Nouns 17 Flashcards
Arab emigrant living in a non-Arab country
Talk, speech (كلام)
بيِشتْرِك في الحَدِيْث [P] he takes part in the conversation; {byištºrek fy-l-ḥadīθ}
رَحِ نْكَمِّل حَدِيْثنَا في الأُسبُوْعِ القَادِم [P] we’ll continue our discussion next week; {rɑḥᵉ nºkammel ḥadīθna fy-l-ʔusbūʕᴵ-l-ʠᾱdem}
الحَدِيْث وَقْتِ الغَدَا كانِ شْوَيِّة مْمِلّ [S] The conversation at lunch was rather dull
بَفهَم مِن حَدِيْسَك إِنُّو [P] from what I understand of what you’re saying;
خَيْبِة أَمَل
Dissertation, thesis (Levantine)
أُطْرُوْحَة، ج أُطْرُوْحَاْت
اِنْطِبَاْع، ج اِنْطِبَاْعَاْت
تَرَك اِنْطِبَاْعِ مْنِيح عَنْدِي [S] He made a good impression on me.
اِنْطِبَاعَاْتِي عَنْهَا كانِتِ مْنِيحَة [S] My impression of her was favorable.
أَوَّلِ اْنطِبَاعي [P] m first impression
أَيْشِ اْنطِبَاعَاتَك مِنِ السَفَر [P] what are your impressions of the trip?
Crew (of a ship, plane, also diplomatic mission), cast, company
طَاقَم طِبّي [P] medical team; {ṭᾱʠɑm ṭibby}
في هَا البَرنَامِج كُنَّا طَاقَم [P] on the program we were a good team
Grade, rank, place
مَرْتَبِة، ج مَرَاْتِب
مَرتَبِةِ الطَالِب في الصَفّ [P] the student’s place in the class; {martabeᴵ-ṭ-ṭᾱleb fy-ṣ-ṣɑff}
شُو بِتفَضّْلي؟ — فْلَان بِالمَرتَبِة الؤُولَى، وْبَعدَيْن [P] what do you prefer / think is best? — so-and-so in first place, then…; {šu bitfɑḍḍºly? — fºlān bi-l-martabe-l-ʔūla، wºbaʕdēn}
شُو مَرتَبْتُو [P] where was he placed in the competition; {šu martabºto}
كَان في المَرتَبِة التَاسْعَة [P] he was (placed) in ninth place; {kān fy-l-martabe-t-tāsºʕa}
الأُغنِيِة أَخْدَتِ المَرتَبِة الؤُولَى [P] the song won first place; {‘il-ʔuġniye ʔaḵºdatᴵ-l-martabe-l-ʔūla}
مَرْتَبِة رَوَاتِب [S] salary level
فِي خَمْس مَرَاتِب لِلرَّوَاتِب بْدَايِرْتْنَا [S] There are five salary levels in our office
Property, possessions
مِلِك (مِلْك)، ج أَمْلَاْك
مُلك خَاصّ [P] private property
بيْملِك أَرَاضي [P] he owns lands; {byºmlek ʔɑrᾱḍy}
الأَرَاضي اللي بُملُكهَا [P] the lands that he owns; {‘il-ʔɑrᾱḍy-l-ly bumlokha}
هَدَوْل لَاجِئِين بيْمِلكُوْش أَرض [P] those people are refugees, they don’t own any land; {hadōl lājiʔīn byºmᵉlkūš ʔɑrḍ}
مِلْك مِين البَيت يِلِّي ساكِن فيه = مِي بْيِمْلِك البَيْت يِلِّي ساكِن فيه [V] who owns the house you live in;
بْيِمْلِك بَيْت = عَنْدَو بَيْت [S] He owns a house
مِين هَللي بْيِمْلِك هَالشَّقْفِةِ الأَرْض = مين صاحِب هالشَّقْفِةِ الأَرْض [S] Who owns this lot?
هادا كِلّْ مَا بِمْلُك [S] That’s all I possess
Power, performance (e.g., of a car, motor, person)
أَداء، ج أَدَاءات
اِسْتِشْهَاْد، ج اِسْتِشْهَاْدَاْت
Attachment, devotion (ب = to), affection (ب = for)
Linkage, connection, relationship (ب = with)
تَعَلّْقَو بْصَاْحْبَو صار كَمَان أَقْوَى بَعِد مَا مَات أَخُوْه [S] His attachment to his friend became even stronger after the death of his brother
Pebble(s), gravel
الدَّرِب مَفْرُوْش حَصْو [S] The path is covered with pebbles
Overview, profile, summary
نُبْذَة، ج نُبَذ
لَمحَة، ج لَمحَات
بْتِقدَر تَعطِيْنَا لَمحَة [P] can you give us an overview
نُبْذَة تارِيخِيَّة [CA] a historical overview
نُبذَة تَمْهِيدِيَّة [CA] foreword, introduction
نَبْذَة لِلْقَارِئِ [CA] a short description on the cover of a book, a back-cover blurb
نُبْذَة هامِشِيَّة [CA] a marginal note
Guardianship, tutelage
وْصَاْيِة / وِصَاْيِة
تَحِت وِصَايِة [P] under wardship / tutelage; {taḥᵉt wiṣᾱye}
بِتْضَلّ تَحْتِ وْصايْتِي لَتِبْلُغِ السِّن [S] She’ll be my ward until she comes of age
مْحَاْضِر، ج مْحَاْضْرِيْن
مْحَاضِرِ اللَيْل مْؤَرِّخ مَرْمُوْق [S] Tonight’s lecturer is a famous historian,
بَعدَيْنِ المُحَاضِر جَاوَب عَلَ الأَسئِلِة [P] later the lecturer answered the questions;
مَوْكِب، ج مَوَاْكِب
مَوكِب خَوَارنِة رَايحِيْن لَلِقيَامِة [P] a procession of priests going to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre; {mawkeb ḵawᾱrne rāyḥīn lalᵉqyāme}
مَوكِب نَاس بيْهِدفُوا لَإِشي وَاحَد [P] a procession of people aiming toward one thing (i.e. with a common purpose); {mawkeb nās byºhᵉdfu laʔ€išy wāḥad}
مَوكِب وُزَرَا رَايحِيْن لَرَئِيسِ الدَولِة [P] a procession of (government) ministers going to the president
Rebel, revolutionary
ثَائِر، ج ثُوَّار
Cursor (on a computer screen)
المُؤَشِّر عَلَى شَاشتِ الحَاسُوْب [P] the cursor on the computer screen
مُؤَشِّر السُرْعة [E] speedometer needle
Practical joke, prank, wind-up
مَقْلَب، ج مَقَاْلِب
سَاوَالي مَقلَب [P] he played a practical joke on me; {sāwāly maqlab}
التَلَامِيْذ بيْعمَلُوا فِيْه مَقَالِب [P] they students pull pranks on him;
Departure, start, launch
أَخَد هَا القُصَّة كَنُقطِةِ اْنطِلَاق لَلرِّوَايِة [P] he used that story as the starting point for the novel; { ʔaḵad ha-l-quṣṣɑ kanuqṭeᴵ ‘ºnṭilᾱʠ larriwāye}
نُقطَةِ الاِنطِلَاق خَاطِئَة [P] the basic assumption is wrong
شُرْفَة، ج شُرَفَاْت / شُرْفَاْت / شُرُفَاْت / شُرَف
بَلْكَوْن، ج بَلْكَوْنَاْت / بَلَاْكِيْن
Accession (ب = to)
Joining (ب = of), affiliation (ب = with), entry, enrollment (ب = in)
Behaviour (as manners), conduct
سْلُوْكَك مِخْزِي [S] Your conduct is disgraceful,
بِدّي أَعرِف كِيْفِ سْلُوْكُو [P] I want to see what he is like / how he behaves; {biddy ʔaʕref kīfᵉ sºlūko}
لَازِم يْغَيِّر سُلُوْكُو [P] he as to change his behavior; {lāzem yºġayyer sulūko}
حَسَبِ سْلُوْكُو في المَدرَسِة [P] from the way he behaves in school; {ḥasabᵉ sºlūko fy-l-madrase}
أَنَا بَرَاقِب سُلُوْكِيَّاتهُم [P] I’m keeping an eye on their behavior
Cheating, fraud, deceit, swindle
ناطِق بِلْسَاْن
النَاطِق بِلِسَانِ الجَيْش [P] [CA] the spokesman for the military; {‘in-nᾱṭeʠ bi-lisānᴵ-l-jēš}
ناطِق بِلْسَاْن + إضافة [S] spokesman
نَاطِق بِلْسَان وَزَارْةِ الخَارْجِيِّة صَرَّح إِنَّو [S] A spokesman of the Foreign Ministry declared that…
Cadre (of a military unit, of a governmental agency, of a corporation, etc), skeleton organisation (French: cadre)
كَاْدِر، ج كَوَاْدِر
Safety, well-being, welfare
بْسَلَاْمِة [S] safely
هادا مِنْشَان سَلَامْتَك اِنْتِا [S] This is for your own safety
مَا فَكَّر إِلَّا بْسَلَامْتَو [S] He thought of nothing but saving his own safety
مَاْدِّيّ، ج مَاْدِّيُّوْن
اِنْفِصَاْل، ج اِنْفِصَاْلَاْت
اِنْفِصَاْلِيّ، ج اِنْفِصَاْلِيُّوْن
Stack, pile (of things)
سِتْفِة، ج سِتَف
اْنْجَبَرِت اْرَاجِع سِتْفِة كامْلِة مْنِ الجَّرَايِد حَتَّى لَقَيْتِ المَقَالِة [S] I had to go through a whole stack of newspapers to find the article
أَبُوْه عَزَمني عَلَى الطْهُوْر [P] his father invited me to the circumcision