thyroid Flashcards
Hyperactivity of thyroid gland → increased levels of circulating thyroid hormone
Prevalence: about 1.2% in the US of which 0.7% is subclinical
Classified as either:
Primary: Hypersecretion of TH related to the thyroid gland
An autoimmune disease that results in development of antibodies to the TSH receptor
Thyroid stimulating immunoglobulins bind to TSH receptors on the thyroid gland → excess secretion of TH
Accounts for 75% of hyperthyroidism cases
HYPERTHYROIDISM: GRAVE’S DISEASE - Signs & Symptoms (grave’s goiter)
Signs & Symptoms (Lewis table 49-9):
Diffuse thyroid enlargement: goiter
HYPERTHYROIDISM: Diagnosis based on
Medical hx, physical exam, symptoms
HYPERTHYROIDISM: Treatment- Propylthiouracil (Judy is a pro)
Drug therapy
Propylthiouracil (PTU) 1st drug of choice: taken TID
Inhibits thyroxine synthesis and blocks conversion of T4 to T3
HYPERTHYROIDISM: Total or Partial Thyroidectomy - POST-OP CARE - lying in what position?
Pillows to support the head, semi-fowler’s for respiratory support
Avoid hyper-flexion of neck
hYPOTHYROIDISM: PATHOPHYSIOLOGY - most common cause in US (hashi is slow)
Deficiency of thyroid hormone leading to slowing of metabolic rate
Most common cause worldwide is iodine deficiency
Uncommon in the US where iodine is usually adequate
Most common cause in US is atrophy of the thyroid gland (e.g. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis)
HYPOTHYROIDISM - HASHIMOTO’S THYROIDITIS (Chronic autoimmune thyroiditis) (Hashi is low TSH)
The most common cause of hypothyroid goiter in the US
A chronic autoimmune disease in which thyroid tissue is replaced by lymphocyte and fibrous tissue
T3 and T4 are initially elevated in subacute, acute, and silent thyroiditis but becomes depressed over time
TSH is low then elevated (feedback mechanism)
Positive anti-thyroid antibodies
HYPOTHYROIDISM-MYXEDEMA - is it lifethreatening?
MYXEDEMA (Severe and longstanding hypothyroidism)
Carries a mortality risk as high as 40 %
Over secretion of PTH
PTH regulates calcium and phosphate levels
HYPERPARATHYROIDISM: EVALUATION AND TREATMENT- Ca and phos levels (big parrot drinks too much milk at 10, and not enough phos at 3)
Diagnostic criteria:
Detection usually through routine lab work
Serum Ca >10mg/dL
Serum Phos <3mg/dL
HYPOPARATHYROIDISM- how does it happen? (little parrot got removed)
Inadequate circulating PTH
Uncommon condition
Commonly iatrogenic: accidental removal of parathyroid gland during neck surgery
Signs and Symptoms related to low serum Ca+:
Hypocalcemia lowers the threshold for nerve and muscle excitation
what meds for hypoparathyroidism? (think low calcium)
For tetany, slow IV Ca gluconate so as not to cause hypotension or cardia dysrhythmias. Avoid IV CaCl unless in emergency (caustic to veins)
Oral Ca supplement with meals (gastric acid promotes Ca absorption)
Vit D is given rather than PTH
PTH replacement expensive and given IV only
hyperthyroidism - Secondary
Secondary : rare; related to TSH secreting pituitary adenomas
All forms of thyrotoxicosis
share the same clinical manifestations
hyperthyroidism - disease ex. (hyper in the grave)
e.g. Graves disease, toxic multinodular goiter and rarely follicular thyroid carcinomas
complication of hyperthyroidism
Complication: Thyroid storm/Acute thyrotoxicosis manifested by infection, trauma or surgery, is a medical emergency but rarely causes death if treated early
thyroid storm - symptoms (hot storm in the hall)
Sx: restlessness, severe tachycardia, heart failure, shock, hyperthermia, delirium, seizures
thyroid storm may progress to (storms go low)
destruction of thyroid tissue → hypothyroidism
graves disease - Goiter is a result of (goiter can go either way)
Goiter is a result of hypo or hyperthyroidism, nontoxic or nodular goiter
graves - most common cause- and what foods? (salty grave)
Most common cause d/t low iodine intake or Goitrogen related
*goitrogens are foods/drugs that inhibit uptake of iodine in thyroid gland e.g. PTU, methimazole, broccoli, brussels sprouts, etc. see Lewis T49-4