lead 1 Flashcards
Using individual traits and personal power to interact constructively to resolve problems
The act of any individual who guides others through a series of routines, procedures, or practice guideline
Managing can also refer to
control of one’s own individual work and energies
A complementary set of actions that contribute to problem solving, task attainment, and evaluation with the use of health and assertive behaviors to support those who are leading or managing.
Following is just as _____ as leading or managing.
Emotional Intelligence: Possession of social skills, interpersonal competence, psychological maturity, and emotional awareness devoted to
helping people work well together
Emotional Intelligence: Possession of s____ ___
social skills
Emotional Intelligence: Possession of i_____ ____
interpersonal competence
Emotional Intelligence: Possession of p____ _____
psychological maturity
Emotional Intelligence: e_____ ____
emotional awareness
Emotional intelligence is what helps people see others in
a positive light
describe how Emotional intelligence could make a difference between 2 managers
two managers could reach the same decision and present the idea to two groups. The one with the skills inherent in emotional intelligence is likely to be perceived in more positive terms, even though the outcome may be the same
The Five Domains of Emotional Intelligence
Having self-awareness Managing emotions Motivating self Being empathetic Handling relationships
The Five Domains of Emotional Intelligence: H M M B H
Having self-awareness Managing emotions Motivating self Being empathetic Handling relationships
The Five Domains of Emotional Intelligence: Hav…
Having self-awareness
The Five Domains of Emotional Intelligence: Ma…
Managing emotions
The Five Domains of Emotional Intelligence: Mo…
Motivating self
The Five Domains of Emotional Intelligence: B…
Being empathetic
The Five Domains of Emotional Intelligence: Han…
Handling relationships
“Having self-awareness” means that you can identify the
emotions you are feeling and that you know how they are altering your perceptions
“Managing emotions” means that the
negative emotions, such as anger and fear are avoided.
“Motivating self” suggests that we would be
inwardly rather than externally driven
“Being empathetic” suggests that we value differences in viewpoints and we don’t
side with one group versus another.
“Handling relationships” means that you are
socially appropriate
3 attributes of an effective leader/manager
Uses critical thinking
Takes responsibility
Leadership theory: Trait
Leaders have certain phy and emo traits
Some think the traits are innate, others think they can be learned
Leadership theory: Style
Leaders must have good relationships w/ staff and understand the environment
Leadership theory: Situational-contingency
Has to do with adapting to the situation. Based on the situation, goals are set and rewards are given
Clarity of problems
How the leader was able to give rewards
Leadership theory: Transformational
The leader is a role model that motivationally transforms the followers
Motivational theory: Hierarchy of needs
Lower level is addressed before higher
Motivational theory: 2-factor theory
People are motivated by 2 areas-
Hygiene factors, like salary, meet SAFETY/SECURITY needs
Motivational factors, like promotion,
Motivational theory: Expectancy theory
Motivation is increased if the person Expects that if they work hard they will perform well, and be rewarded.
Motivational theory: OB modification
ABC Model:
Analysis of how clear the expectations were
analysis of the Behavior
analysis of the Consequences
Complexity science
the world is full of systems that interact and adapt through relationships
How does the Complexity Theory affect nurses?
It means that nurses must be adaptable
Gardner’s Tasks of Leadership
Envisioning goals Affirming values Motivating Managing Achieving workable unity Developing trust Explaining Serving as a symbol Representing the group Renewing
Bleich's tasks of management f ww f r g
- figure out who’s responsible for what
- what are the standards of how productive ppl should be
- what are the team’s strengths and weaknesses
- figure out how you’ll divide up the work
- Reward success
- Give/ask for feedback
Bleich's tasks of following b o d u b e
- Be responsible for what you’re supposed to do
- Offer you skills
- Don’t be passive-aggressive
- Use EBP
- Be responsible for your team
- Evaluate yourself and also give others constructive feedback