Adverbs / Phrases 7 Flashcards
God preserve you! (often used as please or thank you)
الله يْخَلِّيْك
Perfectly, properly, accurately, quite, sheer, even, exact, exactly, utterly, definitely, certainly (basically an adverbial intensifier)
عَ المَظْبُوْط
سَاوَاهَا عَ المَظْبُوط لَأَوَّل مَرَّة [S] He did it perfectly the first time,
بْورْجِيك كِيف بِتْسَاوِيْهَا عَ المَظْبُوْط [S] I’ll show you how to do it properly
هادا أَكِل هَوَا عَ المَظْبُوْط [S] That’s sheer nonsense,
هادا بِيْكُوْنِ جْنَان عَ المَظْبُوْط [S] That would be sheer madness
صَفْيَان عَنْدِي دَزِّيْنِة واحْدِة عَ المَظْبُوْط [S] I have an even dozen left,
لَطَشَو يَاها بْوِجَّو عَ المَظْبُوط = وَالله لَطَشَو ياها بْوِجَّو [S] He certainly gave it to him
هادا هَللي بْسَمِّيْه صَدِيْق (سَدِيئ) عَ المَظْبُوْط [S] That’s what I call a real friend
سَكِّرِ عْيُوْنَك عَ المَظْبُوْط [S] Shut your eyes tight
القَطْرَمِيز مَخْتُوم عَ المَظْبُوط [S] Is the jar sealed tight?
هُوِّ شَاعِر عَ المَظْبُوْط / عَن صَحِيح / عَن حَقَا [S] He is a true poet,
بْيِلْبِس مِتِل اِسْتَاذ عَ المَظْبُوْط [S] He dresses like a typical professor,
هادا أَكِل هَوَا عَ المَظْبُوْط = كِلَّو أَكِل هَوَا هادا [S] That’s pure nonsense
أَوَّل، ج أَوَائِل / أُوَلَى، المؤنث: أُوْلَى
تَاني، ج تَانيِيْن، المؤنث: تَانيِة
تَالِت، المؤنث: تَالتِة
رَابِع، المؤنث: رَابْعَة
خَامِس، المؤنث: خَامسِة
سَادِس، المؤنث: سَادْسِة
سَابِع، المؤنث: سَابْعَة
تَامِن، المؤنث: تَامْنِة
تَاسِع، المؤنث: تَاسْعَة
In answer to
جَوَابًا على
جَوَابًا على سُؤَالَكِ بْحِبّ اْقُول إِنَّو [S] In answer to your question would like to say that…
In writing
Must, needs, got to (modal of necessity)
لَازِمني / لَازِم لي [P] it is necessary for me (e.g. to go, to do, etc.)
Note that لازم alone is used for present and future. To make it past, كان لازم is used
I have a sore throat
زلاعيمي ملتهبين
Having a rash
On the one hand… and on the other hand
مِن جِهَة… وْمِن جِهَة تانْيِة
As for
بِالنِّسْبِة إِلِي بِنْتِظِر هَون = أَمَّا أَنَا بِنْتِظِر هَوْن [S] As for me, I’ll wait here
أَمَّا هُوِّ ما فِي مانِع [S] As for him, it’s all right
In front of, ahead of
Much, many, numerous, a lot
كْتِيْر، ج كْتَاْر
However, no matter
كِيْف مَا
Beyond, across, on the far side of (preposition)
البَيْت قاطِعِ النَّهِر [S] The house is beyond the river
بَيْتْنَا قاطِعِ النَّهِر [S] Our house is on the far side of the river
سَاْكِن قَاْطِعِ الشَّارِع [S] He lives just across the street
الِمْحَطَّة قَاطِعِ النَهِر [S] The station is across the river
As soon as
أَوَّل ما
Seriously, really!
عَن جَدّ
By sight
At least
على الأَقَلّ
عَلَى مَهلَك
Up-to-date, well aware, informed
خَلِّيْني عَلَى اْطِّلَاع [P] keep me informed
خَلِّينِي عَلى اِطِّلَاع [S] Keep me posted
Until, as far as, up to
لَحَدّ [P] until, as far as, up to; {laḥadd}
لَحَدّ هَوْن وْبَسّ [P] this is as far as it goes; {laḥadd hōn wºbass}
لَحَدِّ اليَوْم [P] until tomorrow; {laḥaddᴵ-l-yōm}
لَحَدِّ الخَطّ [P] up to the line; {laḥaddᴵ-l-ḵɑṭṭ}
لَحَدِّ البَيْت [P] as far as the house; {laḥaddᴵ-l-bēt}
(I) wonder… (expression of wonder / question)
يا تَرَى
يا تَرَى شُو رَحَ يْسَاوِي هَلَّق [S] I wonder what he’ll do now
يَا تَرَى وَيْنَو [S] I wonder where he is
يا تَرَى لِسَّاهُن هَون [S] I wonder whether they’re still here
لَيْش عِمِل هَيْك، يَا تَرَى [P] I wonder why he did that
If only, (I) wish that, (I) hope that, would that…!;
(note that the meaning depends on the tense. Past tense is used for past tense events. A conditional, usually with كان or the imperfect tense without ب is used for the future tense.)
يَا رَيْت
يا رَيْت اِقْدِر اِصَل لَهْنِيك [S] If I could only get there
يَا رَيْت تِقْدِرِ تْسَاعِدْنِي [S] If you could only help me
يا رَيْت / رَيْتْنِي اِقْدِر اِبْقَى أَكْتَر مِن هَيْك [S] I wish I could stay longer
يَا رَيْتْ / رَيْتَهْا كانِت مَعْنَا هَلَّق [S] I wish she were with us now
يَا رَيْت / رَيْتَك تاكُل أَكْتَر مِن هَيْك، اِنْتِا نَحِيْفِ كْتِير [S] I wish you’d eat more, you’re too thin
يَارَيْت شَتَّتِ مْبَارِح [P] if only it had rained yesterday; {yārēt šattatᵉ mºbĒreḥ}
يَارَيْت كُنت بَقدَر [P] if I only could! I wish I could; {yārēt kunt baqdɑr}
يَارَيْتنَا نِقدَر [P] If only we could! I wish we could!; {yārētna niqdɑr}
يَارَيْت يْكُوْن هَيْك [P] I hope that is how things are / would turn out; {yārēt yºkūn hēk}
يَارَيْتِ اْنّي أَعرِف [P] I wish that I new; {yārētᴵ ‘ºnny ʔaʕref}
يَارَيْتني أَشتْرِيْه [P] I wish I could buy it; {yārētny ʔaštºrīᴴ}
بِدّي أَسأَلِك سُؤَال وْيَارَيْتِ تْجَاوْبِيْني بْصَرَاحَة [P] I’ll ask you a question and I hope you’ll give me a straight answer; {biddy ʔasʔ¡alek suʔ¨āl wºyārētᵉ tºjāwºbīny bºṣɑrᾱḥɑ}
يا رَيْتْنِي عَصْفُور [L] I wish I was a bird;
Now and then, from time to time, occasionally
مِن وَقِت لَوَقِت = بَيْن وَقِت لَوَقِت
Hey! (used to get s.o.’s attention)
ليك، اِنْت بْتِحكِي عَرَبِي [V] Hey, do you speak Arabic
I can get by
بمرِّق حالي