Nouns 24 Flashcards
Crackdown, clampdown, suppression
قَمْع عَنيف [CA] violent oppression
قَمْع دَمَويّ [CA] bloody oppression
قَمْع التَظاهُراتِ [CA] suppression of the demonstrations
قَمْع التَمَرُّدِ [CA] suppression of the rebellion/insurrection
حُكومة تُمارِسُ القَمْعَ [CA] an government that practices oppression, an oppressive government
Monitoring or being monitored and followed (e.g. by intelligence forces)
Pursuit, chase
مُلَاْحَقَة، ج مُلَاْحَقَاْت
فِي مَطَاعِم مْنِيحَة بْجِوَارِ مْحَطِّة سِكِّةِ الحَدِيد [S] There are good restaurants in the vicinity of the railroad station
الرُّعَاع كانُوا رَحَ يِشِنْقُوا [S] The mob almost lynched
Childcare, care for young children
Nursery school, day care
الوَلَد تَحِت حِضَانِة عَمّْتَو [S] The child is in the
custody of his aunt
دَارِ الحَضَانِة [P] nursery school, day care, creche (often just referred to as حضانة); {dᾱrᴵ-l-ḥɑḍᾱne}
فَتحَت حَضَانِة [P] she opened a nursery school; {fatḥat ḥɑḍᾱne}
بْيُوْت / دُوْر حَضَانِة [P] nursery schools; {bºyūt / dūr ḥɑḍᾱne}
في دُوْرِ الحَضَانِة [P] in the daycares
كُلِّ الأَولَادِ اللي في حَضَانْتي [P] all the children who are in my care
War veteran
مُحارِب قَدِيم، ج مُحارِبين القُدَامَى
وَعِد ، ج وْعُوْد
أَخَد عَهِد مِن [S] to pledge s.o., receive a pledge from s.o.
أَخَد عَهِد مِنِّي اِكْتُمِ السِّرّ [S] He pledged me to secrecy
ما وَفَيْتِ بْوَعْدَك [S] You didn’t keep your promise,
بِدّي مِنَّك وَعِد [P] I want a promise from you; {biddy minnak waʕᵉd}
لَازِم تِوفي وَعدَك / تِوفي بْوَعدَك [P] you have to keep your promise; {lāzem tewfy waʕdak / tewfy bºwaʕdak}
بِاْلرَّغِم مِن كُلِّ الوُعُوْد [P] despite all the promises; {bi’ºrraġᵉm min kullᴵ-l-wuʕūd}
شْبِعنَا وُعُوْد [P] we’re sick and tired of promises; {šºbeʕna wuʕūd}
وَعِد بَلفَوْر [P] the Balfour Declaration
Draft (e.g. letter)
مِسْوَدِّة، مِسْوَدَّاْت
أَوَّل مِسْوَدِّة حاضْرَة [S] The first draft is
أَنَا عْمِلِت مِسوَدِّة [P] I’ve made a draft; { ʔana ʕºmelᵉt miswadde}
هَاي مِسوَدِّةِ المَكتُوْب [P] this is the draft letter; {hāy miswaddeᴵ-l-maktūb}
هَلَّق خَلَّصِت تَصْحِيح مِسْوَدِّة مَقَالْتِي [S] I’ve just proofreading my article, I’ve just finished correcting my article draft
أَوَّل مِسْوَدِّة حاضْرَة [S] The first draft is ready
Leaflet, pamphlet
مَنشُوْر، ج مَنَاشِيْر
وَزَّعُوا مَنَاشِيْر [P] they handed out pamphlets / they distributed pamphlets
مَنشُوْرَات وِزَارتِ المَعَارِف [P] publications of
the Ministry of Education
قِسْمِ الدِّعَايِة عَنْدْنَا (عَنَّا) بِيْطالِع مَنَاشِير كِلّ شَهِر [S] Our advertising department sends out circulars every month,
Stronghold, fortress, fort, fortress, citadel, stronghold, bulwark, bastion (also figurative)
مَعْقِل، ج مَعَاْقِل
مَعْقِل المُحافِظينَ [CA] a conservative stronghold
قَلَم، ج قْلَام / أَقلَام
أَرْشِيْف، ج أَرْشِيَْاْت
زْهُوْرَاْتِي، ج زْهُوْرَاْتِيِّة
أَخُوْهَا زْهُوْرَاْتِي [S] Her brother is a florist
فِي زْهُوْرَاْتِي بْهالنَّوَاحِي [S] Is there a florist in the neighborhood?
مَصْرَف، ج مَصَاْرِف
البُحَيْرَة إِلَهْا مَصْرَفَيْن [S] The lake has two outlets
الِوْلَاد بِدُّهْن مَصْرَف لَطَاقِتُهْن [S] Children need an outlet for their energies
Preparing, preparation
تَحْضِيْر، ج تَحْضِيْرَاْت
بِدُوْن تَحضِيْر كَافي [P] without sufficient preparation
كِيف تَحْضِيراتِك للعُرِس [L] how are your
preparations for the wedding
كِيف تَحْضِيراتِك للعُرِس [L] how are your preparations for the wedding;
عْمِلِت كِلِّ التَّحْضِيرَاتِ اللَازْمِة مِنْشَانِ السَّفْرَة [S] I’ve made all the necessary preparations for the trip
Journey, trip
سَفْرَة، ج سَفْرَاْت / أَسْفَاْر
سَفرَة طَوِيْلِة [P] a long trip; {safrɑ ṭɑwīle}
عِندي سَفَرتَيْن لَأُوْرُبَّا [P] I’ve got (to make) two trips to Europe; {ʕindy safᵃrtēn laʔ¡ūrubba}
مِنشَانِ السَفرَة هَاي [P] for this trip; {minšānᴵ-s-sɑfrɑ hāy}
كِيف كانِت سَفْرِتْكُن [L] how was your trip?
سَفْرَة رَوْحَة رَجْعَة = سَفرَة ذِهَاب وْإِيَاب [S] round trip
قَدَّيْشِ السَّفْرَة رَوْحَة رَجْعَة [S] How much is the round trip?
سَفْرَة بِالبَحِر [V] boat trip
السَّفْرَة بَالبَحِر بْتاخُد خَمِسْةِ اْيَّام [S] The boat trip will take five days,
بِالسَّفْرَة كانِتِ الرَّوْحَة أَسْرَع مْنِ الرَّجْعَة [S] The trip there was quicker than the trip back.
قَدَّيْش بِتْكَلِّفِ السَّفْرَة رَوْحَة رَجْعَة [S] How much is the round trip?
سَفْرَة بَحْرِيِّة = رَحْلِة بَحْرِيِّة [S] voyage
نْشَالله سَفِرْتَك كانِتِ مْوَفَّقَة [S] Did you have a good crossing?
خَلِّيْه يْخَبّْرَك عَن سَفْرَاتَو [S] Let him tell you about his travels,
Stick, rod, wand, club
عَصَاْيِة، ج عَصَاْيَاْت
عَصَايْتي [P] my stick; {ʕɑṣᾱyºty}
الشِّرْطِي اْنْجَبَر يِسْتَعْمِل عَصَايْتَو [S] The policeman had to use his club
ضَرَبْنِي بْعَصَايِة [S] He hit me with a stick.
Sickle, scythe
مَنْجَل، ج مَنَاْجِل
رَمْزِ الشّْيُوْعِيِّة هُوَّ المَنْجَل وِالشَّاكُوش [P] the emblem of communism is the hammer and sickle
لَفِّة، ج لَفَّاْت
لَفِّة وَرَڥ [P] roll of paper
اْسْتَهْلَك لَفِّة كامْلِة مِن وَرَقِ الصَّرّ [S] He used up a whole roll of wrapping paper
لازِم تِشْتِرِي لَفِّةِ شْرِيْط [S] You’ll have to buy a coil of wire
Rolling pin
شَوْبَك، ج شَوَاْبِك
المَرَا بِترُقِّ العَجِيْنِة بِاْلشَّوْكبَك [P] the woman rolls out the pastry with a rolling pin;
مِترَاس، ج مَتَارِيْس
عَم بْيِبنُوا مَتَارِيْس [P] they’re putting up barricades; {ʕam bºyibnu matārīs}
فَاْرِس، ج فِرْسَاْن
تَحَرِّي، تَحَرِّيِّة
كَلَبْشَة، ج كَلَبْشَاْت
كِلّْ بَوْلِيْس هَون حامِل مَعَو كَلَبْشَة [S] Here every policeman carries a pair of handcuffs with him
Guard, sentry, watchman
حَاْرِس، ج حِرَّاْس
الحَارِس خَلَّاني أَفُوْت [P] the guard let me in; {‘il-ḥāres ḵallāny ʔafūt}
حَارِسِ الوَرشِة [P] the guard at the building; {ḥāresᴵ-l-warše}
حُرَّاسِ الوَقف [P] the custodians of the Muslim holy places; {ḥurrᾱsᴵ-l-waʠf}
الحارِس ما خَلَّاْنِي اِمْرُق [S] The sentry didn’t let me pass
حَاْرِس شَخْصِي، ج حِرَّاس شَخْصِيِّيْن [S] bodyguard
الحارِس ما خَلَّانِي اِمْرُق [S] The guard didn’t let me pass
وَقَّف حَاْرِس [S] to stand guard
مِين لَحَ يْوَقِّف حارِس [S] Who’s going to stand guard?
Prison guard
سَجَّان، ج سَجَّانِيْن / سَجَّانِة
Prisoner (of war), captive
أَسِيْر، ج إِسَرَا
مِسكُوا أُسَرَا [P] they took prisoners; {misku ʔusɑrɑ}
تَبَادُلِ الأَسرَى [P] [CA] prisoner exchange, exchange of prisoners; {tabādolᴵ-l-ʔasrɑ}
لَحَشُوا الإِسَرَة بِالزَّرِيْبِة [S] They herded the captives into the stockade.
هُوِّ أَسِير شَهَوَاتَو [S] He’s the captive of his passions.
Laundry press (for drying clothes), wringer, mangle
عَصَّارَة، ج عَصَّارَات
مَعْصَرَة، ج مَعَاْصِر
مَعصَرِة زَيْت [P] olive press; {mɑʕṣɑre zēt}
فِي عَنْدُهْن مَعْصَرْةْ زَيْتُوْنِ كْبِيرِة بْهالضَّيْعَة [S] They have a large olive press in that village,
عَصَّارةِ الغَسِيْل [P] mangle, laundry press
عَصَّارِة بَطَاطَا [P] potato press / potato grinder
Newspapers, (the) press;
(this is a plural noun);
الصُحُفِ الأَجنَبِيِّة [P] the foreign press
Scoop, ladle
مَغْرَفِة، ج مَغَاْرِف
مَا لِي عَم اْلَاقِي مَغْرَفْةِ البُوْظَة [S] I can’t find the ice-cream scoop,
مِخْفَقَة، ج مَخَاْفِق
Breaker, crusher, cracker (any of the various instruments for breaking or cracking things)
طَاْحُوْنِة، ج طَوَاْحِيْن
طاحُوْنِة بِنّ [S] coffee grinder
فَرَّاْمِة، ج فَرَّاْمَاْت
فَرَّاْمِة لَحْمِة = مَاْكِيْنِة لَحْمِة [S] meat grinder
بيْحُطُّوا زَعفَرَان عَلَى الرُزّ [P] they put saffron in the rice