Moments 7 Flashcards
ex. of dangling modifier
reading each magazine article, the stories caught my attention
misplaced modifiers
he read the book to a crowd that was filled with beautiful pictures
split infinitives
to clearly explain vs. to explain clearly. (word that comes between to)
correct - he stopped at the office, “the” grocery store, and the pharmacy.
subordinated -despite having a perfect regular season, the team lost the championship. Which one requires additional info. to make sense.
“the team lost the championship”.
transitional phrases
as a result, as I have said, for example
which is used for___that is used for____and who is used for___
things, people or things, people only.
specific to a trade
found in informal writing, familiar to a wide range of ppl. ex. can y’all come back? (y’all)
recursive writing process
may need to revise steps
morphemes (morph tiny)
smallest part of a word that can have a meaning - “un-“, “break”, and “-able” in the word “unbreakable”.
inflectional affixes (affix it to the end)
”s” in books
prefixes - a (atheist - without religion)
without, atheist
prefixes - in - incapable
opposing, incapable
prefixes - ante (not against)
before, antedate
prefixes - cata (pony down)
down, away. cataclysm
prefixes - per (permit)
through, permit
prefixes - belli (on belly in trenches)
warlike, bellicose
prefixes - ortho (dentist)
if the suffix begins w/ a vowel, the
final consonant must be doubled. ex. ery to rob - robbery
suffix - acy - (accurate state)
state, accuracy
suffix - ance (acceptance-what is acceptance?)
act, acceptance
suffix - ard (drunkard)
excessively - drunkard
suffix - ess (waitress)
feminine - waitress
suffix - ism - socialism
act or manner - socialism
suffix - ist (literally the meaning of socialist)
worker, socialist
paper research - primary source
an original research experiment - done by the person
paper research - secondary source
research done by others, a citation, a quote, or a website reference
inference in reading passage
piece of information that implies - go back to that paragraph and re-read it
main idea
usually requires a full sentence, the most important point
opinion - words like…
words like believe, think, feel
compare and contrast
compare - words like both, same, like, too, as well. contrast - but, however, on the other hand, instead
cause and effect
due to, therefore, since, accordingly
expository passage - words like….(expose first, for example)
inform or enlighten the reader. words like first, next, for example, therefore
pursuasive passage
to lead into agreement with writer. more likely to appeal to emotion of reader.
denotative meaning - denotes…
literal meaning of the word
emotional reaction to a word
drawing conclusions - words like…like
words like likely, may, can, will often
logical organization
cause and effect, problem and solution, etc.
control variable
factor that can be varied, but for test purposes, should remain the same.
dorsal body cavity
the brain and spinal cord
thoracic cavity
heart and lungs
abdominal cavity
most of the digestive organs and kidneys
pelvic cavity
encloses the bladder and reproductive organs
to the side of, or away from, the middle of the body
or ventral - front (example, the kneecap is located on the anterior side of the leg
back (example, the shoulder blades are located on the posterior side of the body
back or posterior of a structure, back of hand
catalysts alter…
activation energy
simple sentence
just one clause, no more