HIN 269 NCLEX review questions 1,2,5 Flashcards
***Jennifer is a nurse in a family medicine clinic. Today she is assessing Jose, a 4-year-old who is being seen for an earache. The type of nursing Jennifer practices is
community-based nursing
In community-based nursing, the nurse focuses on __ ___ of individuals and families across the life span
illness care
***A community-oriented nurse has identified obesity as a problem in the middle school. The next step in a population-focused practice is to make information available about the health of the middle school students. This describes the public health core function of
***A state agency has received multiple complaints regarding the availability of elder transportation services to a specific county senior center. The state agency assigns a public health nurse to work with the community to evaluate its program for elder transportation services to publicly sponsored elder care programs. The public health core function applied is:
***A nurse planning a smoking cessation clinic for adolescents in the local middle schools and high schools is providing:
community-oriented care
***Public health nursing is a specialty with a distinct focus and scope of practice and requires a special knowledge base different from other specialty areas of nursing. A public health nurse would first be interested in:
populations with the highest rate of diabetes
***A nurse in a clinic that provides direct care services to clients with tuberculosis would be classified as practicing:
community-based nursing
***A school nurse teaches three middle school students with asthma conditions techniques to minimize their incidence of bronchial spasms. This is an application of
community-based nursing
***In a community clinic that screens and treats individuals for cardiovascular disorders, the nurse practicing public health/population-focused nursing would most likely ascertain
the prevalence rate of cardiovascular disorders among various groups.
***In a federally funded preschool program such as Head Start, nursing services that include conducting developmental-level screening for cognitive and psychomotor development of individual children would most likely be considered community-oriented nursing care when:
individual results are compared with established standards for children of the same age group
In community-based nursing, the aim is to manage acute and chronic health conditions in the ___, and the practice is family-centered illness care.
Community-____ nursing has as its primary focus the health care either of the community or populations as in public health nursing (PHN) or of individuals, families, and groups in a community.
The public health core function of ____ focuses on the responsibility of public health agencies to be sure that activities are appropriately carried out to meet public health goals and plans
___ prevention does not focus on provision of services and a part of assurance is assisting communities to obtain necessary services such as transportation
Community-___ nurses emphasize health protection, maintenance, and promotion and disease prevention, as well as self-reliance among clients
Regardless of whether the client is a person, a family, or a group, the goal is to promote health through education about prevailing health problems, proper nutrition, beneficial forms of exercise, and environmental factors such as safe food, water, air, and buildings
Community-oriented nursing
Community-based care is nursing care that is provided in a ___
A smoking cessation clinic is an example of ____ prevention, not secondary or tertiary
The primary goal of public health—________—is achieved by ensuring that conditions exist in which people can remain healthy
the prevention of disease and disability
___ nursing care is generally delivered in a hospital or nursing home setting
The goal of community-___ nursing is to manage acute or chronic conditions while promoting self-care among individuals and families
In ___ the nursing care is family centered, which means that the nurse works to improve the competencies of families to enable them to take better care of themselves
Nurses practicing in the community focus on providing direct care services to persons or families outside of institutional settings, either in the home or in a ____
***The term “instructive district nursing” was coined in the nineteenth century to describe the relationship of nursing to:
health education
***In the United States, the current system of the local government’s responsibility for providing care for the disenfranchised emerged from:
Elizabethan Poor Law
***Community-oriented nursing in the twenty-first century has been influenced by historical events and government initiatives that support the approach of:
keeping the public healthy
***In 1902 Lillian Wald introduced the concept of school nursing to address the problem of student absenteeism by:
providing and obtaining medical treatment for absent students
***The historical nursing figure who contributed to establishing the foundation for current community health and nursing in community health by working in military field hospitals using a population-based approach that improved nursing care and environmental conditions was:
Florence Nightingale
***Mary Breckinridge established the Frontier Nursing Service (FNS) in 1925. One of Breckinridge’s primary contributions to health care in the United States was:
introduction of the first nurse-midwives.
***Congress-supported categorical funding has produced what negative effect on the delivery of health care services?
A reduction in comprehensive community health programs
***Which of the following statements accurately reflects the current status of nursing in community health?
Each type of nurse is needed in today’s communities
***Which of the following factors assisted such community-oriented nursing pioneers as Lillian Wald to develop approaches and programs to solve the health care and social problems of the late 1800s? (Select all that apply.
- Community health’s focus on teaching and prevention
- Establishment of settlement houses
- Middle and upper class fear of diseases
***What was the initial impact of African-American nurses working in the public health setting? (Select all that apply.)
- African-American nurses in the South were paid less than their white counterparts.
- Public health nursing certificate and graduate education programs were segregated in the South.
- Study outside the South for southern nurses was difficult to afford and study leaves from the workplace were rarely granted
***A nurse demonstrates cultural competence by using statements such as
Tell me about your health care beliefs
***A nurse exclaims proudly to other nurses at the agency, “The care I provide is the same for everyone. I treat everyone the same.” In fact, this nurse is demonstrating what inhibitor to developing cultural competence?
Cultural blindness
***A nurse who speaks only English has just gotten a new client for an intake interview. The client is a refugee who has very limited English proficiency (LEP). The nurse should:
get an interpreter
***Nurses in community health who understand the basis of their own behaviors and how those behaviors help or hinder the delivery of competent care to persons from cultures other than their own are demonstrating the cultural competence development process construct of:
cultural awareness
***A nurse in community health seeks to determine whether the visit with an older adult Asian woman is successful. The nurse has not encountered many clients from this culture. An effective way to judge whether a cultural encounter has been effective would include the nurse’s sense that the visit was successful, the nurse and client experience little or no stress, and:
tasks are done efficiently
***In caring for a young adult from West Africa, the community nurse is introduced to another individual who is referred to as “auntie.” A culturally competent nurse who is aware of the basic organizing factor of culture related to social organization would:
find out who is considered to be a member of the family
***A Public Health Service nurse working for the Indian Health Service is working with a client diagnosed with cancer. The client uses sweat lodges to “cure the disease.” The nurse understands that within the culture, disease is often perceived as disharmony with other forces, and clients may look to hot or cold treatments to resolve or cure a cancerous condition. The nurse is integrating her knowledge of the cultural organizing factor of:
environmental control
***A nurse overhears the doctor saying, “Let’s not give him codeine; he is Asian.” The nurse reflects on the comment and determines that the: (select all that apply)
- doctor is culturally competent
- doctor is planning care based on racial enzymatic differences