Verbs 17 Flashcards
To rent, hire, lease (ه = (with the tenant as the subject)
اْسْتَأْجَر، يِسْتَأْجِر
To let, rent out, lease out (ه = (with the lessor last the subject)
أَجَّر، يْؤَجِّر
To stick, get stuck, get caught up, become entangled
عِلِق، يِعلَق
سَيَّارْتِي عِلْقِت بِالطِّيْن [S] My car got stuck in the mud
To take precautions (ل = for, or ضِدّ = against)
اْحْتَاْط، يِحْتَاْط
لازِم نِحْتَاط لَشِتْوِيِّة بَارْدِة كْتِير [S] We should take precautions for a very cold winter
هالتَّدْبِير غَايْتَوِ الاِحْتِيَاط ضِدّ تَفَشِّي الأَمْرَاض [S] The measure is to protect against the spread of disease
To work
To function, work properly
اْشتَغَل، يِشتْغِل
To clean (ه =
نَضَّف، يْنَضِّف
تْنَضَّف / اِتْنَضَّف، يِتْنَضَّف
To sweep (ه = (referring to the room or house or whatever is being swept)
كَنَّس، يْكَنِّس
To mop
مَسَّح، يْمَسِّح
To suck up, suck in (ه =
شَفَط، يُشفُط
الشَفَّاطَة بْتُشفُطِ الغَبَرَة [P] the vacuum cleaner sucks up the dust
To beat (ه = (carpet)
نَفَّض، يْنَفِّض
شُو نَفَّضْتِ السِّجَّاد [S] Did you beat the carpets
To light (ه =, to lighten, light, add light to (ه =
To turn on (ه = a light)
ضَوَّى، يْضَوِّي
تْضوَّى، يْتْضوَّى
To cope, deal with, sort out
اْصطَفَل، يِصطِفِل
اْصطِفلُوا [P] deal with it! (you’ll just have to) cope!; {‘ºṣṭeflu}
اْصطِفلُوا مَع بَعِض [P] sort it out between yourselves; {‘ºṣṭeflu maʕ bɑʕᵉḍ}
يِصطِفلُوا [P] let them sort it out; {yiṣṭeflu}
اِنْتِا اْصْطِفِل لَحَالَك هَلَّق [S] It’s your problem now!
اْصْطِفِل، اْعْمِل (عْمَيْل) هَللي بِدَّك يَاه [S] Have it your own way!
To attend, be present
حِضِر، يِحضَر
تْواجَد / اِتْواجَد، يِتْواجَد
To sit, sit down
To stay, remain, be in a place / situation;
To be sitting around doing nothing
قَعَد، يِقْعُد
أَحسَن مِنِ اْنُّو يْضَلّ قَاعِد [P] better for him than sitting around doing nothing
To run along (ه =, be parallel (ه = to
وَاْزَى، يْوَاْزِي
الطَّرِيق بِيْوَازِي شَطِّ البُحَيْرَة [S] The road runs along the shore of the lake
To cook (ه =
طَبَخ، يِطْبُخ
To warm up, heat up (ه =
سَخَّن، يْسَخِّن
To blow up with explosives (ه =
نَسَف ، يِنسِف
انتسف ، ينتسف
العَدُوّ نَسَف كِلِّ الجّْسُوْرَة [S] The enemy has blown up all the bridges
To do (ه =
عِمِل، يَعْمِل
اْنعَمَل ، يِنعَمَل
هَا الشُغُل لَازِم يِنعَمَل [P] that work has to get done
To chop up
خَرَّط، يْخَرَّط
To bake
خَبَز، يِخبِز
To boil (ه =, e.g. an egg, for boiling water, see غَلَى)
سَلَق، يُسلُق
To fry (ه =
قَلَى، يِقلي
To follow, track, trail, pursue (ه = s.o. /
تَبَع، يِتبَع
To wash up, wash (ه = dishes)
جَلَى، يِجْلِي
To throw out, junk (ه =
زَتّ، يْزِتّ
To let, permit, allow (ه = s.o., ه = to do
To make or cause (ه = s.o., فعل مضارع بدون علامة = to do
To cause, make (ه = s.o, ه = to be;
To leave, leave behind (ه =;
To keep (ه = s.o., جملة / شبه جملة = to)
خَلَّى، يْخَلِّي
تْخَلَّى، يِتْخَلَّى
خَلِّي لِي شْوَيِّة گَاتَو [S] Leave some cake for me
خَلِّيْك مَعِي شْوَيِّة [S] Keep me company for a while,
خَلِّيْك عَ اليَمِين [S] Keep to the right
To throw, toss (ه =, على = on / at, في = in)
رَمَى، يِرمي
To wait, hold on (ه = for
نَطَر، يُنْطُر
اْنتَظَر، يِنتِظِر
اْستَنَّى، يِستَنَّى
أَنَا اْستَنَّيْتَكُ وْمَا جِيْتِش [P] I waited for you, and (then) you didn’t come
صَار لُو سَاعَة مِستَنّي هَوْن [P] he’s been
waiting here for an hour
بِسْتَنَّاك لَحَدِّ السَّاعَة خَمْسِة [S] I’ll wait for you until five o’clock
بَنطَظِر أَوَّمِر [P] I’m waiting for orders; {bɑnṭɑẓer ʔawwamer}
بَنتِظرَك [P] I’ll wait for you; {bɑnteẓrak}
ما فِيْك تِنْتِظِر مِنِّي إِنَّو اْصَدِّق (سَدِّق) هَالشِّي [S] You can’t expect me to believe that,
السَّنْتْرَال قَالْ لِي اِنْتِظِر لَإِنَّو فِي مْخَابَرَة خَارْجِيِّة جَايِة [S] The operator told me to stand by for a call,
لازِم نِنْتِظِر سَاعَة لَيِصَلِ التّْرَيْن [S] We have an hour’s wait before the train gets
صَارْ لَك( صَرْ لَك) عَم تِنْتِظِر زَمَاْن [S] Have you been waiting long?
لا تْآخِذْنِي خَلَّيْتَك تِنْتِظِر [S] I’m sorry to keep you waiting.
To despise, scorn, feel contempt for, look down on (ه = s.o. /
اْحْتَقَر، يِحْتِقِر
اْزْدَرَى، يِزْدِرِي
بِزْدِرِي تَصَرُّفَاتَو [S] despise the way he acts
بْيِزْدِرِي كِلّْ واحِد مُو مِن مَقَامَو الاِجْتِماعِي [S] He despises everyone who is not his social equal
حَرَام تِحْتِقِرِ النَّاس لَإِنُّهْن فِقَرَا [S] You mustn’t look down on people just because they’re poor
To sleep, fall asleep
نَاْم، يْنَاْم
To lie down, stretch out (on the ground, bed, etc.)
تْسَطَّح، يِتسَطَّح
بِدِّي اِتْسَطَّح لِي شْوَيِّة [S] I want to lie down for a few minutes
تْسَطَّح عَلَى الأَرض [P] he laid down on the ground