Verbs 1 Flashcards
To discover (ه =
كْتَشَف ، يِكْتِشِف
To come to mind, occur to (على / في بال شخص = s.o.);
خَطَر، يُخطُر
To stand, bear, tolerate (ه =
تْحَمَّل، يِتحَمَّل
اْحْتَمَل، يِحْتِمِل
مُش مُمكِن نِتحَمَّل هَا المَصَارِيْف [P] we can’t bear these expenses; {muš mumken nitḥammal ha-l-mɑṣᾱrīf}
مِش مُمكِن أَتحَمَّل أَكتَر مِن هَيْك [P] I can’t stand any more of this; {miš mumken ʔatḥammal ʔaktɑr min hēk}
لَازِم يِتحَمَّلِ النَتَائِج [P] he has to bear the consequences; {lāzem yitḥammalᴵ-n-natāʔej}
كِيف عَم يِتْحَمَّلِ الإِجْهَاد [S] How is he holding up under the strain?
كِيْفِ تْحَمَّلْتِ العاصْفِة [S] How did you weather the storm?
اْنْجَبَرُوا يِتْحَمَّلُوا مَتَاعِب ما لَهْا آخِر [S] They had to endure no end of hardships
مُو بْإِمْكَانِيَّاتْنَا بِالمَرَّة نِتْحَمَّل سَيَّارَة هَلَّق [S] It’s not possible for us to get a car now
ما عاد فِيِّ اِتْحَمَّلِ الشَّوْب [S] I can’t bear the heat any longer,
كِيْف عَم تِتْحَمَّل كِلّ هالشِّي [S] How is she bearing up under it all?
شايِف لَك مَجْبُوْرِين نِتْحَمَّلَو جِمْعَة تانْيِة = شايِف لَك مَجْبُوْرِين نِهِضْمَو جِمْعَة تانْيِة [S] I guess we’ll have to bear with him another week.
تَحَمَّلَهْا [S] to stick it out (note generic ها)
جَرِّب تِتْحَمَّلَهْا كَمَان [S] Try and stick it out a little longer
أَنَا بِتْحَمَّلِ المَسْؤُولِيِّة [S] I’ll take the responsibility
تْحَمَّل مَصَاْرِيْف + إضافة [S] to foot the bill for
مِين بِدَّو يِتْحَمَّل مَصَارِيْف كِلّْ هالشِّي [S] Who’s going to foot the bill for all this?
لَيْش لازِم أَنَا اِتْحَمَّلِ اللَوْم عَلَيْهَا [S] Why should I shoulder the blame for it?
بيْتحَمَّلِ المَسؤُوْلِيِّة [P] he bears the responsibility
To feel sick, be disgusted / nauseated (من = by);
قِرِف، يِقرَف
اْشْمَأَزّ، يِشْمَئِزّ
هَادَا إِشيِ الوَاحِد بيْشمَئِزّ مِنُّو [P] it’s a thing that one would recoil from it
To nauseate, make (ه = s.o.) feel sick or disgusted;
قَرَّف ، يْقَرِّف
To congregate, gather, assemble together
To be concentrated
تْجَمَّع ، يِتجَمَّع
النَاسِ تْجَمَّعُوا [P] people gathered together; {‘in-nāsᵉ tºjammaʕu}
كُلِّ الأَهَالي بْتِتجَمَّع مَع بَعض وَقتِ الإِفطَار [P] all the families get together to break the fast; {kullᴵ-l-ʔahāly bºtitjammaʕ maʕ bɑʕḍ waqtᴵ-l-ʔifṭᾱr}
المَيِّ بْتِتجَمَّع جَمب (جَنب) دَارنَا [P] water collects next to our house; {‘il-mɑyyᵉ bºtitjammaʕ jamb (janb) dᾱrna}
تْجَمَّعُوا عِندي كُتُب [P] books have piled up at home; {tºjammaʕu ʕindy kutob}
تْجَمَّعْنَا كِلّْ أَرْبَع لَعِّيْبِة مَع بَعْضُهْن [S] We
teamed up in groups of four players
أَهَمِّ الصِّنَاعَات مِتْجَمّْعَة (مِدْجَمّْعَة) بِالشَّمَال [S] The most important industries are concentrated in the North.
To stay up late
To spend the evening
سِهِر ، يِسهَر
سْهِرْنَا طُوْلِ اللَيْل مْنِنْتِظْرَو [S] We sat up all night waiting for him
سْهِرْت مَعَو طُوْلِ اللَيْل [S] I sat up with him all night
مِشِ مْنِيْحِ الوَلَد يِسهَر في اللَيْل [P] it’s not good for the boy to stay up late at night
سْهِرنَا / اِسهِرنَا سَوَا [P] we spent the evening together; {sºherna / ‘ᵉsherna sawa}
تَعَال اِسهَر مَعنَا [P] come and spend the evening with us; {taʕāl ‘ishɑr maʕna}
To improve, make better (ه =
حَسَّن ، يْحَسِّن
هَادَا بيْحَسِّنِ الوَضِع [P] that improves the situation; {hāda byºḥassenᴵ-l-wɑḍᵉʕ}
رَح يْحَسِّن شُرُوْطِ العَمَل [P] it will improve work conditions; {rɑḥ yºḥassen šurūṭᴵ-l-ʕamal}
حَسَّن كَلَامَك [P] make your speech better (often used to mean don’t use obscene language); {ḥassan kalāmak}
لَازِم يْحَسِّن حَالُو في دِرَاستُو [P] he has to do better in his studies; {lāzem yºḥassen ḥālo fy dirᾱsto}
ما بَعْرِف كِيْف بِدَّك تْحَسّْنَو [S] I don’t know how you can improve it
To improve
تْحَسَّن ، يِتحَسَّن
حَالْتَو تْحَسَّنِت [S] His condition has improved,
الأَوْضَاع بَدِت تِتْحَسَّن [S] Things are beginning to look up
وَضعُو المَادّي بيْتحَسَّن [P] his material circumstances improve / are improving; {wɑḍʕo-l-māddy byºtḥassan}
حَالتُو تْحَسَّنَت [P] his condition improved; {ḥālto tºḥassanat}
حَالِتهَا تْحَسَّنَت [P] her condition improved
To hurry along, speed up (ه =
عَجَّل ، يعَجِّل
To hurry, rush (intransitive, or ب = in doing
سْتَعْجَل، يِسْتَعْجِل
To doubt, distrust, suspect (في / ب =
شَكّ ، يْشِكّ
To doubt (ه =
شَكَّك، يْشَكِّك
اِتْشَكّ فِيه [E] he is suspected
To grow up, be brought up;
رِبي ، يِربَى
To carry on, continue (no object)
كَمَّل ، يْكَمِّل
To miss, long for (ل =
اْشْتَاْق ، يِشْتَاْق
اْشتَقنَا لْكُم [P] we missed you
مِشتَاقِيْن [P] We have been missing
رَح نِشتَاق لِك! — وْأَنَا كَمَان [P] we’re going to miss you
To catch, make (ه =, manage to make it to (ه =, e.g. a train, bus)
لَحَّق، يْلَحِّق
ما لَحَّق [S] to miss (e.g. the train)
ما لَحَّقْتَو بِالِـمْحَطَّة [S] I missed him at the station,
بْتِعْتِقِد ما بْلَحِّقِ التّْرَيْن [S] Do you think I’ll miss my train?
لازِم لَحِّق تْرَيْنِ السَّاعَة خَمْسِة [S] have to catch the five-o’clock train
To symbolise, represent symbolically, indicate (ل =
رَمَز ، يِرمِز
لَأَيْشِ بْتِرمِزِ الصُوْرَة هَاي [P] what does this picture symbolize
To settle down
رَكَز ، يِركِز
اْنشالله يِركِز [P] let’s hope he settles down, hopefully he’ll settle down; {‘ºnšɑllɑ yirkez}
حَان لَو (حَنْ لَو) يْبَطِّل هالعِيْشِة هَللي عَايِشَهْا وْيِرْكُز [S] It’s about time for him to give up this kind of life and settle down
To record, make a record of (ه =
سَجَّل ، يْسَجِّل
To spend (ه = time)
قَضَّى ، يْقَضّي
تْقَضَّى / اِتْقَضَّى، يِتْقَضَّى
To drive mad, drive insane, crazy (ه = s.o.), to drive wild (ه = s.o.) (also with enthusiasm, irritation, etc.)
جَنَّن ، يْجَنِّن
تْـجَنّن / اِتْـجَنّن / اِجَّنّـن، يِتْـجَنّـن
To go out
To go out (like to go out at night)
ضَهَر ، يِضْهَر
ضَهَرُوا لاقُوه [L] they went out(side) and found him;
اْضْهَر (ضْهَار) مِن هَوْن [L] get out of here
ما عَنْدْنا بَنَات تِضْهَر بِاللَيْل [L] our girls don’t go out at night;
بِدُّو يِضْهَر [L] he wants to go out;
طَلّ ع باب المَطْبَخ وْقَالْ لِي إِنَّو ضاهِر يِشْتري علبِة دخّان وْمِن وَقْتَهْا ما رِجْعِت شِفْتو [L] he looked in from the kitchen door and told me was going out to get a pack of cigarettes and since then I haven’t seen him again
To fall ill, get sick
مِرِض ، يِمرَض
To expose, subject (ه =, على = to)
عَرَّض ، يْعَرِّض
بيْعَرِّض نَفسُو لِ الخَطَر [P] he exposes himself to danger; {byºʕɑrreḍ nafso li-l-ḵɑṭɑr}
بيْعَرِّض نَفسُو لِ النَقد [P] he lays himself open to criticism; {byºʕɑrreḍ nafso li-n-nɑʠd}
هُمِّ مْعَرَّضِيْن لَ الخَطَر [P] they are exposed to danger; {humme mºʕɑrrɑḍīn la-l-ḵɑṭɑr}
هَالنَّوْع مْنِ العَمَل بِيْعَرّْضَك لَخَطَر مِسْتْمِرّ [S] That kind of work exposes you to constant danger
قَدَّيْش عَرَّضْتِ الصُّوْرَة [S] How long did you expose the shot?
عرَّض حالَو لَمَشَاْكِل [S] to expose o.s. to problems, to ask for trouble
بِتْعَرِّض حالَك لَـمَشَاكِل إِذَا ساوَيْت هالشَّغْلِة [S] You’re asking for trouble if you do that,
عَرَّض لِلْخَطَر [S] to expose to danger, to jeopardize
الحادْثِة عَرَّضِت كِلّْ مِسْتَقْبَلَو المَسْلَكِي لِلْخَطَر [S] The incident jeopardized his whole career
عَرَّض حالَو [S] to put o.s. at risk of
إِذَا بْتِطْلَع بْهَيْك طَقِس بِتْعَرِّض حَالَك تَاخُد بَرِد [S] If you go out in this weather you run the risk of catching cold
To gain, acquire, earn (ه =
كِسِب ، يِكسَب
كِسِب خِبرَة [P] he gained experience; {kiseb ḵibrɑ}
وْهَيْك بيْكسَب لُغَة [P] and in this way he’ll gain (learn) another language; {wºhēk byºksab luġa}
كِسبَت ثِقَتُو [P] she gained his confidence; {kisbat θiʠato}
مُش رَايِح تِكسَب إِشي [P] you won’t gain anything; {muš rᾱyeḥ tiksab ʔišy}
كِسِب خِبْرَة كْتِيْرِ بْهالشَّغْلِة [S] He’s gained a lot of experience in that job
كِسِب شِهِرْتَو بْجَدّ وْكَدِح [S] He earned his reputation the hard way.
To pass by, go by (عن / من =
To come by (ل / على = a place or s.o.’s place)
مَرَق ، يِمرُق
اْمْرُق (مْرَوْق) عَلِيِّ بِكْرَا [S] Drop in to see me tomorrow,
وَكِيْلْنَا بْيِمْرُق عَلَيك بِكْرَا [S] Our agent will call on you tomorrow,
لَيْش ما بْتِمْرُق عَلَيْنَا بْطَرِيقَك [S] Why don’t you stop over at my place on the way?
على طَرِيْقْنَا وْنِحنَا جايِيْن لَهَوْن مَرَقْنَا على عِدِّة ضِيَع مَجْهُوْرَة [S] On our way here we went through a number of deserted
بْيِمْرُق لَهَونِ اليَوْم بَعْدِ الضِّهِر [S] He’s coming by here this afternoon
شُفتهَا مَارقَة في الشَارِع [P] I saw her passing in the street; {šuftha mārqa fy-š-šāreʕ}
صَار مَارِق نُصّ سَاعَة [P] half an hour has gone by; {ṣᾱr māreq nuṣṣ sĒʕa}
بْيُمرُق أَزمِة; [P] he’s going through a crisis; {bºyumroq ʔazme;}
ما رح لاقيك مرق لانو اليوم رح قول لَـمين مشان يطلع يدخِّن معي [S] ;
كِنْت مارْقَة بِالحَي، حَبَّيْت اْبارِك لِك بِالشِقَّة الجِدِيدِة [L] I was passing through the neighborhood an wanted to congratulate you on the new apartment;
عِيْد مِيْلَادَهْا مَرَق بِدُون ما اِنْتِبِه [S] Her birthday slipped by without my realizing it
مَرَق بْجَنْب + إضافة [S] to go by
مَرَقِ بْجِنْبِي بِدُوْنْ ما يِحْكِي وْلا كِلْمِة [S] He went right by me without saying a word
To be overwhelmed, overcome (من = by)
غِشِي ، يِغشَى
غِشِي من الضحك [L] to laugh extensively, be overcome with laughter; (استرسل في الضحك وأغرق)
غِشِي من ألم [L] to be overcome by pain and faint
To conquer, defeat, be victorious (على = over)
غَلَب ، يِغلِب
مِيْنِ الغَالِب [P] who won (active participle playing the role of perfective aspect); {mīnᴵ-l-ġāleb}
لْعِبت أَنَا وِيَّاه وْهُوِّ غَلَبني [P] I played with him and he defeated me; {lºʕebt ʔana wiyyāᴴ wºhuwwe ġalabny}
حَتَّى البَيَّاعِيْن مَا يِغِلبُوْك [P] so that the traders don’t get the better of you; {ḥatta-l-bayyāʕīn mā yiġᵉlbūk}
بْرَاهْنَك إِنِّي بِغِلْبَك بِالضَّامَة [S] I bet I can lick you in checkers
غَلَبْنَاهُنِ بْلِعْبِةِ اليَوْم [S] We beat them in today’s game,
غَلَبْنَا فَرِيْقُهْن بالفُوْتْبال [S] We defeated their team at soccer,
طَيِّب، غَلَبْتْنِي، باخِد قَدَح هَلَّق [S] All right, you win, I’ll have a drink now
To realise, achieve (ه =; (also to accomplish
حَقَّق ، يْحَقِّق
حَقَّق حِلمُو [P] he achieved his dream; {ḥaqqaq ḥilmo}
اْنْشالله مِنحَقِّق أَمَلنَا [P] God willing we can realize our hopes; {‘ºnºšɑllɑ minḥaqqeq ʔamalna}
بِدُّو يْحَقِّق ذَاتُو [P] he wants to realize his full potential; {biddo yºḥaqqeq ∂āto}
بيْحَقِّق أَهدَافُو [P] he achieves his goals; {byºḥaqqeq ʔahdāfo}
حَقَّق لَهْا كِلّْ رِغْبَاتَهْا = أَمَّنْ لَهْا كِلّ رِغْبَاتَهْا [S] He gratified her every wish,
بْحَيَاتَو مَا حَقَّق مَطْمَحَو إِنَّو يْصِير دُكْتَوْر [S] He never realized his ambition to become a doctor.
حَقَّق رِبِح مِحْتَرَم بْهالصَّفْقَة [S] He realized quite a profit on that deal
هادَ حَقَّق غَايْتَو [S] That has accomplished its purpose.
حَقَّق غَاْيْتَو [S] He achieved his purpose
To resemble, look like, be similar to (ه = s.o.);
شِبِه ، يِشبَه
ما بْيِشْبَه أَيّْ شِي شِفْتَو بْحَيَاتِي [S] It’s unlike anything I’ve seen before
هداكِ اليَوْم شِفِت زَلَمِة بْيِشْبَه أَخُوكِ كْتِير [S] The other day I saw looked very much like your brother
بْتِشْبَه إِمَّهْا تَمَام = هِيِّة صُوْرَة طِبْقِ الأَصِل لَإِمَّهْا [S] She’s the very image of her mother
بيْشبَهَك [P] he looks like you; {byºšbahak}
بيْشبَهُوا بَعِض [P] they resemble each other; {byºšbahu bɑʕᵉḍ}
سِيْدي كَان يِشبَه أَخُوْه [P] my grandfather resembled his brother; {sīdy kān yišbah ʔaḵūᴴ}
ما بِتْظِنّ إِنَّو بْيِشْبَه إِمَّو [S] Don’t you think he resembles his mother?
To be dealt with, treated
To work with one another (or مع = with s.o.)
To treat one another, behave toward, deal with one another (or مع = with s.o. /
To do business (مع = with)
To handle, work in (ب =
تْعَامَل ، يِتعَامَل
صَار لَكِ سْنِيْن بْتِتعَامَل مَعِ الشَبَاب [P] have you been working with youth for a years
مَا بيْعرِف كِيْف يِتعَامَل مَعَاهُم [P] he doesn’t know how to treat them; {ma byºʕref kīf yitʕāmal maʕāhom}
المُمَرِّضَة بْتِتعَامَل مَعِ البَشَر [P] the nurse deals with people; {‘il-mumɑrriḍɑ bºtitʕāmal maʕᴵ-l-bɑšɑr}
لَازِم تِعرَف كِيْف تِتعَامَل مَعهَا [P] you have to know how to deal with her; {lāzem teʕrɑf kīf titʕāmal maʕha}
هَادَا وَضِع عَادي اللي أَنَا بِدّيَ اْتْعَامَل مَعَاه [P] this is a common situation which I want to deal with; {hāda wɑḍᵉʕ ʕādy-l-ly ʔana biddyᵃ ‘ºtºʕāmal maʕāᴴ}
بْيِتْعَامَل رَأْسًا مَعِ الشِّرْكِة [S] He deals directly with the company.
ما بِقْدِر اِتْعامَل مَع هَيك واحِد[S] can’t do business with a man like that,
أنا وِيَّاهُن كِنَّا نِتْعَامَل مَع بَعِضْنَا [S] used to do
a lot of business with them
ما مْنِتْعَامِلِ بْهالمَارْكَة [S] We don’t handle that brand,
To become upset, angry, mad, annoyed (من = with / at)
زِعِل ، يِزعَل
To become angry
عَصَّب، يْعَصِّب
To get to know, meet, make the acquaintance of (على = s.o., sometimes also with ب / في)
تْعَرَّف ، يِتعَرَّف
To be protective, (على =
To be jealous (من = of), envy (من = s.o.)
غَار ، يْغَار
To make bigger, enlarge (ه =
كَبَّر ، يْكَبِّر
بَضغَط / بَكبِس عَلَى أَيكُونِ بْتِتكَبَّر [P] when I click on an icon, it gets bigger
To pass (said of time, an opportunity, etc.)
To enter, come in, go in (على = a place)
To go through (من =
To pass (ه = s.o.), to escape (ه = s.o.’s) notice
(this is often used to mean “to miss something”, like “I missed the opportunity,” but the subject and object are reversed compared to what they are in English. As in, the thing you are missing is, in Arabic, the thing passing you);
فَات ، يْفُوْت
هالطَّاوْلِة ما بِتْفُوْت مْنِ البَاب أَبَدًا [S] That table will never go through the door,
السَنِةِ اللي فَاتَت [P] last year, the past year; {‘is-saneᴵ-l-ly fātat}
السِنِةِ اللي فَاتَت [P] [P, G] last year, the past year; {‘is-sineᴵ-l-ly fātat}
اِلّي فَات مَات = يَللي فات مات [V] proverb: what is past is dead, (i.e. what’s done is done, let bygones be bygones, There’s no use crying over milk); {‘illy fāt māt}
السِّنِة الماضْيِة كِنْتِ بْأَوْرِبَّا = السِّنِة يَللي فَاتِت كِنْتِ بْأَوْرِبَّا [S] Last year I was in Europe
قَبِل مَا يْفُوْتِ الوَقت [P] before the time passes; {qabᵉl ma yºfūtᴵ-l-waqt}
فَاتِ الوَقت [P] it’s too late! the time (for that) has passed; {fātᴵ-l-waqt}
مَا فَاتشِ الوَقِت / فَاتِشِ الوَقِت [P] there’s still time, the time has not passed; {ma fatšᴵ-l-waqᵉt / fātᵉšᴵ-l-waqᵉt}
اِكتَشَفُوا السَرَتَان بَعِد مَا فَاتِ الوَقت [P] they didn’t discover the cancer until it was too late (The time had passed); {‘iktašafu-s-sɑrɑtᾱn baʕᵉd ma fātᴵ-l-waqt}
اِحجِز مَحَلَّات قَبِل مَا يْفُوْتِ الوَقت [P] reserve places before it’s too late; {‘iḥjez maḥallāt qabᵉl ma yºfūtᴵ-l-waqt}
فَاْت وَقْتِ النَّوْم مِن زَمَان [S] It’s way past bedtime,
لا تْخَلِّي البَوْلِيْصَة تَبَعَك يْفُوْت وَقْتَهْا [S] Don’t let your policy lapse
لَو أَنَا ما بْخَلِّي هالفِرْصَة تْفُوْتْنِي [S] I wouldn’t let that opportunity go by, if I were you
هَاي فَاتَتني [P] I missed that, I didn’t notice it (that passed me by); {hāy fātatny}
رَاح عَلِيِّ التّْرَيْن = فاتْنِي التّْرَيْن [S] I missed my connection in Aleppo,
راحِت عَلِيِّ الطَّيَّارَة = فاتِتْنِي الطَّيَّارَة [S] I missed my flight
فَاتَك مَغْزَى القِصَّة [S] You missed the point
ما بَعْرِف كِيْف هالشِّي فَاتْنِي = ما بَعْرِف كِيْف هالشِّي فِلِت مِنِّي [S] I don’t know how it escaped my notice
وُشَّهْا مُو غَرِيب عَلِيِّ لَكِن اِسْمَهْا عَم يْفُوْتْنِي [S] Her face is familiar but her name escapes me
ما فِي شِي بِيْفُوْتَهْا [S] Nothing escapes her
وِْانتِا راجِع، فُوْت عَلَيّ / عَلَيِّ [P] drop in on me on your way back; {winte rājeʕ، fūt ʕalayy / ʕalayyi}
التّْرَيْن هَلَّق عَم يْفُوْت عَ الِـمْحَطَّة [S] The train is just drawing into the station
تْفَضَّل فُوْت [V] please, come in;
لَمَّا فُتِت عَ البَيْت [P] when I entered the house; {lamma futᵉt ʕa-l-bēt}
فَاتَت عَلَى غُرفِتهَا / أَوْضِتهَا [P] she went into her room; {fātat ʕala ġurfetha / ʔōḍetha}
تْفَضَّلُوا فُوْتُوا [P] please come in! (plural form); {tºfɑḍḍɑlu fūtu}
فُوْتُوا قَوَام [P] come in quickly! {fūtu qawᾱm}
خَلَّص البَكَالَوْرْيَا وْفات عَ الحَرْبِيِّة [L] he finished his high school exam and entered the military academy;
فُوت لَجُوَّا [V] come inside!
هَلَّق فَاتِت [S] She just went in
خَلِّيْنَا نْفُوْت عَ البَيْت [S] Let’s go into the house,
فاتِ بْزَعْجِة على [S] to burst into
فَاْتِت عَ الأُوْضَة بْزَعْجِة [S] She burst into the room,
To shrink, make small (ه =
يْصَغِّر , صَغَّر
تْصَغَّر، يِتْصَغَّر
هالنَّفْنُوف ما يِتْصَغَّر [I] This dress can’t be made smaller.
To come closer, come near (من / على =
To be nearly, be close to (فعل مضارع بدون علامة = doing
قَرَّب، يْقَرِّب
لا تْقَرِّب عَ النَّار [S] Don’t go near the fire
أَحْسَن لَك ما تْقَرِّب على هالشِّي [S] You’d better leave that alone
الاِجْتِماع قَرَّب يِخْلُص [S] The meeting is drawing to a close