zzz Watson Reproductive Flashcards
period in which reproductive function begins to decline in men
Male climacteric (andropause)
Vasomotor signs that include “hot flashes” may occur due to changes in rhythmic secretion of
Each testis is divided into
Each testis is divided into lobules; contain tightly coiled loops called ___ ___ where sperm is produced
seminiferous tubules
Seminiferous tubules contain two cell types:
spermatogenic (sperm-forming cells) and sustentacular cells
Cells that support sperm production
found between seminiferous tubules, produce and secrete androgens, primarily testosterone
Interstitial cells
Interstitial cells are aka
Leydig cells
muscle-like cells that surround seminiferous tubules
Myoid cells
contract to push sperm and testicular fluid through tubules
Myoid cells
network of tubules in posterior testis, transports sperm to efferent ductules
Rete testis
carry sperm from rete testis to epididymis; first portion of duct system
Efferent ductules
venous plexus drains blood from testes into testicular veins
Pampiniform venous plexus
filled with ductules; site of sperm maturation and storage
Long, thin tube travels with testicular arteries, veins, and nerves from posterior border of epididymis through a fibrous tunnel (___ canal)
Next structure that receives sperm from ductus deferens ampulla where an accessory organ called
seminal vesicle
paired erectile bodies
Corpora cavernosa
Scrotum wall contains an outer layer of skin, superficial fascia, and a layer of smooth muscle called
dartos muscle
smooth muscle that controls height of testes
Cremaster muscle
paired exocrine glands found on posterior surface of urinary bladder near ampullae of ductus deferens
Seminal vesicles
___ ___ ___ (PSA) and other enzymes – dissolve semen clot in female reproductive tract to allow sperm to proceed further into tract
Prostate specific antigen
paired glands found at base of penis
Bulbourethral glands (Cowper’s glands)
stimulate contractions in female reproductive tract
Process that enables sperm to penetrate and fertilize an immature female gamete
cell that divides to produce all of cells in a new individual
Matching genes on homologous chromosomes may have different variants called
When a cell is not undergoing division its DNA is in form of
After replication and as cell division begins, chromatin threads coil tightly and condense into bar-like
stem cells that initiate spermatogenesis
Before puberty, spermatogonia divide only by ___ to increase their numbers
Following events occur to each new daughter cell resulting from mitosis of spermatogonia: Daughter that becomes primary spermatocyte is pushed toward ___ of seminiferous tubule. Daughter that is to remain a stem cell (spermatogonium) ___ original mother cell in basement membrane
Lumen, replaces
Each new primary spermatocyte undergoes first meiotic division forming two smaller haploid (1n) cells that remain connected, called
secondary spermatocytes
___ secondary spermatocytes progress through second meiotic division
Newly formed, are four small and round haploid ___ that continue to move toward lumen of tubule
surround spermatogenic cells to provide support:
Sustentacular cells (nurse cells, Sertoli cells)
bound together by tight junctions, extend from basement membrane to seminiferous tubule lumen
Sustentacular cells (nurse cells, Sertoli cells)
Also provide structural support for stem cell development and secrete testicular fluid; helps transport sperm in seminiferous tubule, Provide nutrients for dividing cells and produce androgen-binding protein (ABP) and inhibin, Phagocytize damaged spermatogenic cells and excess cytoplasm released from maturing spermatids
Sustentacular cells (nurse cells, Sertoli cells)
process of sperm maturation; involves cellular shape and size changes
Spermiogenesis begins in testes as __ elongate and shed excess cytoplasm
An ___ develops; covers nucleus and helps with fertilization of female gametes
Hormone control, First-tier control
Second-tier control
Third-tier control
LH stimulates interstitial cells to produce testosterone
FSH stimulates sustentacular cells to secrete ___ (keeps testosterone in vicinity of spermatogenic cells) and inhibin hormone
ABP (androgen-binding protein)
Elevated ___ and inhibin levels are sensed in hypothalamus and anterior pituitary causing negative feedback loop to close
region where oogenesis occurs within saclike follicles; develop and mature along with gametes: Ovarian ___
large, flat ligament that attaches to ovaries, uterine tubes, and uterus, connecting these structures to bony pelvis
Broad ligament
connects medial surface of ovary to uterus, near attachment of uterine tube
Ovarian ligament
connects lateral surface of ovary to pelvic wall and provides support for ovarian artery and vein
Suspensory ligament
Fertilization begins when a sperm cell binds to and ___ oocyte plasma membrane
Fertilization typically occurs in
recess where superior end of vaginal canal surrounds external os of cervix
incision made in tissues of perineum to prevent natural tearing during childbirth
mammary gland- Contraction of ___ cells that surround alveoli helps propel milk toward nipple
Milk passes from alveoli into a series of mammary ducts, which flow into ___ ducts that open into nipple
Oogenesis begins before
Before birth Primary oocytes progress as far as
prophase I
During this phase follicle grows and develops
Follicular phase
Follicular phase, single layer of squamous follicular cells surrounds primary oocyte; during childhood, many primordial follicles begin their development into primary follicles
Primordial follicle
Follicular phase, squamous follicular cells become cuboidal and are called granulosa cells; microvilli and thecal cells appear in primary follicle; forms a region called zona pellucida that becomes important once fertilization occurs
Primary follicle
Follicular phase, Wall of follicle thickens and deeper granulosa cells secrete follicular fluid; forms small pockets and increases volume and size of follicle. Granulosa cells grow and stimulate cells in ovary to form a layer of thecal cells around follicle; in turn, granulosa cells produce estrogen from thecal cell secretions
Secondary follicle
Follicular phase, Small pockets of follicular fluid merge into a single large cavity called antrum; primary oocyte and its capsule of granulosa cells project into antrum on a stalk. Follicle continues to enlarge, which creates a bulge on ovary surface; primary oocyte, suspended in prophase I, completes meiosis I to form a secondary oocyte and first polar body. Newly formed secondary oocyte arrests development in metaphase II; will only complete second division if fertilization occurs
Vesicular (tertiary) follicle
Primordial follicle – single layer of squamous follicular cells surrounds
primary oocyte
Primary follicle – squamous follicular cells become cuboidal and are called _____ cells
Microvilli and thecal cells appear in primary follicle; forms a region called
zona pellucida
Secondary follicle: Wall of follicle thickens and deeper ___ cells secrete follicular fluid; forms small pockets and increases volume and size of follicle
Secondary follicle: Granulosa cells grow and stimulate cells in ovary to form a layer of ___ cells around follicle; in turn, granulosa cells produce estrogen from thecal cell secretions
Vesicular (tertiary) follicle: Small pockets of follicular fluid merge into a single large cavity called
Follicle continues to enlarge, which creates a bulge on ovary surface; primary oocyte, suspended in prophase I, completes ___ _ to form a secondary oocyte and first polar body
meiosis I
Newly formed secondary oocyte arrests development in metaphase II; will only complete second division if ____ occurs
event at end of follicular phase
Ovulation; Vesicular follicle erupts from ovary wall into peritoneal cavity ejecting its secondary oocyte and its granulosa cell layer, called
corona radiate
phase extends from day one to day 14
phase extends from day 14 to day 28; relatively constant
ovulation is triggered by a ___ feedback mechanism
First-tier control: hypothalamus secretes
Second-tier control: Anterior pituitary releases LH and FSH in response to
LH stimulates thecal cells to secrete
FSH stimulates granulosa cells in follicles to secrete estrogens, convert
androgens to estrogens, and secretes inhibin
___ typically stimulate a solitary dominant follicle to continue developing into a vesicular follicle
New vesicular follicle eventually produces enough estrogen to exert positive feedback on anterior pituitary to trigger a large increase in
LH, called LH surge
LH surge is accompanied by increased FSH levels; triggers ovulation; corpus luteum produces additional progesterone, estrogens, and
Increased levels of estrogen and inhibin exert ___ feedback control on hypothalamus and pituitary
Estrogen inhibits GnRH and LH secretion while inhibin inhibits FSH secretion; prevents other primary follicles from beginning development too
In event fertilization occurs: ___ from corpus luteum inhibits release of gonadotropins continuously for duration of ensuing pregnancy
In absence of fertilization: corpus luteum degenerates into corpus albicans; estrogen, progesterone, and inhibin levels ___; GnRH levels begin to rise and cycle begins once again
____ have effects on many other tissues including increasing bone density and increasing beneficial HDL cholesterol level
___ promotes blood coagulation that can lead to formation of blood clots in specific circumstances
phase, days 1–5: uterus sheds stratum functionalis, resulting in menstruation
Menstrual phase
phase, days 6–14: a new stratum functionalis is generated with endometrial glands, spiral arteries, and veins; begins to thicken (proliferate); these glands enlarge and veins and arteries increase in number; ovulation occurs around day 14
Proliferative (preovulatory) phase
phase, days 15–28: spiral arteries convert stratum functionalis into secretory mucosa and endometrial glands secrete nutritious glycogen-rich fluid (uterine milk), into uterine cavity to sustain an embryo
Secretory phase
When menstrual phase of uterine cycle begins ___ and ___ start rising while ovarian hormones are still low; by day 5, ovarian follicles increase estrogen production
FSH and LH
During proliferative phase of cycle, estrogen levels rise and stimulate LH and FSH surges; trigger ovulation; ovulation produces a corpus luteum which releases
During secretory phase of cycle, rising progesterone levels and decreasing estrogen levels inhibit
If fertilization doesn’t occur, progesterone levels decrease, stratum functionalis breaks down, and
menstruation phase begins
If fertilization does occur, outer layer of developing embryo begins to _______________;keeps corpus luteum from degenerating and progesterone levels remain elevated
secrete human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
homologous chromosomes arrive at opposite poles
telophase 1
homologous chromosomes line up
metaphase 1
chromosomes line up at the equator
metaphase 2
independent assortment occurs
anaphase 1
separated sister chromatids arrive at opposite poles
telophase 2
sister chromatids remain condensed
prophase 2
crossing over occurs
prophase 1
sisters chromatids pull apart
anaphase 2
site of sperm maturation
seminal vesicle
seminal vesicle
coagulating enzyme
seminal vesicle
proteolytic enzymes
several layers of granulosa cells with pockets of follicular fluid surround the primary oocyte
secondary follicle
a single layer of squamous follicular cells surrounds the primary occyte
primordial follicle
one of 2 layers of cuboidal granulosa cells surround the primary oocyte
primary follicle
several layers of granulosa cells surround the secondary oocyte and project into the antrum
vesicular follicle
during the ___ phase, the endometrium prepares for the implantation of the embryo by enlarging the endometrial glands and secreting glycogen into the uterine cavity
During the __ phase the endometrium generates a new stratum functionalis
hormone that stimulates a new stratum functionalis
genital warts and genital herpes is caused by a