Verbs 10 Flashcards
To economise
To be economical (ب = in, use economically (ب =
اْقْتَصَد ، يِقْتِصِد
مِن حَقَا لازِم نِقْتِصِد [S] We’re really going to have to economize
اْسْتَعِمْلَو بْاِقْتِصَاد = وَفِّرِ بْاِسْتِعْمَالَو = اِقْتِصِدِ بْاِسْتِعْمَالَو [S] Use it sparingly
To consider light or easy, underestimate, (ه =
To treat lightly, treat with contempt (ب =
ستَخَفّ ، يِستْخِفّ
اْستَخَفَّيْت بِالخَطَر [P] I underestimated the danger
هِيِّ بْتِستَخِفّ فِيْه / فِيُّو [P] she doesn’t think much of him, she despises him
هِيِّ بْتِستَخِفّ بِعَڥلُو [P] she has a poor opinion of his intelligence
To develop (ه =, make grow (ه =
نَمَّى ، يْنَمّي
بيْنَمّي مَوَاهْبُو [P] he develops his talents; {byºnammy mawāhºbo}
فَعَّالِيَّات بِتنَمّي المَوَاهِبِ المَوجُوْدِة عِندُو [P] activities which develop the talents he possesses
To become bloated, swell up
To gather, assemble, bring together, collect, consolidate (ه =;
(this is considered an intensive of form one, and so should involve gathering together many things)
جَمَّع ، يْجَمِّع
مِنجَمِّعِ المِيَاه في بِركِة [P] we collect the water in a pond;
الاِسْتَاذ جَمَّعِ الطِّلَّابِ بْقَاعِة الاِحْتِفالَات [S] The teacher assembled the students in the auditorium
إِذَا مِنْجَمِّع مَصَارِيْنَا (مَصَرِيْنَا) مِمْكِن يْصِير عَنْدْنَا كْفَايِة نِشْتْرِي سَيَّارَة [S] If we pool our money we may have enough to buy a car
To achieve, accomplish
أَنجَز ، يِنجِز
كُلِّ اْلّي أَنجَزُوْه [P] everything that they’ve achieved
To gladden, make happy, delight (ه = s.o.)
بَسَط، يِبْسِط
To dress (ه = s.o.), to put (ه = clothes, jewellry, etc., ه = on s.o.)
To saddle (ه = s.o., ه = with, also troubles), put (ه = on s.o., ه =
لَبَّس ، يْلَبِّس
حاوَل يْلَبِّسِ رْفِيقَو الجَّرِيْمِة [S] He tried to pin the crime on his friend
To say good morning (على = to s.o.)
صَبَّح ، يْصَبِّح
To gather, collect, concentrate (ه =, e.g. one’s strength, one’s thoughts)
سْتَجْمَع ، يِسْتَجْمِع
اْسْتَجْمَع أَفْكَارَو [S] to concentrate (one’s thoughts)
اْسْتَجْمِع أَفْكارَك أَكْتَر مِن هَيْك شْوَيِّة [S] Concentrate a little harder
عَطِيْنِي فِرْصَة لَاِسْتَجْمِع أَفْكَارِي [S] Give me a chance to collect my thoughts,
اْضْطَرَّيْتِ اْسْتَجْمِع كِلّْ قُوّْتِي لَحَتَّى اِفْتَحِ البَاب [S] I had to gather all my strength in order to open the door
To modify, regulate, adjust (ه =
To amend (ه = (e.g. a legal document)
To lather, foam, froth
رَغَى ، يِرْغِي
To calm down, have one fears allayed, be reassured, have one’s mind put at rest (على = about)
تْطَمَّن ، يِتطَمَّن
To coincide
To run into, come across, meet by chance (ه = s.o.);
صَاْدَف ، يْصَاْدِف
جَيّْتَو صادَفِت مَع رَوْحْتِي [S] His coming coincided with my leaving
صَادَفْتُو في الشَارِع [P] I ran into him in the street; {ṣᾱdɑfºto fy-š-šāreʕ}
هَاي أَوَّل مَرَّة بَسَادِف أَجَانِب في هَا المَحَلّ [P] this is the first time I’ve run into foreigners here; {hāy ʔawwal mɑrrɑ bɑsᾱdef ʔajāneb fy ha-l-maḥall}
هُوِّ أَذْكَى زَلَمِة صادَفْتَو بْحَيَاتِي [S] He’s the most intelligent fellow I’ve ever come across,
صادَفِت اِسِم صاحْبِي بْهالِكْتَاب [S] I came across my friend’s name in this book,
صَادَفْتَو بِالشَّارِع [S] Did you meet him on the street?
هادا بِيْصَادِف مْوَافَقْتَك [S] Does that meet with your approval?
مِمْكِن صَادْفَو شِي يَوْم [S] Maybe I’ll run across him someday,
أَبَدًا ما لَح يِجِي بْبَالَك مِين صَادَفْتْ بِالبَوْسْطَة [S] You’ll never guess who I ran into at the post office
حْزَيْر مِين صَاْدَفْتِ مْبَارِح [S] Guess who bumped into yesterday
شِفْتَو بِالصِّدْفِة = صادَفْتَوْ مْصادَفِة [S] I met him by chance
To skip (ه =
To skip, leave out (ه =
قَفَّى ، يْقَفِّي
فَشَّق، يْفَشِّق
خَلِّيْنَا نْقَفِّي لْنَا كَم صَفْحَة [S] Let’s skip a few pages
بِتفَشِّق مَقطَع [P] he skips a section; {bitfaššeq mɑqṭɑʕ}
هَا الصَفحَة فَشِّقهَا [P] skip this page, leave this page out
To verify, confirm, check out, check up on (من =, or إنّ = that, or simply a full sentence)
To be proved true
To be realised, come true, be accomplished
تْحَقَّق ، يِتحَقَّق
حُلمي تْحَقَّق [P] my dream has come true; {ḥulmy tºḥaqqaq}
لَحَدّ مَا يِتحَقَّق أَمَلنَا [P] until our hope is realized; {laḥadd ma yitḥaqqaq ʔamalna}
أُمنِيَاتي تْحَقَّقَت [P] my wishes have come true; { ʔumniyāty tºḥaqqaqat}
حِلْمَهْا تْحَقَّق [S] Her dream came true
يَومًا مَا رَح يِتحَقَّق [P] one day it will be proven true / come true
لَازِم نِتحَقَّقِ اْنُّو الخَبَر مَظبُوْط [P] we have to check that the news is accurate; {lāzem nitḥaqqaqᴵ ‘ºnno-l-ḵɑbɑr mɑẓbūṭ}
تْحَقَّق إِنَّو صَار عَنْدَك كِلّْ شِي [S] Make sure that you have everything.
أَنَا كان كِلّْ هَللي بِدِّي ياه إِنَّو اِتْحَقَّق كِلّْ شِي مَاشِي مَظْبُوْط [S] I just wanted to make sure that everything was all right
خَلِّي حَدَا يِتْحَقَّق مِن هَالأَرْقَام [S] Have someone verify these figures
To imagine, picture to o.s. conceive of (ه =, or إنّ = that)
To get photographed / video recorded, have one’s photograph / video taken
تْصَوَّر ، يِتصَوَّر
هَيْكِ تْصَوَّرِت [P] that’s what I imagined; {hēkᵉ tºṣɑwwɑrᵉt}
بِدُّو يِتجَوَّزهَا! تْصَوَّر [P] he wants to marry her, just imagine!; {biddo yitjawwazha! tºṣɑwwɑr}
ما بْيِتْصَوَّرُو العَقِل [V] reason could not imagine it, i.e. it was unimaginable;
ما فِينِي اِتْصَوَّر شُو عَم تِعْنِي [S] I can’t imagine what you mean,
بِتْصَوَّر هَيْك [S] I imagine so
ما لِي عَم اِقْدِر اِتْصَوَّرَك كَسِيَاسِي [S] I can’t quite picture you as a politician,
ما قِدْرِت تِتْصَوَّر إِنَّو بْيِكِذْبُوا عَلَيْها [S] She couldn’t conceive that they would lie to her.
ما فِيني اِتْصَوَّر إِنَّو هِيِّة بْتَعمِل هَيك شِي [S] can’t conceive of her doing such a thing,
تْصَوَّرْنِي لابِسِ الفْرَاْك [S] Fancy me in tails!
بِتْصَوَّرَو بِدَّو يَاهَا [S] I fancy he’ll want it
بِدّيَ اْتْصَوَّر مَعَك [P] I want to have my photo taken with you; {biddyᵅ ‘ºtºṣɑwwɑr maʕak}
بيْحِبِّش يِتصَوَّر [P] he doesn’t like having his photograph taken;
To betray (ب = s.o.)
غَدَر ، يِغْدُر
To limit, restrict, ration, save, be sparing, ration (ه =
قَنَّن ، يْقَنِّ
لَازِمِ نْقَنَّيْن [P] we have to ration
السِّكَّر كانِ مْقَنَّن إِيَّامِ الحَرْب [S] Sugar was rationed during the war
To lay down (ه =
To knock down, lay out (ه =
To prevent, stop, (ه =, عن = from dong, or فعل مضارع بدون علامة = from doing
To keep out (ه =
مَنَع ، يِمنَع
الِقْزَازِ العادِي بْيِمْنَعِ الأَشِعَّة فَوْقِ البَنَفْسَجِيِّة [S] Ordinary glass keeps out ultraviolet rays
To curse, damn (ه / على = s.o. /
لَعَن ، يِلعَن
يِلعَن أَبُوْه [P] may God curse his father! {yilʕan ʔabūᴴ}
الله يِلْعَن اِللي سَماكِ هالاِسِم [L] God damn whoever gave you that name;
يِلْعَن اَلله [S] God Damn (it)!
يِلْعَن دِيْنَك [V] damn your religion (a strong curse)