lead 3 Flashcards
it addresses unstable, unpredictable environments, as are often seen in healthcare systems
quantum theory
The management role should focus on
the person, allowing the person to develop abilities that lead to excellence
The manager should help the person develop
realistic goals and foster an environment that promotes goal attainment
Drucker’s Five Management Functions:
goals. Organize and analyze. teamwork. Evaluate performance Develop self and people.
Drucker’s Five Management Functions: Establish ___ and ___
Establish objectives and goals.
Drucker’s Five Management Functions: o____ and a____
Organize and analyze.
Drucker’s Five Management Functions: foster
Foster teamwork.
Drucker’s Five Management Functions: ____ ___ of workers
Evaluate performance of workers.
Drucker’s Five Management Functions: ____ self and people
Develop self and people.
Drucker: Establishing goals with the person allows the manager to do 3 things
analyze needed activities,
determine the decisions to be made,
and divide tasks so that they can be managed.
Organizational culture is based on the
literature of healthcare environments
First and foremost, the nurse manager must be
ever vigilant that quality of care remain constant
4 Causes of Malpractice for Nurse Managers
Assignment, delegation, supervision
Duty to orient, educate, and evaluate
Failure to warn
Staff issues
Assignment: Don’t confuse the
typical “assignments” that are made at the beginning of a shift with this term
Assignment refers to
the legal context when another person assumes both legal aspects of care: accountability and responsibility
If an assignment is given inappropriately, it’s the responsibility of
both the manager and the follower
that the person making assignments must know the team members as
individuals to make accurate assignments
The active process of directing, guiding, and influencing the outcome of an individual’s performance of an activity
Supervision entails o_____ and c_____ (explain)
observation and communication. You have to see what’s going on, make a judgement, and then talk about it
Doctrine of Respondeat Superior
basically means that if the supervisor had good reason to believe the delegate could do the task, than the supervisor’s liability is limited
Failure to Warn pertains mostly to administrative persons, but many states require,
that peers report each other if bad behavior is suspected
“qualified privilege” means that
your previous employer can disclose your bad behavior to the new job. But ONLY if you include the previous employer in your application
Staffing levels are _____!
Adequacy of staffing is based on
patient acuity
Not all decisions begin with
Decisions and Problems: both require
critical thinking
Two types of decisions
Satisficing (good enough)
Optimizing (best possible)
Not-for-Profit organization is controlled by ____ boards of trustees
Not-for-Profit organization provide care to a mix of
paying and nonpaying patients
For-Profit organization: providing healthcare services to individuals who
can afford to pay
For-Profit organization: May receive supplementary funds for special services and research, and to provide assistance for
those with catastrophic occurrences
3 broad factors that influence organizations
- Economic
- Social (people being activists in regard to their own healthcare and also healthcare policy)
- Demographics
Economic Forces Influencing Health Care: Increasing numbers of uninsured patients and decreasing
• Secondary
• Prevention of disease complications
Long-term care
Organizational Theory
Systematic analysis of how organizations and their component parts act and interact
like a compass; it tells where the organization is headed and how it wishes to be viewed
vision statement
vision statement has 2 parts-
where we’re headed
how do we want to be perceived
expressions of the values and beliefs of the members of the organization about the nature of their work
Philosophy statement
Mission statement
the reason the organization exists
Philosophy statement
expressions of the values and beliefs of the members of the organization about the nature of their work
Shared governance is the sharing that occurs between nursing management and patient care nurses so that
nurses are accountable for all nursing care decisions
Shared governance ensures that the person closest to the issue is always the one
solving the problem and then converting the system
Sets the stage by defining:
Services to be offered
Kinds of technologies
Human resources
Mission Statement
Future-oriented, purposeful statements designed to identify the desired future of an organization
Vision Statements
“To be the premier neurosurgical nursing unit in the state”
example of a Vision Statement
Written statement that articulates the values and beliefs held about the nature of the work required to accomplish the mission
Philosophy Statement
The reflection of the norms or traditions of the organization as exemplified through behaviors that illustrate the values and beliefs of the organization
Organizational Culture
Organizational designs are often classified by these characteristics:
Organizational design classification: the division of labor, how specialized that labor is, the number of hierarchical levels, and the geographic dispersion
An organizational chart is a graphic representation of the
work units and the reporting relationships
Organizational design classification: to the amount of structure an organization has in terms of rules or policies
Organizational design classification: refers to where decisions are made
Organizational design classification: Often, highly specialized organizations with lots of professionals have little
Organizational design classification: If the organization is highly decentralized, each employee is charged with
decision-making authority to provide the best in patient care
Highly centralized organizations delegate responsibility without
authority to act
bed-side nurses are often frustrated with “Highly centralized organizations” because they see decisions
evolving as care is being provided
Factors Influencing Organizational Development (3 C’s)
Functional structures are those organized around
Service line structures (or product lines) focus on the
various functions to produce a specific service or product
Matrix structures are complex and integrate both
functional and service considerations
The manager of a matrix structural unit reports to both
a functional manager and a service line manager
Flat structures focus on the
delegation of decision making to the professionals doing the work. They have full authority to take action without seeking input from others.