:
Schedule: BL US +E2- CD 1 or 2.
Protocol: Microdose Flare (MD Flare)
(Uses Diluted Lupron (leuprolide Acetate—40mcg/0.2ml—Must be ordered to -
Microdose Lupron Injection begins evening of Baseline US and continue BID throughout stim
Protocol: Microdose Flare (MD Flare) - when to use lupron?
Lupron only 1st 2 days then on day 3 of Lupron add Stimulation Meds
If baseline appointment confirms start:
Start Lupron 40mcg that PM, then BID until trigger.
Only AM dose of MD lupron, day of trigger.
On day 3 of Lupron, start injectable stimulation medications, per provider
Likely FSH/HMG and GH if using
- ~Day 7of Lupron injections/day 5 of stim US & E2
Then continued per response until trigger
Protocol: Microdose Flare (MD Flare)
trigger with what meds? and when is lupron taken?
(microdose 450)
When cohort of follicles is at ideal range for best maturity outcome the provider will confirm trigger with HCG & 450 FSH. Retrieval will be schedule 36 hours later
MD Lupron taken AM only, unless otherwise specified
Other priming Variations - additional meds to layer on the suppression - E2 and Antagonist
EAP: E2 & Antagonist (antogonists block) Priming:
The patient will follow the same E2 priming protocol but will in addition take Antagonist (Cetrotide/Ganirelix) (helps to drop E2) 10 days after the +OPK and continued for three nights only
Other Priming Variations (cont.) - straight start
The patient will call with their period and need to baseline that day. The stimulation, monitoring and retrieval will be the same as OCP/Aygestin
IVF bloodwork - progesterone
To determine ovulation it is most important to check progesterone levels.
It will rise after ovulation has occurred, peaking about one week after ovulation.
Progesterone Levels:
<1.5 = not yet ovulated
Instructed to continue checking OPKs
1.5 – 3 = likely just recently ovulated
Instructed to start meds/baseline in 3-5 days
> 3 = ovulated 5 or more days ago
Instructed to start meds/baseline in 1-2 days
Minimal Stimulation Protocol - baseline w/ menses - what protocols are usually used?
(Min stim is usually used for women with less than 5 follicles)
Will follow specific priming protocol, typically OCP, Aygestin or Straight Start
Minimal Stimulation Protocol - monitoring 3-7 days - after last dose of CC/LTZ, what meds will be started?
The patient will then return for monitoring after the last dose of CC/LTZ. Will then first start FSH at 150IU
Menopur 75 IU will be added around the time the antagonist is started
LMP is the day before CC/LTZ start
Minimal Stimulation Protocol - what meds to trigger? and when is retrieval?
(mini is different)
When cohort of follicles is at ideal range for best maturity outcome the provider will confirm trigger with HCG & Lupron. Her retrieval will be schedule 34 hours later***
Clomid/Letrozole Flare Protocol - baseline w/ menses
(this more for the DOR group)
Will following specific priming protocol, typically OCP, Aygestin or Straight Start
After the baseline the patient will first take Clomid or Letrozole for 5 days, starting CD2-4.
Again, sometimes the provider will request the FSH to start even earlier at the CC/LTZ start
Clomid/Letrozole Flare Protocol - CD 2-6
On CD4 the patient will start FSH at 225IU
LMP is the date of cycle before CC/LTZ start
Clomid/Letrozole Flare Protocol - Monitoring - 3-7 days - stimulating meds and antagonist
stim meds - Menopur 150 IU will be added CD4 or CD7, per provider preference, usually around the time the antagonist is started
Once a dominate follicle(s) reaches a size of 12+ mm will start antagonist medication (Ganirelix/Cetrotide)
- Cycle Day 7 US & E2
Then continued per response until trigger
When cohort of follicles is at ideal range for best maturity outcome the provider will confirm trigger with HCG & Lupron. Her retrieval will be schedule 36 hours later
how GnRH works
Its FSH and LH - FSH and menopur (small amount of LH - that may be helpful in stimulating egg maturity) - this causes the eggs to grow
Cetrotide/Ganirelix/Fyremadel is a GnRH antagonist. GnRH antagonists compete with GnRH for receptors on gonadotroph cell membranes, inhibit GnRH-induced signal transduction and consequently gonadotrophin secretion. GnRH antagonists help delay the luteinizing hormone surge and prevent ovulation until the patient is instructed to trigger for retrieval .
Lupron - how does it work as a down regulator?
(Loop in the pituitary)
Lupron (Leuprolide Acetate)-GnRH agonist can be used as a downregulator of the pituitary gland when given in small doses(0.5mg) over several days(~12) when started prior to stimulation medication (FSH/LH)
When Lupron has been previously used for suppression…
When Lupron has been previously used for suppression (Demi-Halt) this trigger will not work. Therefore HCG & a high dose of FSH (450) will be used to induce final maturation
HCG as a trigger
HCG (Novarel/Pregnyl) “trigger” is chemically similar to LH and therefore mimics its affects and will cause final maturation and ovulation