Verbs 26 Flashcards
To delight (ه = s.o., ب = with)
بَهَج، يِبْهِج
بَهَجْنَا بْمَعْرِفْتَو [S] He delighted us with his vast knowledge
To shame, embarrass, disgrace, dishonor (ه = s.o.)
خَزَى، يِخْزِي
وَسَّخت قُدَّام بَابِ الجِيْرَان، خَزَيْتنَا [P] you’ve made a mess in front of the neighbors’ door, you’ve disgraced us; {wassaḵt quddām bābᴵ-l-jīrᾱn، ḵazētna}
بيْحكي كَلَام مُشِ مْنِيْح بيْخزي النَاسِ اللي قَاعدِيْن حَوَالَيْه [P] he talks impolitely and embarrasses those sitting around him; {byºḥky kalām mušᵉ mºnīḥ byºḵzy-n-nāsᴵ-l-ly qāʕdīn ḥawālēᴴ}
الله يِخزِيْك [P] may God shame you! (often used as: you should be ashamed of yourself)
To drive back, force back (ه = s.o. /
رَدّ، يْرِدّ
الِهْجُوْمِ اْنْرَدّ مَع خَسَائِر فَاضْحَة [V] The assault was repulsed with heavy losses for the enemy
رَدَّيْنَا العَدُوّْ لَوَرا النَّهِر [S] We drove the enemy back across the river,
رَدُّوا العَدُوّ شِبِر شِبِر [S] Inch by inch they forced the enemy back,
To eliminate (ه =
To remove (ه =
To undo (ه =
زَاْل، يْزِيْل
مَعْقُول هادا يْزِيل كِلّْ شَكّ [S] This should remove all doubt
زَال شي مْنِ الوُجُوْد [S] to remove from existence (also of a person)
الِحْكُوْمِة شافِت ضَرُورِي إِنَّو تْزِيلَو مْنِ الوُجُوْد [S] The government saw fit to have him liquidated
ما فِيكِ تْزِيْلِ الشَّرّ هَللي سَاوَيْتَو كَإِنَّو ما صَار [S] You can’t undo the wrong you’ve
بْكِلِّ السّْهُولِة فِينا نْزِيل هالصّْعُوبَات [S] We can easily eliminate these difficulties
To create, invent, design (ه = new)
اْبْتَكَر، يِبْتِكِر
ابْتَكَر مَوْضِة + إضافة [S] to design a fashion
هِيِّة بْتِبْتِكِر مَوْضِة أَوَاعِيْهَا [S] She designs her own clothes
To be early, come early
قَدّْ ما بَكَّرْت بِالجَّيِّة بِيْكُوْن أَحْسَن [S] The sooner you come, the better
To be successful
تْوَفَّقِت تَمَامِ بْهَالتَّرْجَمِة [S] You’ve done a very good job on that translation
تْوَفَّقِت شِي [S] Did you have any luck
بْحَيَاتَو مَا بْيِتْوَفَّقِ بْهالشِّي [S] He’ll never make a go of it
بْحَيَاتَو ما بْيِتْوَفَّق [S] He’ll never make good
تْوَفَّق بِالدِّنْيِة [S] He made his mark in the world
تْوَفَّقِ بْحَيَاتَو مْنِيْح [S] He’s gotten somewhere in life
أَنَا مِتْأَكِّد إِنَّو رَحَ يِتْوَفَّق [S] I’m sure he’ll make good
To deafen (ه = s.o. /
طَرَش، يُطرُش
الحِسّ طَرَشنَا [P] the noise deafened us;; {‘il-ḥess ṭɑrɑšna}
الضَجِّة بْتُطرُش / بْتِطْرِش [P] the din is deafening
To gather (ه = into a mass, press into a lump
كَتَّل، يْكَتِّل
تْكَتَّل، يِتْكَتَّل
مِنِ تْكَتِّلَوا الشُّرْطَة فَرِّقَتْهُم [I] When they massed themselves, the police dispersed them
خَلِّي مَيّْ عَ الطِّين وْكَتِّلَه [I] Put water with the mud and press it into a lump.
To inflate, become inflated
اْنتَفَخ، يِنتْفِخ / يِنتَفِخ
اْنتَفَخِ البَالَوْن [P] the balloon inflated; {‘ºntafaḵᴵ-l-balōn}
البَالَوْن بيْنتْفِخ [P] the balloon inflates
To relax (also of muscles), become relaxed, unbend
To unwind
اِسْتَرْخَى، يِسْتِرْخِي
To relieve, grant respite to (ه = s.o.)
فَرَج، يِفرِج
الله فَرَجَك [P] Bless you! Gesundheit!;
To go to a foreign country, emigrate
اِغْتَرَبَ، يغترب
To run away, flee, escape (من = from)
To desert
فَرّ، يْفِرّ
فَرّ مِنِ الجَيْش [P] he ran away from the army (can also mean he’s a deserter)
To be mocked, made the butt of jokes (على = s.o.)
تْنَكّت / اتْنَكّت، يِتْنَكّت
اِتْنَكِّت عَلَيه [E] he was the object of jokes