male reproductive Flashcards
Functions as a protective covering for the testes, epididymis and vans deferens, helps maintain cooler than body temperature control
testes - 2 functions
make testosterone and produce sperm
Epididymis (p didy stores)
stores sperm
how often to do testicular self exams?
monthly. do in warm environment.
ask client to bear down to see
sexual dysfunction - causes
Potential causes: anxiety, fatigue, depression, absence of desire, vascular, endocrine, hematologic, and neurologic disorders, trauma, medications, alcohol, drug abuse
ejaculation problems
Premature ejaculation: ejaculation before one wants to
Retrograde ejaculation: occurs when semen enters the bladder instead of emerging through the penis during orgasm
Oral medications for erectile dysfunction
Oral medications—sildenafil (Viagra), vardenafil (Levitra) and tadalafil (Cialis) all increase blood flow to the penis
viagras - caution (not nitrates)
Caution with retinopathy
viagras Contraindicated with
nitrate use
meds for erectile dysfunction - hormone therapy - AND complications
Hormone therapy for low levels of testosterone (injections, patches or gels) ▪Injected vasoactive agents
▪Complications include priapism (persistent abnormal erection)
Retrograde ejaculation: treatment
don’t need it unless it interferes with pregnancy
Prostatitis - caused by what?
inflammation caused by an infectious agent
acute bacterial prostatis - symptoms (think acute)
sudden onset of fever, dysuria, perineal pain
prostatis Chronic bacterial - symptoms? (chronic prost shows no symptoms)
Chronic bacterial: typically asymptomatic
Chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome: (chronic prostatis - chronic cysitis)
genitourinary symptoms
with no bacteria in urine
Asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis - what will be elevated?
diagnosed incidentally, elevated PSA
prostatis treatment (just meds for pain and infection)
Treatment includes appropriate anti-infective agents and measures to alleviate pain and spasm
prostate cancer risk factors (prostie has just 3 risk factors)
Advanced age
Family history
prostate cancer - fast or slow?
Slow growing and predictable metastasis pattern
Nearby lymph nodes and bones, lungs, and liver
prostate cancer symptoms - urine (prostie door)
Weak stream
Blood in urine
prostate cancer - late symptom - #1
prostate cancer labs (P for prostate, P for PSA) (PSA at ESPN)
▪Prostate-specific Antigen (PSA): for screening
▪Early prostate cancer antigen (EPCA-2): maybe a serum marker for prostate.
▪Other biomarkers also exist. many tests, the PSA is not definitive.
prostate cancer treatment (lap up prostie cancer with ADT)
Active Surveillance
▪Laparoscopic radical prostatectomy (LRP)= most common surgical procedure
▪Open radical prostatectomy
▪Radiation Therapy
▪Androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) or hormone therapy
prostate cancer post op (normal stuff, consipation, etc.)
▪Pain management ▪Prevent constipation ▪Indwelling urinary catheter ▪I&Os
▪Patient education
Long-Term Post-Op Complications: (Just 2)
▪Erectile dysfunction (ED) ▪Consider medications (Viagra)
▪Urinary incontinence ▪Kegel exercises
Orchitis (orchid on fire)
inflammation of one or both testicles
Spermatocele (p. diddy cele cyst)
an abnormal cyst that develops in the epididymis. Usually filled with milky or clear fluid that might contain sperm.
Hydrocele (hydro)
type of swelling in the scrotum that occurs when fluid collects in the thin sheath surrounding a testicle. Can be due to inflammation or injury within the scrotum
an enlargement of the veins within the scrotum. link with male infertility. does not need to be treated.
▪Most common cancer in men ages 15 to 40 years. Highly treatable and curable
test cancer - manifestations (testes don’t hurt)
Manifestations: painless lump or mass in the testes
test cancer - diagnostics (cutie teste)
Testicular exam, CT abd/pelvis
test cancer - early diagnosis - what 2 exams?
Early diagnosis: monthly testicular self-exam
(TSE) and annual testicular exam
test cancer treatment
Treatment: orchidectomy, retroperitoneal lymph node dissection (open or laparoscopic), radiation therapy, chemotherapy
Hypospadias (hypo is low)
Hypospadias: abnormal urethral opening on the bottom of the penis
Epispadias (epi - above)
Epispadias: abnormal urethral opening on the top of the penis
Phimosis (phimosis has no osmosis) - causes
Phimosis: a condition in which the foreskin of an uncircumcised penis can not be retracted from the penis head, causing painful urination and erections. usually caused by infection or diabetes.
Bowen’s disease: (Chris has cancer)
superficial squamous cell carcinoma in which cancer cells are confined to all layers of the epidermis. almost always in uncircumcised.
Priapism: - how long?
prolonged erection of the penis (>4hrs) not related to sexual activity. if longer than 24 hours, can be permanent issues.
Peyronie’s disease (macaroni)
a chronic condition that involves the development of abnormal scar tissue inside the penis, often resulting in bent or painful erections
Urethral stricture
Urethral stricture: scarring that narrows the tube that carries urine out of your body
prostate cancer - late symptoms - pain where? (the PSHR is late)
▪Pain in the pelvis, spine, hips, ribs
prostate cancer - late symptom- swollen? And what is the prostate like? (cancer is like a rock)
▪Lymphadenopathy in the groin
▪DRE: prostate is hard “like a rock” and bumpy
prostate cancer symptoms - other (Prostie corner)
Frequent bladder infections
Pain with ejaculation
Penile pain, discharge
Other pain
Scrotal pain or swelling