adrenal cortex Flashcards
CUSHING SYNDROME AND CUSHING DISEASE- cause - just extra steroids
Cushion syndrome occurs with excess corticosteriods
cushing syndrome - Glucocorticoid (cortisol) related - symptoms - face
Weight gain from fat deposit in the trunk, face and cervical areas resulting in “ truncal obesity, moon face, buffalo hump”
CUSHING SYNDROME: CLINICAL MANIFESTATION - Mineralocorticoid (aldosterone) - what happens when Na is too high? (cushy but high up)
HTN secondary to Na and water retention
Severe acne
Virilization (male hormones) in women
Hirsutism (male pattern hair growth on women)
Feminization, gynecomastia and impotence in men
cushings - tests - test for what?
24 urinary cortisol test
Salivary cortisol level
Interprofessional Care (1 of 2) - cushings
Normalize hormone secretion
Treatment depends on cause
Surgical removal or irradiation of pituitary adenoma
Adrenalectomy for adrenal tumors or hyperplasia
Removal of ACTH-secreting tumors
what med? - cushings (cushions needs roids)
If cause is prolonged, use of corticosteroids
Gradually discontinue therapy
Decrease dose
Convert to an alternate-day dosing
Dose must be tapered gradually
ADRENOCORTICAL INSUFFICIENCY- which disease is primary? (addy is small)
Primary adrenal insufficiency (Addison’s disease)
Deficiency of the adrenal cortex
All 3 adrenal hormones are depressed
80% of Addison’s disease d/t autoimmune response
Other causes include: TB, adrenal infarction, chemo, AIDS, neoplasms, bilateral adrenalectomy
ADRENAL INSUFFICIENCY: is it fast, or slow? (adrienne is insideous)
Slow insidious onset (up to 90% of adrenal cortex destroyed before symptoms appears)
Acute drop in adrenocortical hormones: A life-threatening emergency
ADRENAL INSUFFICIENCY - what diagnostic test?
ACTH stimulation test
Baseline ACTH and cortisol levels drawn
Then give synthetic ACTH (cosyntropin)
ACTH and cortisol rechecked in 30-60min
Normal response is ↑ cortisol levels
Cortisol level remains low = Addison’s Disease
Hyperkalemia, hyponatremia, hypoglycemia, anemia, hypochloremia
Imaging with MRI or CT
Treatment and Nursing Management - adrenal insufficiency (just put hydrocortisone on it)
Hormone therapy
Hydrocortisone has both glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid properties
Fludrocortisone a mineralocorticoid
Patient Education - adrenal insufficiency
Do not stop steroid therapy suddenly; could lead to Addisonian crisis and death
HYPERALDOSTERONISM (Conn’s Syndrome)- what type of alkylosis?
Excessive secretion of aldosterone leading to Na+ retention, K+ and H+ excretion → HTN and hypokalemic alkalosis
HYPERALDOSTERONISM: TREATMENT- surgery and what? (you take it, think K+)
Adrenalectomy preferred treatment
Nursing care
Treat with a potassium sparing diuretic (Spironolactone or Eplerenone)
Normalize BP before for surgery
Treat hypokalemia
Frequent monitoring of BP pre and post-op
Vigilant assessment of fluid, electrolyte and cardiovascular status
Hyperaldosteronism Treatment (1 of 2)
Adrenalectomy to remove adenoma
Potassium-sparing diuretics
Oral potassium supplements
Sodium restrictions
Hyperaldosteronism Treatment (2 of 2)
Bilateral adrenal hyperplasia
Potassium-sparing diuretic
Calcium channel blockers to control BP
Dexamethasone to decrease adrenal hyperplasia
PHEOCHROMOCYTOMA - what is it? and where? (medusa has a phenomonenal tumor)
A rare condition caused by tumor in the adrenal medulla
PHEOCHROMOCYTOMA = Diagnosis (meta is a phenom)
24 hr urine metanephrine test(catecholamine metabolites)
CT and MRI
cushing syndrome = Exogenous
Exogenous: Chronic administration of exogenous corticosteroids e.g. prednisone
cushing syndrome - Endogenous (2 types)
Cortico-tropic dependent
Cortico-tropic independent
cushings - Cortico-tropic dependent (acho is dependent)
Cortico-tropic dependent
85% of Cushing Syndrome is from an ACTH secreting pituitary adenoma (Cushing disease)
cushings - Cortico-tropic independent (independent of adrenal glands)
Cortico-tropic independent
15-20% from adrenal tumors and ectopic ACTH producing tumors from lung or pancreas
cushings - glucocorticoid related symptoms (cushions makes me lose muscle)
Protein wasting caused by catabolism of peripheral tissues → muscle loss and weakness
cushings - glucocorticoid related symptoms (cushions love sugar)
Glucose intolerance due to insulin resistance and gluconeogenesis
cushings - glucocorticoid related symptoms (think what cortisol does to the bones) a
(cushion breaking my butt bone)
Osteoporosis due to ↑ bone resorption and ↓ intestinal Ca+ absorption
cushings - glucocorticoid (cortisol) - skin
(purple cushions)
Ecchymosis, thin fragile skin
Purple striae on breast, abdomen and buttocks
cushings - glucocorticoid related symptoms - immune system?
Suppression of the immune system → ↑ infection and delayed wound healing
cushings - glucocorticoid related symptoms - hair and skin? (cushions make hair thin and break out)
Thinning of the hair, acne
Hyperpigmentation of skin and mucous membrane due to melanotropic effect of ACTH
cushings - ACTH levels - for hypothalamus and adrenal
Serum ACTH level (↑ or normal = related to hypothalamus/pituitary dz, ACTH ↓or undetectable and ↑cortisol = adrenal etiology)
cushings - what test?
(dax tests the cushions)
Dexamethasone suppression test with simultaneous measurement of ACTH and Cortisol
Positive Cushing syndrome or disease will show ↑ cortisol level
MRI and CT for tumor localization
ACTH - what does it regulate? (andro cortisol makes me sneeze)
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) is a tropic hormone produced by the anterior pituitary. The hypothalamic-pituitary axis controls it. ACTH regulates cortisol and androgen production.
adrenal insufficiency - symptoms- what’s the most concerning symptom?
Weakness, anorexia, weight loss, nausea, abd pain, skin hyperpigmentation, joint pain, headache
Hypotension most concerning → shock especially during stress
addisonian crisis - causes (addy is stressing me out)
Sudden withholding of corticosteroid hormone therapy
Adrenal surgery
Sudden pituitary gland destruction
addisonian crisis - symptoms- heart, sugar, sodium? (addy is low)
Vomiting, abd pain, tachycardia, dehydration, hyponatremia, hypoglycemia, fever, confusion, severe hypotension leading to shock
addison’s - interventions (just corticocids)
Medi-alert bracelet for patient’s with Addision’s disease in case of profound circulatory collapse
Intervention requires glucocorticoids; not just vasopressors and fluid replacement
adrenal insufficiency - meds (Adrienne needs DHEA and salt)
DHEA an androgen replacement
Increase salt intake
adrenal insufficiency - note changes in what?
Complete medication hx (Oral hypoglycemics, oral contraceptives, cardiac meds, anticoagulants and NSAIDs may interfere w/drug therapy)
Minimize exposure to infection
Note changes in BP and weight
when to take corticosteriods? and why?
(steroids need food)
Corticosteroids taken > a week should be tapered slowly
Take early in morning with food to minimize gastric irritation
Take Ca supplements, Vit D, alendronate when patient on long-term steroid therapy
Participate in low impact exercise
hyperaldosteronism - Primary
Primary: Caused by solitary adrenocortical adenoma
hyperaldosteronism - Secondary - think what happens when your kidneys don’t work
Secondary: Nonadrenal related e.g. renal artery stenosis, renin-secreting tumors and CKD
hyperaldosteronism - s/sx (sodium up, potassium down)
Sx: HTN, headache, symptoms of hypokalemia (muscle weakness, dysrhythmia, tetany)
hyperaldosteronism - treatments
Treatments include management of HTN and hypokalemia, surgery to remove tumor
PHEOCHROMOCYTOMA - s/sx (phenonmenal nervous headache)
Anxiety, palpitations
Severe episodic hypertension accompanied by:
Severe pounding headache
Tachycardia with palpitation
Profuse sweating
Unexplained abd and chest pain
Pheochromocytoma (tumor in adrenal gland) crisis - cause (phenom gets high)
direct trauma, pressure on tumor, stress or meds (opioids, contrast dye, anti-htn, tricyclic antidepressants).
Pheochromocytoma crisis - how long does it last?
May last minutes to hours.
Pheochromocytoma - treatments (just surgery)
Tumor removal resolves HTN
Pre-op: ⍺ and β blockers to prevent hypertensive crisis intraop
If not a surgical candidate use metyrosine (Demser) to reduce catecholamine production by tumor
aldosterone is a
secondary adrenal insufficiency - causes (seconds for acho)
Secondary adrenal insufficiency
Lack of pituitary ACTH secretion
Caused by pituitary disease or exogenous corticosteroids
Usually only cortisol and androgen depressed (rarely aldosterone)
addison’s - high or low cortisol?
(addy is low)
PHEOCHROMOCYTOMA causes excess secretion of what?
(phenomenal epi)
leading to excess secretion of catecholamines (epinephrine and norepinephrine)