lead final 5 Flashcards
conflict management program: The best indicator that the program works
satisfaction reported by the people
conflict management program: success can be negatively impacted by human error, so
mediators need to be trained continuously
the ability to influence others so you can achieve something
Oppressed group behavior is apparent when
one group is dominated by another
An oppressed groups takes the characteristics of
the dominant group
a plan of action that effects the groups well being
Politics has many definitions, but it can be described simply as
interaction between people in an organization
Coaching nurses to improve their performance is an exercise in
The process of using power
The process of using one’s own power.
Facilitating others
Rather than thinking power is a zero sum game,
we should think of power as Increasing when shared
The basic power strategy is
the development of a powerful image
The basic power Tool is
___ setting is a power strategy
Goal setting
Successful negotiators know their position and
their opponents position
When giving feedback (good or bad) its most effective
to give it right after the incident
Coaching means you help
an individual or team Develop
Graphic rating scale
Performance appraisal that uses numbers.
A potential problem is you can have the Halo effect where someone is rate based on their personality
Evaluations shouldn’t be about
isolated incidents; they should focus on the entire evaluation period
Behavioral assessment rating scale is ___ and ___
Qual and Quan
Behavioral assessment rating scale is developed by
Staff, which is good but it’s also time consuming. It provides objective info
Management by Objectives
an evaluation of goals set by the manager and employee
Peer review shouldn’t be used if
the manager is trying to use team building strategies
One of the most important things for appraisals to be effective is
HOW the MANAGER uses the tools
Care model: 1 nurse giving 100% of the care
Case Method/Total Care method
Case Management and revenue
it’s not revenue Generating, it’s revenue protecting
an advanced nurse who makes sure the best care is implemented across the unit
Synergy model
Says you have success when nurse competency matches patient needs
Staffing: Prototype Evaluation System
A system to determine staffing needs.
It classifies patients based on their needs.
Staffing: An example is the RIM system
Prototype Evaluation System
Staffing: Factor evaluation system
More objective than the prototype system.
Gives a rating to each task, thought process etc to determine staffing needs
Staffing: If you have patients that have more complicated/unpredictable needs, the system you should use is
Factor, rather than prototype
When determining a staffing budget, the Cost Center refers to
the nursing unit
Staffing: Productive Time includes
Direct Patient Care
Indirect Patient Care (like staff meetings, etc)
Staffing: Non Productive Time means
vacation, sick days
What is the implication of a decreasing Average Length of Stay
it doesn’t necessarily mean you can cut staff because the ACUITY is increasing
You can be fired for refusing to be a __ ___
team player
the view that things are black and white
Accountability vs Responsibility
A: means someone can explain what happened
R: how dependable are you
Span of control
How many ppl you’re supervising and how many patients they have
Assignment can mean 2 things
- The work you are supposed to do during that shift
- Transfer of Account/Resp (this one would be from one RN to another)
You ____ to an RN but you ___ to an NA
assign to RN, delegate to NA
With an RN you give
With an NA you give
Resp only
an example of a decision support system
reminder pops up and says Are you sure you wanna give that med
Census going up and down
The max number of hours you can work is