Nouns 47 Flashcards
Place of emigration, abroad (particularly with regard to Arab migrants to the Americas)
مَهجَر، ج مَهَاجِر
فِيْه كْتِيْر لُبنَانِيِّيْن في المَهجَر [P] there are a lot of Lebanese living abroad; {fīᴴ kºtīr lubnāniyyīn fy-l-mahjɑr}
Renewal, restoration, regeneration, revival
تَجَدُّد القِتالِ [CA] the resumption of fighting
جَاْئِحَة، ج جَوَاْئِح
وَبَاْء، ج أَوْبِئَة
(Criminal) record
Precedent, previous case
سَابِقَة، ج سَوَابِق
عِندُو سَوَابِق = هُوِّ مِن أَصحَابِ السَوَابِق [P] he has a criminal record; {ʕindo sawābeʠ = huwwe min ʔɑṣḥᾱbᴵ-s-sawābeʠ}
إِلَو سَوَابِق بِالإِجْرَام [S] He has a criminal
مِن أَصْحَابِ السَّوَابِق [I] previously convicted, having a criminal record.
مَعْرُوف عَنَّه مِن أَصْحَابِ السَّوَابِق [I] He is known to have been previously convicted.
هَاي سَاْبِقَة ما كُو مَثِيْلْها أَبَدا [I] It is unprecedented.
Miscellaneous expenses, petty expenses
أَحْسَن لَكِ تْخَلِّي مَجَال لِلنَّتْرِيَّاْت [S] You’d better allow a margin for incidental expenses
خَلِّيْنَا نْحِطّ على جَنَب خَمْسِيْن دَوْلَار لِلنَّتْرِيَّاْت [S] Let’s set aside 50 dollars for miscellaneous expenses
نَتْرَة، ج نَتْرَاْت
نَتْرَةِ البَارُوْدِة يِمْكِن تِكْسِر لَك كِتْفَك [S] The kick of a rifle can break your collar bone
دَار ضَهْرَو بْقَرَف [S] He turned away in disgust,
حَسُّوا بْاِشْمِئْزازْنَا فَرَاحُوا [S] They sensed our disgust and left
Shutdown, closure (of an office)
Charge, responsibility, care
بِتْرُك الِوْلَادِ بْعِهِدْتَك [S] leave the children in your charge.
بْخَلِّيْه بْعِهِدْتَك [S] I entrust it to your care
An old beat up car, clunker, jalopy
طِنْبُر (طِمْبُر)، ج طَنَاْبِر
سَيَّارَة طِنْبُر، ج سَيَّارَات طَنَابِر [S] jalopy
عَنْدَو طِمْبُرِ مْهَرْمَش مِن عَهِد جِدّ جِدَّو [S] He owns a battered old jalopy
دَخِيل اَلله مِلَّا طِنْبُر [S] Boy, that’s some jalopy
عَدَم اِكْتِرَاْس
بْيِظْهَر عَنْدَو عَدَم اِكْتِراس مِطْلَق لِلسِّلْطَة [S] He seems to have an absolute disregard for authority,
Lawsuit, legal case, legal claim, hearing;
دَعوَى/ دَعوِة، ج دَعَاوي
رَفَع عَلَيْه دَعوَة [P] he took him to court; {rafaʕ ʕalēᴴ daʕwa}
الشِركِة كِسبَت / رِبحَتِ الدَعوَة [P] the company won the case; {‘iš-širke kisbat / ribḥatᴵ-d-daʕwa}
حِضِرِ الدَعوَة [P] he attended the hearing; {ḥiḍerᴵ-d-daʕwa}
قَاْم دَعْوَى على [S] to bring a case against s.o., sue s.o., etc.
قِمْنَا عَلَيْه دَعْوَى بْطَلَبِ التَعْوِيضَات [S] We sued him for damages.
بِدِّي اِمْشِي بْهالدَّعْوَى لَآخِرَهْا [S] I’m going to fight this suit
خِسِر (خِصِر) دَعِوْتَو / دَعْوَاْه [V] He’s lost his case
رَفَع دَعْوَى بِالمَحْكَمِة [V] He filed a complaint in court,
رِبِحِ الدَّعْوَى [S] Did he win the lawsuit?
إِذَا ما بْتِجِي لْنَا كِلْمِة مِنَّك قَبْلِ التَّنَين مِنْقِيم عَلَيْك دَعْوَى [S] If we do not hear from you by Monday, we shall bring suit.
الشِّرْكِة رِبْحِتِ الدَّعْوَى شِي [S] Did the company win the suit?
Decoration, medal, badge
وِسَام، ج أَوسِمِة
عَلَّق وِسَام [S] to give a medal, decorate
الرَّئِيْس نَفْسَو لَحَ يْعَلِّق لَو وِسَام لَشَجَاعْتَو [S] The president himself will decorate him for his bravery
أَعطُوْه وِسَام عَلَى خَدَمَتُو [P] they decorated him for his services; { ʔɑʕṭūᴴ wisām ʕala ḵadamato}
وِسَام جَوقَةِ الشَرَف [P] the Legion of Honor
Means, way
سَبِيْل، ج سِبُل
مَجْهُوْدَاتَو بْسَبِيلِ التَّوَسُّط فِشْلِت فَشَل زَرِيْع [S] His efforts towards mediation failed miserably
على سَبِيل [S] by way of
قَالَهْا على سَبِيْلِ النِّكْتِة [S] He said it by way of a joke
في سَبِيْلِ الله [P] for the sake of God, in the cause of God; {fy sabīlᴵ-l-lāh}
في سَبِيْلِ العِلم [P] for the sake of knowledge / science; {fy sabīlᴵ-l-ʕilm}
عَلَى سَبِيْلِ المِثَال [P] for example, by way of example
Insert, addition, interruption (in which one adds
مَعْلَيْش اْسْمَحُوا لي أعمِل مْداخلِة تْوَضِّح شَغلِة صْغِيرة لَلجَمْهُور [L] pardon, please let me say something to clarify something small for the audience
Application, perseverance, persistence, diligence, endurance
المُهِمِّة بِدّهَا مُوَاظَبِة [P] the assignment requires application / perseverance; {‘il-muhimme biddha muwᾱẓɑbe}
بيْشتْغِل بِمُوَاظَبِة [P] he works with diligence; {byºštºġel bimuwᾱẓɑbe}
عِندُو قُوِّة مُوَاظَبِة عَلَى شَغلِة = عِندُو قُدرِة مُوَاظَبِة عَلَى شَغلِة [P] he has the ability to persevere at an activity
Combat, fighting
قْتَال / قِتَال
بَسِّ قْتَال [P] stop fighting
الجّْنُوْد خَلَصُوا تَمْرِين وْصارُوا أَهِل لِلقِتَال [S] The troops are trained and ready for combat
نَزَّلُوا لِلعاصْمِة جْيُوْش بِمْعِدَّاْت كامْلِ’ لِلقِتَال [S] Troops in full combat gear were moved into the capital,
مُصاب بالتَوَحُّدِ [CA] autistic
طَيْف التَوَحُّدِ = الطَّيْف التَّوَحُّدِيّ [CA] autistic spectrum., autism spectrum
Large quantity, large number, abundance (of
كِتْرَة / كِتْرِة
مِن كُترِة هَمُّو بَطَّل يِقدَر يِشتْغِل [P] due to his abundance of worry, he was not able to work; {min kutre hammo bɑṭṭɑl yiqdɑr yištºġel}
بْكِتْرَة [S] densely
بْكِتْرِة [S] in quantity
مْنِشْتِرِي بْكِتْرِة [S] We buy in quantity
(commonly used as an insult equivalent to swine, bastard)
أَرْزِة، ج أَرْزَاْت
فِيْه أَرزِ كْتِيْر في لُبنَان [P] In Lebanon there
are a lot of cedars
فِيْه أَرزِة بِالعَلَمِ اللُبنَاني [P] there is a cedar on the Lebanese flag;
Documentation, recording, or authentication.
• تم توثيق العقد رسميًا. • “The contract has been officially documented.” • التوثيق التاريخي مهم للحفاظ على التراث. • “Historical documentation is important for preserving heritage.
كِنِت تِسْمَع لَعْلَعْةِ المَدَافِع [S] You could hear the boom of the cannon
Hatred, loathing, dislike
حِقْد، ج أَحْقاد
فيه أَحْقاد قَديمة بَين العَيْلْتَين [E] there are old feuds between the two families
الكُرُه لَلجِنسِ الآخَر [P] dislike of the opposite sex; {‘il-kurᵒh laljinsᴵ-l-ʔāḵar}
كُرهِ الأَجَانِب [P] hatred of foreigners
Ironmaking, smithery, smithing
حْدَادِة / اِحدَادِة
لَوَاْزِمِ البِنَاء = أَدَوَاْتِ حْدَاْدِة [S] hardware
مَحَلّ حدادِة [V] blacksmith shop, smithy
A necessary thing, a need
لَازِم، ج لَوَازِم
أَكتَر مِنِ اللَازِم [P] more than the necessary, more than needed; { ʔaktɑr minᴵ-l-lāzem}
زْيَادَة عَنِ اللُزُوم
جِبِت أَكتَر مِنِ اللَازِم [P] you brought more than what is needed; {jibᵉt ʔaktɑr minᴵ-l-lāzem}
جِبِت كُلِّ اللَوَازِم لَلصَّلَطَة [P] I brought all the necessities for the salad
شْبِيْن، ج أَشابِين / شَبَايِن
واحِد مِن رَفْقَاتِي لَح يْكُوْنِ شْبِينِ الوَلَد [S] One of my friends is going to be the baby’s sponsor,
مِيْنِ شبِيْنَك في المَعمُوْدِيِّة [P] who is your godfather (at the baptism);
شْبِيْنِة، ج شْبِيْنَاْت
عَرَّاْبَة، ج عَرَّاْبَاْت