Nouns 12 Flashcards
Ointment, cream
مَرْهَم، ج مَرَاْهِم
Inoculation, vaccination, immunisation
تَطْعِيْم، ج تَطْعِيْمَاْت
دَفتَرِ التَطعِيْم [P] vaccination record; {daftɑrᴵ-t-tɑṭʕīm}
حَملِة تَطعِيْم [P] vaccination campaign; {ḥamle tɑṭʕīm}
التَطعِيْم نَاجِع بَسّ مِش مِيِّة في المِيِّة [P] the inoculation is effective, but not one hundred percent;
مْطَهِّر، ج مْطَهِّرَاْت
تَخْدِيْر مَوْضِعِيّ [CA] local anesthesia (medicine)
تَخْدير عامّ general anaesthesia
بِدونِ تَخْديرٍ [CA] without anaesthesia
تحت التَخْديرِ [CA] under anaesthesia
اسْتَيْقَظَ من التَخْديرِ [CA] to recover/emerge from anaesthesia
“الدكتور قرّر يعمل بتر للإيد.”
(The doctor decided to perform an amputation of the arm.)
Autopsy, post-mortem examination
Dissection, anatomy (as a subject)
Slicing, cutting into pieces
Bleeding, haemorrhageing
Shattering, smashing, breaking up
A sneeze
عَطْسة، ج عَطْسَاْت
A cough
(Medical) treatment
Treatment (of an issue, etc.), dealing with
مُعَالَجِة مَشَاكِلِ السُكَّان [P] dealing with the resident’s problems; {muʕālaje mašākelᴵ-s-sukkān}
ما بْوَافِق على مْعَالَجْتَو لِلْمَوْضُوْع [S] I don’t go along with his treatment of the subject
مْعَالَجِة طِبِّيِّة [S] medical treatment
هُوِّ تَحْتِ مْعالَجْةِ الدُكّْتَوْر [S] He’s under the doctor’s care.
Healing, recovery
Improvement ( health, financial condition etc)
مُبَرِّر، ج مُبَرِّرَات
مَا فِيْه أَيّ مُبَرِّر [P] there’s no justification; {mā fīᴴ ʔayy mubarrer}
بيْدَوِّر عَلَى مُبَرِّرَات [P] he is just looking for justifications; {byºdawwer ʕala mubarrirᾱt}
بَسّ مَا يْكُونش هَادَا مُبَرِّر لَلعُنف [P] but this must not be used to justify violence; {bass ma yºkunš hāda mubarrer lalʕunf}
إِلَو مْبَرِّرَاْتَو [S] justifiable
بْظِنّ هالمَصْرُوف إِلَو مْبَرِّرَاْتَو [S] I think this expenditure is justifiable
هِيِّة خَطْوِة إِلَهْا مْبَرِّرَاْتَهْا بْهالظُّرُوْف [S] It’s a justifiable step under the circumstances
Pretext, grounds, argument (in defence of or for
حِجِّة، ج حِجَج
رَفضَتِ بْحُجِّة اِنّْهَا بِدّهَا تْكَمِّلِ دْرُوْسهَا [P] she refused, on the grounds that she wanted to complete her studies; {rɑfḍɑtᵉ bºḥujje ‘innºha biddha tºkammelᵉ dºrūsha}
حُجَج مُش مُقنِعَة [P] unconvincing reasons / pretexts; {ḥujaj muš muʠniʕa}
بيلَاقي حِجَج [P] he finds excuses; {bylāqy ḥijaj}
بيلَاقي أَلف هِجِّة [P] he finds a thousand excuses; {bylāqy ʔalf hijje}
مَا إِجَا بْحِجِة اِنُّو [P] he didn’t come, on the grounds that; {ma ʔija bºḥije ‘inno}
كانِت حِجّْتِي إِنَّو هالشَّغْلِة لَحَ تْوَفِّرْلَنا وَقْتِ كْتِيْر [S] argued that it would save us a lot of time.
هايّ حِجِّة لَصَالْحَو [S] That’s an argument in his favor
ما لِي فَهْمَان حِجّْتَك [S] don’t follow your argument,
إِجِتَو دَعْمِة لَحِجّْتَو [S] That’s grist to his mill
Excuse, (good) reason
عِذِر (عِذْر)، ج أَعْذَاْر
Consent, approval, concurrence, consent
مُوَافَقَة، ج مُوَافَقَات
مْوَافَقَة رَسْمِيِّة [S] clearance, official approval
لازْمَكِ مْوافْقَة رَسْمِيِّة لَتِشْتِغِل هَون [S] You’ll need a clearance to work here,
ِالعَقْدِ تْمَدَّد بِمْوَافَقَة مَتبادلِة [S] The contract was extended by mutual agreement.
ما مْنِحْتاج لَـمْوافَقْتَو [S] We do not need his concurrence
هالشِّي صار بِدُوْنِ مْوافَقْتِي [S] This was done without my consent
عَدَمِ مْوَافَقَة [S] lack of agreement, lack of agreement
بَعَتْنا لُهن مَكْتُوبِ بْعَدَمِ مْوافِقْتَنا [S] We sent them a note indicating our disagreement,
لازِم تاخُدِ مْوَافَقِة إِمَّك وْأَبُوْك [S] You’ll need your mother and father’s approval
لازِم تاخُدِ مْوافَقْتَو عَلَيْهَا [S] You’ll have to get his approval on it
بِالِمْوَاْفَقَة [S] approvingly
هَزِّت رَاسَهْا بِالِمْوَافَقَة [S] She nodded approvingly
بِدُوْن مُوَافَقتُو [P] without his consent; {bidūn muwāfaqto}
بِدَّك مُوَافَقِة أَبُوْي [P] you need my father’s consent; {biddak muwāfaqe ʔabūy}
مِحْتَاج أَنَا مْوَاْفَقْتَو [S] I need his okay
Pass, permit
جَوَاْز، ج جَوَاْزَاْت
License, permit
رِخْصَة، ج رِخَص
Need, lack, shortage
فِيْه اِفتِقَار لَنَرسَات / لَمُمَرِّضَات [P] there’s a shortage of nurses
فِي اِفْتِقَار لَمْوَظَّفِينِ مْمَرَّنِيْن [S] There’s a lack of trained personnel
مَأسَاة، ج مَآسي
Implementation, execution, putting into practice
تَطْبِيْق، ج تَطْبِيْقَاْت
تَطبِيْق عَمَلي [P] practical application; {tɑṭbīq ʕamaly}
هَادَا صَعِب تَطبِيْقُو [P] it’s hard to put this into practice; {hāda ṣɑʕᵉb tɑṭbīqo}
صَعِب تَطبِيْق هَادَا القَانُوْن [P] this law is difficult to implement; {ṣɑʕᵉb tɑṭbīq hāda-l-ʠᾱnūn}
تَطْبِيْق نَظَرِيّْتَو ما عَطَى النَّتَايِج يَللي تْوَقَّعْنَاها [S] The application of his theory did not yield the results we had expected
تَنفِيْذِ المَشرُوْع [P] the implementation of the plan; {tanfī∂ᴵ-l-mašrūʕ}
وَسَايِل لِتَنفِيْذِ المَشرُوْع [P] he means of implementing the project; {wasāyel litanfī∂ᴵ-l-mašrūʕ}
هُوِّ مَسؤُوْل عَن تَنفِيْذِ القَانُوْن [P] he is responsible for implementing the law; {huwwe masʔ¨ūl ʕan tanfī∂ᴵ-l-ʠānūn}
تَلَتِ سْنِيْن مَع وَقفِ التَنفِيْذ [P] formal: a three year suspended sentence
Sign, indication, proof, evidence
Guide, guidebook, directory, instruction manual
Guide (as in the person who works as a guide), usher
دَلِيْل، ج دَلَاْيِل
دَلِيْل سِيَاحي [P] tourist guide; {dalīl siyāḥy}
أَخَدْنَا دَلِيْل [S] We took a guide
الدَّلِيْل رَحَ يَاخِدْكُن لَكَرَاسِيْكُهْن (لَكَرَسِيْكُهْن) [S] The usher will show you to your seats
دَلِيْلِ التَلِفَوْن [P] telephone directory; {dalīlᴵ-t-talefōn}
دَلِيل الهاتِف [L] phone book;
رَاجِعَهْا بْدَلِيْل الِـمْعَلِّم [S] Look it up in the teacher’s manual
دَلِيل هاتِف = دَلِيل تَلِيْفَون [S] telephone directory, phone book
شُوْف عِنْوَاْنَو بْدَلِيْلِ التَّلِيْفَون [S] Look for his address in the telephone directory
دَلِيْل أَسَامِي = تَاْبْلَو أَسَامِي [S] directory
دَلِيْلِ البِنَايِة / تابْلَو البِنَايِة عَ الحَيْطِ بْآخِرِ المَمْشَى [S] The building directory is on the wall at the end of the hall
كِلّْ دُوْرِ اللَهْو مَوْجُوْدِة بِالدَّلِيْل [S] All the theaters are listed in the guide
هَادَا دَلِيْلِ اْنُّو مَا فِهِم [P] this shows that he has not understood; {hāda dalīlᴵ ‘ºnno ma fihem}
فِيْه عِدِّة أَدِلِّة لَهَادَا [P] there are a number of signs of this; {fīᴴ ʕidde ʔadille lahāda}
فِيه دَلايِل عِنْدِي [V] there are pieces of evidence that I have;
الشِّرْطَة كَان عَنْدُهْن عِدِّة أَدِلِّة بِالقَضِيِّة [S] The police had a number of leads on the case
ما فِي عَنْدَك دَلِيْل [S] You have no proof,
جَرَّمُوْه بِنَاءًا على أَدِلِّة كاذْبِة [S] He was convicted on false evidence.
تْبَرَّا لِعَدَم وْجُوْدِ الأَدِلِّة [S] He was acquitted for lack of evidence.
Example: “طلب إيضاح عن الموضوع.”
(He asked for clarification on the topic.)
Treatment, dealing with
مُعامَلة ماليّة [CA] a financial transaction
مُعامْلَة خاصَّة = Special treatment
ما فِي عَنْدْنَا (عَنَّا) تَفْرِقَة عِنْصُرِيِّة بْهالِبْلَاد [S] We don’t have racial segregation in this country
Human shield
درع بشري (ج) دروع بشرية
Cell (biological, also terrorist cell, etc.)
خَلِيِّة، ج خَلَاْيَا