Research 1 Flashcards
Who started nursing research way back
florence nightengale
Research that focuses on actual issues related to practice
clinical nursing research
world view
positivist paradigm
It is assumed that there is an objective reality
an assumption related to the positivist paradigm which says that everything has a cause, it’s not random
constructivist paradigm
reality isn’t a fixed thing; rather it’s what we Think it to be
Quantitative is associated with which paradigm
empirical evidence
evidence collected with our senses
What does quaN STRIVE for
A very important (and broad) distinction that’s within quaN
studies that describe
studies that identify a cause
What is level 1 evidence
systematic review (synthesis and analysis)
An example of a Single Cross-Sectional Study
Level 3 evidence
Level 4 evidence
Single Prospective/Cohort study
Level 2 evidence for Meaning/Process questions
Single In-depth quaL study
EBP is the purposeful use of
current evidence to make clinical decisions
EBP de-emphasizes
making decisions based on custom
EBP overlaps with the concept of
EBP and RU both have to do with
using research as the basis for making clinical decisions
The difference between EBP and RU is
RU STARTS with a research-based innovation that gets evaluated for possible use in practice
One of the major underpinnings of EBP
Cochrane Collaboration
Cochrane Collaboration
a respected group that reviews studies
Clinical practice guidelines
combine an appraisal of research evidence with specific recommendation for clinical decisions
RDS may be treated with ___ ___ for endothelial relaxation in neonates. it’s a Vasodilator
Nitric Oxide
Respiratory distress caused by
immature lungs and inadequate levels of surfactant causing lung collapse
Descriptive phenomenology
describing what see, think, feel, etc.
Descriptive phenomenology involves 4 things:
Interpretive phenomenology
Goes beyond just describing, also seeks to Understand
Hermenuetics means ___ and relates to
Understanding, and relates to Interpretive phenomenology
What kind of phenomenology involves interpreting poetry etc
In an interpretive phenomenologic study ___ does not occur
Grounded theory
has to do with people’s actions
Ground theory first seeks to understand ___ and then ___
first understand the Problem then understand people’s actions in response to that problem
Core variable
in grounded theory, it’s the way that people deal with a problem
Basic social process
In grounded theory, it’s a type of core variable
In qualitative research, the people being studied are called
participants or subjects
In qualitative research, the people being studied are called
participants or informants
The building blocks of theories are
Systematic explanation of something in the real world
In quaN studies, the concepts are called
The DV is which part of PICO
the O
The IV is which part of PICO
the I and the C
Conceptual Definition
Describes the abstract/theoretical meaning of a concept
An operational definition specifies
how a variables will be measured
Theory that seeks to describe and understand key social psychological processes that occur in a social setting
Grounded Theory
Theory that focuses on the lived experiences of humans and is an approach to gaining insight into what life experiences of people are like and what they mean
The 4 major sections found in most articles
IMRAD (intro, methods, results, and discussion)
A conclusion drawn from study evidence
Pertains to quaL
Includes all the other dimensions like credibility, dependability, etc
Pertains to quaL
It’s the extent to which the methods make the findings believable
Research Control
in quaN studies, its when you have control against extraneous variables
Reflecting on your own biases when doing quaL research
The equivalent to generalizability for a quaL study
One way of improving transferability
richly describing everything so that others can make inferences about it
3 major principles from the Belmont report
Human Dignity
Do good
Protect from harm
Human dignity
right to self-determination
Not telling the people you’re collecting data about them
Withhold info
Giving false info
Fair tx
Process Consent
This is in quaL studies when you have to modify the informed consent as the study goes on
Certificate of confidentiality
means you dont have to turn over information even if its court ordered
Pregnant or very sick patients are a vulnerable population because
They’re easily harmed
2 examples of research misconduct
A problem statement talks about the nature of the problem and
makes an argument for why we need the study
A statement of purpose identifies
Concepts (or variables)
Research question
Specific questions about how to address the research problem
What ultimately happens with the hypothesis
They’re not proved or disproved
Rather, they are “supported” or “accepted”
Ancestry Approach
A way of researching literature
Track down studies citied in a reference list
Concepts are the basic units of conceptual models, but
concepts aren’t linked in a logical deductive system
Schematic models are aka
conceptual maps
Schematic models/conceptual models
Graphic representation of phenomena
Framework includes
overall rationale and conceptual definitions of key concepts