lead final 1 Flashcards
The Magnet Program doesn’t dictate
a specific way of doing things. Instead you have to take it upon yourself to explain why your system is good
The Synergy Model
- Comprehensive approach to care
- starts with a philosophical approach to care that drives the way care is delivered
Clinical Nurse Leader
This new role is designed to help staff solve problems and improve the quality of care delivered on a clinical unit.
Functional Nursing: 3 Advantages
- Efficient
- Assistive personnel can be trained to perform specific tasks.
- Cost-effective
Functional Nursing: 3 Disadvantages
- Communication disrupted
- Maybe too much focus on tasks instead of big picture
- Frustrating for the nurse
Care Delivery Model: Team Nursing: 3 Advantages
- Cost-effective
- Decisions made at the “grass roots” level, often by staff caring for the patient
- Improved patient satisfaction
Care Delivery Model: Team Nursing: 3 Disadvantages
- Relies heavily on have a good team leader
- Need adequate staff with the right skill mix
- Potential for fragmentation of care
A goal of Nursing Case Management: Improved ___ ___
patient outcomes
A goal of Nursing Case Management: Decreased
length of stay
A goal of Nursing Case Management: Interfaces with ___ ___
multiple disciplines
3 things that the Nurse Case Manager is responsible for
- Make sure the patient has access to services
- Monitor how much they are using the resources
- Monitor the outcomes
understand that Nurse Case Managers will have a
manager/leader (they’re not on their own)
Disease Management is a model of care for
people with chronic illnesses
Disease Management Model of care: 3 traits
- Emphasize self-care
- Use best practice
- Outpatient follow up
Hours per Patient Day
Unit of Service
Patient falls
Skin breakdown
Length of stay
are examples of
Clinical/Service indicators that are used to determine how effective the staffing is
Vacancy rate
are examples of
Human Resource indicators that are used to determine how effective the staffing is
The goal of dealing with staffing issues is to use
available data to improve outcomes
Key Points for Manager: Ability to deliver safe and effective care while
maintaining employee satisfaction
Societal Factors Influencing the Use of Research: Rising
cost of health care
Societal Factors Influencing the Use of Research: Quality
improvement initiatives
Societal Factors Influencing the Use of Research: Pressures to
avoid errors
Research definition
systematic inquiry to validate knowledge or produce new knowledge
3 examples of Foundations for Practice Improvement
- Preop teaching
- Preventing falls
- Preventing ulcers
Research Utilization
using research to make a change in practice
Evidence-Based Practice includes consideration of
patients’ preferences
Requirements for the development of an evidence-based practice include: A clearly
written clinical question
Requirements for the development of an evidence-based practice include: thorough
search of the literature
Requirements for the development of an evidence-based practice include: Placing evidence in the context of
patient, family, and community values
EBP: One distinction from research utilization, which focuses on using a SPECIFIC research finding in practice, is that EBP
focuses on solving a clinical problem with a research-based solution.
So EBP is more broad
Another difference between EBP and RU is that evidence-based practice includes consideration of
patients’ preferences
The best strategies for getting staff members to use a new evidence-based protocol
Translation of Research into Practice
Steps in Evidence-Based Practice: (first step) Asking
the relevant clinical question
Steps in Evidence-Based Practice: (second step after you asked your question) Searching
for the best evidence
Steps in Evidence-Based Practice: (After you searched for your evidence)
Critically appraising evidence
Steps in Evidence-Based Practice: (4th step) Integrating
Integrating evidence with clinical expertise, patient preferences, and values in making a practice decision or change
Steps in Evidence-Based Practice: The thing that’s always the last step
Diffusion of Innovations: 5 Stages
Knowledge (you learned the info) Persuasion Commitment Implementation Confirmation
Active in seeking new information. Organization’s visionaries.
Organization’s opinion leaders who learn about an innovation and apply it to their practice. Can be effective in communicating the value of an innovation.
Early adopters
Won’t bring forth an innovation but will readily adopt it when brought forth by others.
Early majority
Skeptics who don’t adopt something unless pressure is applied. May be part of a backlash.
Late majority
Most secure in holding on to the past. Most comfortable when an idea can’t fail.
Stetler’s Research Utilization Model (5 steps)
Prepare Validate decision making application Evaluation
Collaboration in EBP: 3 things
Get people involved
Partner with institutions
Publicize your results