Verbs 9 Flashcards
To grind (ه =
طَحَن ، يِطْحَن
To be silent, keep quiet
سَكَت ، يِسْكُت
خِرِس ، يِخرَس
To serve (ه = s.o.)
خَدَم ، يِخْدُم
كَبُّوْدِي العَتِيْق لِسَّاه بْيِخْدِمْنِي مْنِيح [S] My old coat still gives me good service
بْهالإِيَّام صَعْبِ الوَاحِد يْلَاقِي خَدَم [S] It’s difficult to get help these days
بيْخدِمِ النَاس [P] he serves the people; {byºḵdemᴵ-n-nās}
هَدَوْلِ اللي بيْخِدمُوا في الجَيْش [P] those who serve in the army; {hadōlᴵ-l-ly byºḵᵉdmu fy-l-jēš}
هِيِّ بْتِخدِم في الِبْيُوْت [P] she goes out cleaning; {hiyye bºtiḵdem fy-l-ᵉbºyūt}
فِيك بَالله تِخْدِمْنِي هَلَّق [S] Will you please wait on me now?
خَدَمْنِي بْإِخْلَاص لَعِدِّةِ سْنِين [S] He served me loyally for many years,
خَدَم بِالبَحْرِيِّة [S] He served in the Navy,
خَدْمِتْنِي مْنِيح [S] It’s given me good service
To pay attention (ل = to), take notice (ل = of)
To be careful (من = of), watch out (من = for), be wary (من = of)
اْنْتَبَه، يِنْتِبِه
اْنتِبهُوا يَا وْلَاد [P] watch out, kids!; {‘ºntebhu ya wºlād}
مَا اْنتَبَهتِش لَلَوْنِ البَاب [P] I didn’t notice the color of the door; {ma ‘ºntabahtᵉš lalōnᴵ-l-bāb}
حَطَّيْطُو هَوْن مِن غَيْر مَا أَنتْبِه [P] I put it here without noticing; {ḥɑṭṭēṭo hōn min ġēr ma ʔantºbeh}
اْنْتِبِه ما تِعْطِي العَتَّال أَكْتَر مِن أَلْف لِيْرة [V] be sure not to give the porter more than 1000 lebanese pounds (as payment/tip);
لا تِنْتِبِه لَ تَشَكِّيَّاْتَو [S] Don’t pay any attention to his griping,
لا تِنْتِبِه لَو [S] Pay no attention to him
اْنْتِبِه لَصَوْتِ الجَّرَس = عَطِي بالَك عَ الجَّرَص [S] Listen for the sound of the bell
لَيْش ما اْنْتَبَهْتِ لِّي = لَيْش ما سِمِعْت مِنِّي [S] Why didn’t you listen to me?
لَقَطِت عَنِّي شُو قِلْتِ لَّك = اْنْتَبَهْت على شُو قِلْتِ لَّك [S] Have you taken note of what I told you?
تِنْتِبِه على شُو عَم يِحْكِي = لا تْدِيْر بالَك على حَكْيَو [S] Take no notice of what he says
اْنْتِبِهِ تْحِطّ اِسْمَو بْلِيْتِةِ المَعْزُوْمِين [S] Be careful to put his name on the guest list,
اْنْتِبِه، في سَيَّارَة جايِة = أَوْعَى السَّيَّارَة = إِصْحَى السَّيَّارَة [S] Be careful! There is a car coming,
اْنْتِبِهِ مْنِيْح [S] Pay close attention
انْتِبِه مِن هَدَاك الزَّلَمِة [S] watch out for that guy
انتْتِبِه ع حالَك [L] take care of yourself!
To make the call to prayer
أَدَّن ، يْؤَدِّن
To invent, make up (ه =; (also a falsehood)
اْخْتَرَع، يِخْتِرِع
To become inflamed, infected
لْتَهَب ، يِلْتِهِب
To infect, make sick (ه = s.o./; (said of a sick person passing on a cold, etc.)
عَدَى ، يِعدِي
اْنعَدَى، يِنِعدي
اْنْعَدَيْت بِالِحْمَيْرَة مِنَّو [S] I caught the measles from him
أَنَا اْنعَدَيْت مِنُّو [P] I caught (it) from him; { ʔana ‘ºnʕadēt minno}
فِيْه خَوْف يِنِعدي [P] there’s a fear he’ll catch (it); {fīᴴ ḵōf yinᵉʕdy}
بِدُّو يِعدِيْك [P] He’ll infect you (with his illness) (being said to a male); {biddo yeʕdīk}
بِدُّو يِعدكِ [P] He’ll infect you (with his illness) (being said to a female); {biddo yeʕdki}
هُوِّي عَدَانِي [P] He infected me; {huwwey ʕadāniy}
أَنَا عَدَيْتُو [P] I gave (my cold) to him, I made him sick
To feel (ه = one’s way)
تْحَسَّس ، يِتحَسَّس
تْحَسَّس طَرِيْقَو ناحِ الشِّبَّاك [S] He felt his way to the window
To suffer (من = from), endure
عَاْنَى ، يْعَاْنِي
اِلّي بيعَاني مِن هَا المَرَض [P] the one who suffers from this disease; {‘illy byʕāny min ha-l-mɑrɑḍ}
المَشَاكِل اِلّي بيعَانُوا مِنهَا [P] the problems they suffer from
To contribute, help out, do one’s bit (في / ب = to / for
سَاهَم ، يْسَاهِم
To mean (ه =
عَنَى ، يَعْنِي
هالعَلَامَات شُو بْتِعْنِي [S] What do those signs mean?
هادا ما بْيِعْنِي شِي كْتِير [S] That doesn’t mean much
شُو بْتِعْنِي بْهالشِّي = شُو بْتِقْصُد بْهالشِّي [S] What do you mean by that?
أَيْشِ بْتِعني بْكِلمِة عِقَاب [P] What do you mean by punishment?; {ʔēšᵉ bºteʕny bºkilme ʕiʠᾱb}
شُوْ بْتِعني هَا الكِلمِة [P] what does this word mean?; {šū bºteʕny ha-l-kilme}
مَا بيعنِيْش إِنُّو [P] It doesn’t mean that; {ma byʕnīš ʔinno}
هَيْدَا السُكُوت شُو بِيْعْنِي لِك [L] this silence, what does it mean to you?;
ما عَنْدِي أَيّْ فِكْرَة شُو بْتِعْنِي [S] I haven’t any idea what you mean,
هالعَلَامَات شُو بْتِعْنِي [S] What do those signs mean?
هادا ما بْيِعْنِي شِي كْتِير [S] That doesn’t mean much
شُو بْتِعْنِي بْهالشِّي = شُو بْتِقْصُد بْهالشِّي [S] What do you mean by that?
To make owner of (ه = s.o., ه =
مَلَّك ، يْمَلِّك
To continue (في = doing, persist (في = in), to keep on (ب = doing, or فعل مضارع = doing
ستَمَرّ ، يِستَمِرّ
To be martyred, die a martyr
ستَشهَد ، يَستَشهِد
To be due (ه =
سْتَحَقّ ، يِسْتَحِقّ
الإِيْجَار بْيِسْتْحِقِّ التَّنِينِ الجَّايِة [S] The rent is due next Monday
To rebel, revolt, mutiny (على / ضد = against)
تْمَرَّد ، يِتمَرَّد
To fulfil (ه = request), comply with (ه = a request)
To fulfil, meet (ه = a need)
لَبَّى ، يْلَبِّي
تْلَبَّى / اِتْلَبَّى، يِتْلَبَّى
مِتْأَسّْفِينِ كْتِير بَسّ ما فِينَا نْلَبِّي طَلَبَك [S] We are very sorry, but we cannot comply with your request
بَتمَنَّى إِنُّو يْلَبُّوا طَلَبي / يْلَبُّوْا لي طَلَبي [P] I hope they’ll grant my request; {batmanna ʔinno yºlabbu ṭɑlɑby / yºlabbūly ṭɑlɑby}
رَح أَلَبِّيْ لَك مَطلُوْبَك [P] I’m going to fulfill your request
To suffer (ه = losses)
تْكَبَّدُوا خَسَايِر فَاضْحَة [S] They suffered heavy losses
To succeed (ه =, ب = in)
To replace, take the place of (ه =
خَلَف ، يِخلِف
مِيْن خَلَفِ المُدِيْر [P] who replaced the manager
مِين خَلَفَو بْمَرْكَزَو [S] Who succeeded him in office?
To pick, harvest, gather (ه =
قَطَف ، يِقْطُف
الفَوَاكِي اْسْتَوِتِ كْفَايِة لَتِنْقِطِف [S] Is the fruit ripe enough to pick?
بُقُطفُوا العِنَب [P] they pick / harvest grapes; {buqᵒṭfu-l-ʕinab}
بُقُطفُوا القُطُن [P] they pick the cotton; {buqᵒṭfu-l-quṭᵒn}
قَطفِ العِنَب [P] the grape harvest; {qɑṭfᴵ-l-ʕinab}
كِلْ ما هَبِّ الهَوَا لَقْطُف لَرِيما مَشِمْشِة [L] whenever the wind blows I’ll pick for Rima an apricot (from the song يلا تنام ريما);
قُومِي اقْطُفِيه [L] go get him (said to a girl, like go get that man)
بْيِفوت لِيُقْطُف الحَفْلِة [L] he wants to be the star of the party.
To make sure (من = of, or إنّ = that, or simply a full sentence) (also translated as to confirm, check out, check up on, etc.)
تْأَكَّد ، يِتأَكَّد
لَازِم تِتأَكَّدي إِنُّو مْسَكَّر [P] you have to make sure that it is closed; {lāzem titʔ¡akkady ʔinno mºsakkɑr}
تْأَكَّد / اِتْأَكَّدِ اْنُّو المَكتُوْب يْرُوْحِ اليَوْم [P] make sure the letter goes out today; {tºʔ¡akkad / ‘ᵉtºʔakkadᴵ ‘ºnno-l-maktūb yºrūḥᴵ-l-yōm}
إْجِيت لَهَوْن لَاِتْأَكَّد إِنَّو كِلّْ شِي مَاشي حَسَبِ الخِطَّة [S] I’m here to see that everything goes according to schedule
مِن فَضْلَكِ تْأَكَّد إِنَّو هالمَكْتُوْب لَحَ يِنْبِعِتِ اليَوْم [S] Please see to it that this letter is mailed today
تْأَكَّدِ تْكُوْن عَ الوَقِت [S] See to it that you are on time
لَحَ اِتْأَكَّد إِنَّهْا تِسْتِلِمِ المَكْتُوْب [S] I’ll see to it that she gets the letter
تْأَكَّد إِنِّي لَحَ دِيْر بَالِي عَلَيْهَا [S] Rest assured that I’ll take care of it
To be enough, be sufficient, suffice (ه = for s.o.)
كَفَّى ، يْكَفِّي
To coordinate (ه =, or بين = between people)
نَسَّق، يْنَسِّق
تْنَسَّق / اِتْنَسَّق، يِتْنَسَّق
To disobey
عَصَى ، يَعْصِي
أَحَالُوه عَ المَجْلِسِ العِرْفِي لَإِنَّو عَصَى أَمِر [S] He was courtmartialed for disobeying an order
لَيْش عَصَيْت إِمَّك [S] Why did you disobey your mother?
To drug (ه = s.o. /
خَدَّر ، يْخَدِّر
To sympathise (مع = with s.o.)
تْعَاْطَف / اِتْعَاطِف، يِتْعَاْطَف
To use, use up (ه =
صَرَف ، يِصْرُف
هَادَا بُصرُف كَهرَبَا كْتِيْر [P] that uses up a lot of electricity
To be electrocuted, shocked
To become tense, electrified (more in a negative sense, as though the atmosphere were warning of something bad coming)
تْكَهرَب ، يِتكَهرَب
To subsidise (ه =
To support (ه = s.o. /; (depending on context also translated as to bear out, strengthen)
دَعَم ، يِدعَم
النَقَابِة بْتِدعَم نِضَالِ العُمَّال [P] the union supports the workers’ struggle; {‘in-nɑʠᾱbe bºtidʕam niḍᾱlᴵ-l-ʕummāl}
التَطَوُّرِ الحالي بْيِدْعِم كِلّ شِي كان يِدِّعِي على طُوْل [S] The present development bears out what he had been claiming all the time,
الاِتِّفَاقِ الثَّقَافِي رَحَ يْقَوِّي الرَّوَابِط بَينِ البَلَدَيْن [S] The cultural agreement will strengthen the ties between the two countries.
To call, give a ring to (ل = s.o.)
To sound, ring (said of a bell, clock, etc.)
To bounce (said of a ball)
دَقّ ، يْدِقّ
دَقَّيْتِ الجَّرَس [S] Have you rung the bell?
السَّاعَة هَلَّق دَقِّت عَشَرَة [S] The clock just struck ten
دَقّْ جَرَس فَكِلّْ واحِد تَرَكِ الأُوْضَة [S] A bell
sounded and everybody left the room
خَلِّي الطابِي يْدِقّ ع طَرَفَك [L] let the ball bounce on your side;