Verbs 7 Flashcards
To permit, allow, let (ل = s.o., ب = to do, or فعل مضارع بدون علامة = to do
سَمَح ، يِسمَح
اِسمَح لي / اِسمَحِيْ لي أَفُوْت [P] please allow me to enter (masculine and feminine forms); {‘ismaḥ ly / ismaḥī ly ʔafūt}
اِسمَح لي [P] pardon me, excuse me (may I pass); {‘ismaḥ ly}
اِسمَح لي بَسّ أَكَمِّل [P] just let me finish, please
To neglect, disregard (ه =
هَمَل ، يِهْمِل
عَم يِهْمِل شِغْلَو بْهالإِيَّامِ الأَخِيرِة [S] He’s been neglecting his work lately
To bind, shackle, fetter, limit, confine (ه =
قَيَّد، يْقَيِّد
تْقَيَّد / تْگَيَّد، يِتْقَيَّد / يِتْگَيَّد
To show, indicate, prove, imply (على =
دَلّ ، يْدِلّ
أَوَاعِ الشَّخِص بِتْدِلِّ كْتِير على شَخْصِيْتَو [S] A person’s clothes tell much of his personality
هَادَا بيْدِلّ عَلَى عَدَمِ اْهتِمَام [P] this indicates a lack of interest; {hāda byºdell ʕala ʕadamᴵ ‘ºhtimām}
جَوَابَو دَلّ على تَأْيِيْدَو لِلخِطَّة [S] His answer implied that he was in favor of the plan
مْلَاحَظْتَو بِتْدِلّْ على إِنَّو جَادِد فِيْهَا [S] His remark indicates that he’s serious about it
هادا ما بِيْدِلّ على شِي كْتِير [S] That doesn’t prove much
To isolate (ه = s.o., عن = from)
To insulate (ه =
عَزَل ، يِعزِل
اْنْعَزَلِت عَنِ الإِرْطَة [S] detached myself from the crowd
المَعْدَن لازِم يِنْعِزِل عَنِ الحَرَارَة [S] The metal has to be insulated against heat
عَزَل شِي عَنِ الصَّوْت [S] to soundproof
لَحَ نِعْزِل هالحِيْطَان عَنِ الصَّوْت [S] We’re going to soundproof these walls
لَازِم نِعزِلِ المَرِيْض [P] we have to isolate the patient; {lāzem neʕzelᴵ-l-mɑrīḍ}
المَرِيْض مَعزُوْل [P] the patient is isolated; {‘il-mɑrīḍ maʕzūl}
الِوْلَادِ المِرَضَا عَزَلُوهُن لَوَحْدُهْن [S] The sick children were isolated
To denounce, condemnation (ب =
في ناطِقِ بْاِسِم الِحْكُوْمِة نَدَّدِ بْحادِث الِحْدُوْد كَدِلَيْل آخَر عَ العِدْوَاْنِ السَّافِر [S] A government spokesman denounced the border incident as another case of flagrant aggression,
To oversee (على = on)
أَشْرَف ، يِشْرِف
To drive away, chase away, drive out (ه = s.o.)
شَرَّد ، يْشَرِّد
To make difficult (ه =, على = on s.o.)
صَعَّب ، يْصَعِّب
To overcome (على = s.o. /
تْغَلَّب ، يِتغَلَّب
مْنِتغَلَّب عَلَى الصُعُوْبَات [P] we overcome the difficulties; {mºnitġallab ʕala-ṣ-ṣuʕūbᾱt}
كان لازِم تِتْغَلَّب على صُعُوبَاتِ كْتِيرِة [S] She had many difficulties to overcome
تْغَلَّبِت عَلَيه الغِيْرِة فَقَام وْلَطَشَهْا كَفّ [S] Jealousy got the best of him and he slapped her
To hold, cling to, stick to, hang on to (ب / في = s.o. / (literal and figurative)
تْمَسَّك ، يِتمَسَّك
تْمَسَّك فِيِّ [S] Hold on to me
فِيك تِتْمَسَّكِ بْهالشَّغْلِة [S] Can you hold on to that job just a little longer?
تْمَسَّكِ بْإِيْدِي [S] Take hold of my arm
أَنَا مِتْمَسِّكِ بْقَرَارِي [S] I stand by my decision
دايْمًا بْيِتْمَسَّكِ بْمَبَادْئَو [S] He’ll always stick by his principles,
أَنَا بِتْمَسَّكِ بْرَأْيِي [S] I stick to my opinion
بيْتمَسَّكِ بْإِيْمَانُو [P] he sticks to his belief; {byºtmassakᵉ bºʔ€īmāno}
بيْمَسَّكِ بْهَا الفِكرَة [P] he holds to that idea; {byºmassakᵉ bºha-l-fikrɑ}
هُوِّ مُتمَسِّك بِهَادَا المَوقِف [P] he sticks to that point of view
To lead (ل = to), come (ل = to), result (ل = in)
To carry out, perform (ه =
أَدَّى ، يْؤَدّي
اِلمَعلُوْمَات أَدَّت لِتَوقِيْفُو [P] the information led to his arrest (CA pronunciation); {‘ilmaʕlūmāt ʔaddat litawʠīfo}
هَادَا بيْؤَدّي لَتَغيِيْرِ الجَوّ [P] this leads to a change in atmosphere / ambiance; {hāda byºʔaddy lataġyīrᴵ-l-jaww}
ما جَدَا بْيَعْرِف لَشُو هالشِّي بِيْؤَدِّي [S] Who knows what all this will come to?
المَعْلُوْمَات يَللي عَطَيْتْنَا يَاهَا أَدِّت لَتَوْقِيْفَو [S] The information you gave us lead to his arrest.
الوَضِع فِيه كِلِّ العَوَامِل يَللي بِتْؤَدِّي لَأَزْمِة خَطِيْرَة [S] The situation has the makings of a major crisis
الاِنْتِخَابَات أَدِّت لَنَجَاح بَاهِر لَحِزْبِ الشَّعْب [S] The elections resulted in an overwhelming victory of the People’s Party
أَدَّى الوَاجِب [P] he performed the duty; { ʔadda-l-wājeb}
أَدَّى اليَمِيْن / أَدَّى اليَمِيْنِ القَانُوْني [P] he took the oath / he was sworn in
To take revenge, get even, avenge o.s. (من = on s.o.)
اْنتَقَم ، يِنتْقِم
To profit, be profitable (ه = for s.o.)
رَبَّح ، يْرَبِّح
To be victorious, triumph (على = over, في = in a matter, usually a war)
اْنتَصَر ، يِنتَصِر
To carve
نَحَت ، يِنْحَت
To present, put on, exhibit, display, show (ه =
To offer
عَرَض ، يُعرُض
To distribute, divide up, share out (ه =; (also defined as to hand out, give out, spread)
وَزَّع ، يْوَزِّع
To shine, sparkle, gleam, glitter
لَمَع ، يِلمَع
To preach (ب = a religious doctrine, e.g. the Gospel), spread (ب = the word of God)
بَشَّر ، يْبَشِّر
To vouch for, guarantee (ه =
كِفِل ، يِكْفَل
أَنَا بَكفَلُو، إِذَا هُوِّ مَا بيْدفَعِش، أَنَا بَدفَع [P] I’ll be his guarantor, if he doesn’t pay, I will; { ʔana bakfalo، ʔi∂a huwwe ma byºdfaʕᵉš، ʔana badfaʕ}
طَبِيعِي ما بِقْدِر اِكْفَل (صَحِّة) هالخَبَر [S] Of course, I can’t vouch for that bit of information
To appeal (ه = a case)
To resume, recommence (ه =
ستَأنَف ، يِستَأنِف
المُحَامِي اْعْتَمَد يِسْتَأْنِفِ الدَّعْوَى [S] The lawyer decided to appeal the case
اْستَأنَفُوا العَمَل [P] formal: they resumed work; {‘ºstaʔnafu-l-ʕamal}
الطَّرَفَيْن لَحَ يِسْتَإِنْفَو مْفَاوَضَاْتُهْن عَن قَرِيْب [S] The two parties will resume negotiations before
To claim (إنّ = that)
زَعَم ، يِزْعُم
To loot, sack (ه =
To rob (ه = / s.o.)
نَهَب ، يِنهَب
نَهَبُوا الِبْيُوْت [P] they looted the houses; {nahabu-l-ᵉbºyūt}
الأَعْدَاء نَهَبُوا البَلَد [S] The enemy looted the town
العَدُوّ نَهَبِ البَلَد [S] The enemy sacked the town
بِيقُولُوا إِنَّو التّْنَين نَهَبُوا البَنْك [S] The two men are reported to have robbed a bank
نَهَبُوْنِي [S] They robbed me
بْيِنْهَبُوا مِنَّك آخِر قِرْش [S] They’ll rob you of your last cent
To hang (ه = s.o.) (as a way of killing / execution)
شَنَق ، يِشْنُق
اْنْشَنَق، يِنْشِنِق
To tickle (ه = s.o.)
زَكْزَك، يْزَكْزِك
To fold one’s arms
تْكَتَّف ، يِتكَتَّف
وَقَّف مِتكَتِّف جَنبِ (جَمْب) البَاب [P] he stood beside the door with his arms folded; {waqqaf mitkattef jamb / janbᴵ-l-bāb}
تْكَتَّفُوا [P] fold your arms; {tºkattafu}
To keep, divert, distract (ه = s.o., عن = from), take (ه = s.o.’s) mind away (عن = from)
أَلْهَى ، يُلْهِي
أَلهَاني عَن شُغلي [P] he distracted me from my work; { ʔalhāny ʕan šuġly}
هَادَا بيْلهِيْه عَنِ دْرُوْسُو [P] that distracts him from his studies, that takes his mind off his studies; {hāda byºlhīᴴ ʕanᵉ dºrūso}
To turn flip over, turn over, turn upside down, invert (ه =
To tumble, knock over, upset, tip over (ه =
To overthrow (ه =
To change one’s mind
قَلَب ، يِقْلُب
اِقلِبِ الصَطِل [P] turn the bucket over; {‘iqlebᴵ-ṣ-ṣɑṭᵉl}
اِقِلبُو = هِقِلبُو [P] Turn the bucket over (note it is said هَقِلْبُو because the double glottal stop (اِقِ ) is hard to say); {‘iqᵉlbo = hiqᵉlbo}
قَلَب صَفحَة [P] he turned the page; {qalab ṣɑfḥɑ}
فِي حَدَا قَلَب لِي كِمّْ جَاكَيْتِي [S] Somebody turned the sleeve of my coat inside out
اْقْلِبِي اللَحْمِة كِلّْ خَمِس دَقَايِق يَعْنِي [S] Turn the meat every five minutes or so
هَلَّق اْقْلِبِ (قْلَيْبِ) الصَّفْحَة [S] Now turn the page
اْقْلِب (قْلَيْب) بَالله لِلصَّفْحَة عَشَرَة [S] Please turn to page ten
To thaw, defrost, melt (ه =, i.e. something cold)
To dissolve, melt (ه =
دَوَّب ، يْدَوِّب
To coat (ه =, ب = with)
To spread (ه =, ه = on
دَهَّن ، يْدَهِّن
To paint (ه = (with oil or acrylic paint)
دَهَن ، يِدهَن