Nouns 20 Flashcards
Belongings, material, materials, gear, stuff, articles
Commodity, object, thing
غَرَض، ج غْرَاض / أَغرَاض
اْغَرَاْض : belongings, material, materials, gear, stuff, articles
بِدّي أَشتْري شوَيِّتِ غْرَاض [P] I want to buy a few things; {biddy ʔaštºry šwayyetᵉ ġºrᾱḍ}
فِيْه هَوْن غَرَض مَشبُوْه [P] there’s a suspicious object here; {fīᴴ hōn ġɑrɑḍ mašbūh}
وْلادْنا بِيْحِبُّوا يُطْلَعُوا عَ الضَيْعَة، بَس أنا بِعْتَل هَمّ تُحْضِير الغْراض [L] our kids like to go up to the village, but I bear the worry of preparing (our) things;
شُو فيها غْرَاض [V] what things are there
in it?
جِدِّة، ج جِدَّات
سِتّ، ج سِتَّاْت
جِدّ، ج جْدُوْد / اْجْدَاْد
Announcement, statement, notice, declaration
Advertising, advertisement, ad
Placard, postcard, poster, notice
إِعْلَاْن، ج إِعْلَاْنَاْت
إِعلَانِ الحَرب [P] declaration of war; { ʔiʕlānᴵ-l-ḥarb}
إِعلَانِ المَبَادِئ [P] Declaration of Principles (between Israel and the PLO, September 1993) { ʔiʕlānᴵ-l-mabādeʔÁ}
إِعلَانِ الاِستِقلَال [P] declaration of independence; { ʔiʕlānᴵ-l-‘istiqlāl}
لَوْحِة إِعلَانَات [P] notice board; {lōḥe ʔiʕlānāt}
عَلَّق إِعلَان عَ اللَوْحَة [P] he hung an announcement on the board; {ʕallaq ʔiʕlān ʕa-l-lōḥa}
بِدِّي أَعْمِل إِعلان هامّ [S] I want to make an
important announcement,
أَعطَيْت / حَطَّيْت إِعلَان بِالجَرِيْدِة [P] I put an advertisement in the paper (the verb نزّل is also commonly used); { ʔɑʕṭēt / ḥɑṭṭēt ʔiʕlān bi-l-jarīde}
قْرِيْتِ الإِعلَان [P] did you read the advertisement?; {qºrītᴵ-l-ʔiʕlān}
لَيْش ما بِتْحِطّ إِعْلَان بِالجَرِيدِة [S] Why don’t you put an ad in the paper
لَوْحِة إِعْلانَات [S] billiboard
شِفِت إِعْلَانَك [S] I saw your advertisement
عَلَّقُوا إِعلَانَات [P] they hung up advertising posters (in this case, the meaning of “poster” is implied from the verb علّق); {ʕallaqu ʔiʕlānāt}
بيْعَلِّق إِعلَانَات في-شَارِع [P] he hangs up posters in the street; {byºʕalleq ʔiʕlānāt fy-šāreʕ}
مِيْن قَلَعِ الإِعْلَان [S] Who tore off the poster?
قَرَيْتِ الإِعْلان الِـمْعَلَّق على لَوْحِةِ الإِعْلَانَات [S] Did you read the notice on the bulletin board?
بْيِرْسُم إِعْلَانَات حِلْوِة كْتِير [S] He draws very nice posters
مَمْنُوْع عَلَيْكِ تْلَزِّق إِعْلَانَات هَون [S] You’re not allowed to post any bills here,
Realization, implementation, carrying out, putting into practice
Investigation, inquiry
تَحقِيْق، ج تَحقِيْقَات
بيْستَعمِلِ الخِلَاف لِتَحقِيْق هَدَفُو [P] he exploits the dispute to realize his own goal; {byºstaʕmelᴵ-l-ḵilāf litaḥqīq hadafo}
مْنِتمَنَّالِك تَحقِيْق مَشَارِيْعِك [P] we hope you will be able carry out your plans;
التَحقِيْق في القَضِيِّة [P] the investigation of the matter; {‘it-taḥqīq fy-l-qɑḍiyye}
التَّحْقِيْق كَشَف إِنَّو تَرَك الِبْلَاد بِالمِخْفِي [S] The inquiry revealed that he had secretly left the country,
المَحْكَمِة أَمْرِتِ بْفَتِح تَحْقِيْق [S] An investigation has been ordered by the court
الشُرطَة طَلَبُوْه لَلتَّحقِيْق [P] the police called him for interrogation; {‘iš-šurṭɑ ṭɑlɑbūᴴ lattaḥqīq}
بيْعمَلُوا مَعُو تَحقِيْق [P] they interrogate him
(masculine noun)
مَسَا، ج مَسَاْوَاْت / مَسَوَاْت
في المَسَا [P] in the evening; {fy-l-masa}
مْبَارِحِ المَسَا [P] yesterday evening; {mºbāreḥᴵ-l-masa}
مَسَا الخَيْر — مَسَا النُوْر [P] Good evening! — Good evening to you! (common greeting and response); {masa-l-ḵēr — masa-l-nūr}
اليَوْم عَشِيِّة = اليَوْمِ المَسَا [S] tonight
المَسَا هَون بَرِد [S] The evenings here are cold
مَسَا الخَيْر —— مَسَا الخَيْرَاْت / مِيْة مَسَا [S] Good evening —— and a fine evening
to you
اْلْـمَسَا [L] at night;
اليَوْمِ المَسَا [P] this evening; {‘il-yōmᴵ-l-masa}
الساعة عشرة المسا [V] ten o’clock in the evening, 10 pm;
بيضَلّ فاتِح لَلتْلاتِة الـمَسَا [V] it stays open until 3 at night (from context, 3 am);
وَيْن كِنْتِ المَسَا [S] Where were you in the evening?
جايِيْنِ المَسَا [S] Are they coming this evening?
صَاْرْ لَهْا (صَرْ لَهْا) عَم تِنْزِل مَطَر تْلِتْةْ مَسَوَاْت مِتْوالْيِة [S] It’s been raining three evenings in a row
مْنَعْمِل مِشْوَار كِلّ مَسَا [S] We take a walk every evening
المَسَا = عَنْدِ المَسَا [S] in the evening
عادَةً بِتْتَلْفِن عَنْدِ المَسَا [S] She usually calls in the evening,
هالمَطْعَم بْيِفْتَحِ المَسَا [S] Is this restaurant open evenings?
Hotel, hostel, inn
فُندُق، ج فَنَادِق
Means, method, medium
وَسِيْلِة، ج وَسَاْيِل
جَرَّبنَا كُلِّ الوَسَائِل [P] we’ve tried all (possible) means
عِندي المَصَاري وَسِيْلِة مِش هَدَف [P] for me money is a means, not an end
بِالوَسَائِلِ القَانُوْنِيِّة [P] by legal means / legally
صَدَى، ج أَصْدَاْء
اِمْتِيَاْز، ج اِمْتِيَاْزَاْت
حَرَمُوه مِن كِلّ اِمْتِيَازَاْتَو [S] He was denied all privileges
Tower, turret, steeple
بِرْج، ج بْرَاْج / أَبْرَاْج / بْرُوْج
أَهِل، ج أَهَالي
Remaining, rest, remainder
Change (i.e. the balance of something paid for)
(The) rest
بَاقي، ج بَاقِيْن / بَاقيِيْن
بَقِيِّة، ج بَقَايَا
بَقِيْيةِ المَبلَغ [P] the rest of the amount; {baqīyᴵ-l-mablaġ}
وَيْن أَحُطِّ البَقَايَا [P] where shall I put the rest of them
وَيْن أَحُطِّ البَاقي [P] where shall I put the rest; {wēn ʔaḥoṭṭᴵ-l-bāqy}
البَاقي إِلَك [P] the rest is for you; {‘il-bāqy ʔilak}
اِنتِا عْمِلتِ اللي عَلَيْك وِاْلبَاقي عَلَى الله [P] you’ve done your bit, and the rest is on God; {‘inte ʕºmeltᴵ-l-ly ʕalēk wi’ºlbāqy ʕalɑ-l-lᾱh}
بَاقي العُمَّال [P] the rest of the workers
كِلْ لَك شْوَيِّة هَلَّق وْخَبِّي البَاقِي [S] Eat some now and save the rest
اْجْمَعِ (جْمَاعِ) المَصَارِي وْأَنَا بَعْمِلِ البَاقِي [S] You raise the money and I’ll do the rest.
البَاْقِي [S] everything else
البَاْقِي بَسِيط [S] Everything else is simple
شُو عْمِلْتْ بِالِكْرُوْتِ البَاقْيِة = شُو عْمِلْتْ بْبَقِيْةْ الِكْرُوْت [S] What did you do with the remaining cards?
Incentive, bonus
حافِز، ج حَوافِز
حَوافز الاستثمار = دوافع الاستثمار [E] motives or incentives for investing;
الأَجْر الإضافِي يُعْتَبَر حافِز لِلمُوَظَّف [E] the extra pay is considered an incentive for employees;
كِذْبِة، ج كِذْبَاْت
كِلّْ شِي بِيْقُولَو كِذْب [S] Everything he says is a lie
الكِذِب ما بِيْوَصّْلَك لَشِي [S] Lying won’t get you anywhere
هادا كِذْبِ بْكِذِب [S] a pack of lies
الِوْلَاد عَم يِكْبَرُوا مِتْلِ الكِذِب [S] The children are thriving
Sex, sexual intercourse
Sex, gender
Species, type, kind
جِنِس (جِنْس)، ج أَجْنَاْس
الجِنسِ البَشَري [P] the human species
Calm(ness), quiet(ness), peace, stillness, tranquility
بِهُدُوْءٍ calmly, quietly
طَلَبَ الهُدوءَ to ask for silence
فُڥدَانِ الزَاكرِة [P] loss of memory
فُقدَان عَزِيْز; [P] the loss of a loved one (i.e. who has died)
People, nation (“political” in connotation, refers to a national group)
شَعِب (شَعْب)، ج شْعُوْب
الشَعبِ الفَلَسطِيْني [P] the Palestinian people
Stop, pause
وَقْفِة، ج وَقْفَاْت
بَعِد وَقْفِة قَصِيْرِة الخَطِيْبِ اْسْتَرْسَلِ بْخِطَابَو [S] After a short pause the speaker continued
فِي عَنْدْنَا (عَنَّا) وَقْفِة عَشِر دَقَايِق بْحَمَاة [S] We have a ten-minute stop in Hama
اْشْتَغَل خَمِسْتَعْشَر سَاعَة بَلَا وَقْفِة [S] He worked for fifteen hours without (a) stop
بَلَا وَقْفِة = بِدُوْن اِنْقِطَاْع [S] without stop, continual, continually, continuously
التَّلِيفَون صارْ لَو مِدِّة عَم يْدِقّ بَلَا وَقْفِة [S] The phone has been ringing continuously.
صارْ لَهْا (صَرْ لَهْا) نَازْلِة المَطَر خَمِسْةِ اْيَّام بَلَا وَقْفِة [S] It’s been raining now for five days
on end
وَقْفِتَهْا مُو مْنِيحَة [S] She has poor posture,
Meaning, signification
Moral (of a story)
مَغْزَى، ج مَغَاْزِي
بَعْدِ قْرَايِةِ المَكْتُوب كَلَامَو صَارْ لَو (صَرْ لَو) مَغْزَى جْدِيد [S] After reading that letter, his words have taken on a new significance
ما فْهِمِت مَغْزَى خِطَابَو [S] I couldn’t get the
drift of his speech,
القُصَّة وْمَغزَاهَا [P] the story and its moral
فَاتَك مَغْزَى القِصَّة [S] You missed the point
جَوَاز السَفَرِ، ج جوازات السفر
An evening, night; (a specific night, not the general concept of night. Compare to ليل);
لَيْلِة، ج لَيَاْلِي
حَرِب (حَرْب)، ج حْرُوْب
Guerrilla warfare
حَرْبِ العِصَابَات
The Cold War
الحَربِ البَاردِة
Winner, victor;
غَاْلِب، ج غَاْلْبِيْن
مِنْتِصِر، ج مِنْتِصْرِين
فَاْئِز، ج فَاْئِزِيْن
رَاْبِح، ج رَاْبْحِيْن
رَبْحَاْن، ج رَبْحَاْنِيْن
اللي بْيَعطي هُوِّ الرَبحَان [P] he who gives is the gainer;
Problem, difficulty, trouble
مِشِكْلِة (مِشْكِلِة)، ج مَشَاْكِل
فَاْنُوْس، ج فَوَاْنِيْس
Distinguishing feature, distinctive mark, characteristic trait, peculiarity
مِيْزِة، ج مِيْزَاْت
السّْيَاحَة بِالخَارِج إِلَهْا مِيْزَاْتَهْا [S] A tour abroad has its merits
عَنْدَهْا عِدِّة مِيْزَاتِ مْنِيحَة[S] She has many good qualities,
دايْمًا بْيِذِكْرُوا هالمِيْزِة فِيها أَوَّل شي [S] They always mention that characteristic in her first.
هِيِّة المِيْزِة الرَّئِيْسِيِّة لَهَالحَرَكِة [S] It is the principal feature of this literary movement
Jewel, precious stone
جَوهَرَة، ج جَوَاهِر
حجرة كريمة
Pack, packet, container, parcel (of tea, biscuits, cigarettes, etc.)
بَاكَيْت، ج بَاكَيْتَات
Smokes, cigarettes; (no plural)
دِخَّاْن، ج دَخَاْخِيْن
هالدَّخَاْخِيْن (هالدَّخَخِيْن) إِلَهْا تَأْسِيْرِ مْضِرّ على جِهَازِ التَّنَفُّس [S] Those fumes have a harmful effect on the respiratory syst
مْنَيْن جَايِ هالدِّخَّان [S] Where’s that smoke coming from?
لَا دُخَّان بَلَا نَار [P] (there’s) no smoke without fire; {la duḵḵān bala nᾱr}
أَشيَاء بِتلَوِّثِ البِيْئَة زَيّ دُخَّانِ السَيَّارَات [P] things that pollute the environment like the (exhaust) fumes from cars; { ʔašyāʔÅ bitlawweθᴵ-l-bīʔÁa zayy duḵḵānᴵ-s-sayyᾱrᾱt}
بْتِتدَايَقي مِنِ الدُخَّان [P] are you bothered
by the smoke?
دَكَّانِة بَيْع دِخَّان [S] cigar store
بَيَّاع دِخَّان [S] cigar store, cigar seller
Fort, fortress, castle, citadel;
قَلْعَة، ج قْلَاْع
Wonder, miracle, marvel
عَجِيْبِة، ج عَجَاْيِب
Atmosphere, ambiance, general mood
Atmosphere, air
جَوّ، ج أَجوَاء
طَبَقَاْتِ الجَوِّ العِلْيَا [S] The upper layers of the atmosphere
الِـمْفَاوَضَات صارِتِ بْجَوّ وِدِّي [S] The negotiations were held in a cordial atmosphere
جَوِّ البَيْت بِيؤَتِّر [P] the home’s mood / atmosphere has a an influence; {jawwᴵ-l-bēt byºatter}
الجَوّ مِتوَتِّر [P] the mood is tense; {‘il-jaww mitwatter}
تَوَتُّرِ الأَجوَاء [P] the tension of the mood; {tawattorᴵ-l-ʔajwāʔÅ}
في جَوّ قَرَوي [P] in a rural setting / rural atmosphere; {fy jaww ʠɑrɑwy}
أَهَمّ شِي، يِقْدِر الواحَد يْغَيَّر الجَو مِن وَقْت لَوَقْت [L] the most important thing is that one is able to change the atmosphere from time to time;
في شِي بالجَوّ [S] There’s something in the wind (figuratively),
بِالجَوّ [S] in the air, in the mood
كان في شُعُوْر قَلَق بِالجَوّ [S] A spirit of unrest was in the air
الجَّوِّ السِّيَاسِي بْهالِبْلاد خِصِب تَمَام لَشِي ثَوْرَة [S] The political climate in that country is just right for a revolution
طَبَقَاتِ الجَوِّ العِلْيَا [S] The upper layers of the air
بِتهِمّ في أَنَاقَتهَا [P] she cares about how she looks, she cares for her elegance
طِفِل، ج أَطْفَال
Scope, range, framework, sphere (figuratively, like sphere of activity, influence)
نِطَاْق، ج نِطَاْقَاْت
في نِطَاقِ البَرنَامَج [P] in the scope of the program
في نِطَاق دِرَاستَك [P] in the scope of your studies
في نِطَاق جَوِلتُو رَح يْقَابِل وَزِيْرِ الخَارِجِيِّة [P]
in the course of this trip he will meet the Foreign Secretary
وَاْسِعِ النِّطَاق [S] large-scale
البَلَدِيِّة عَم تِنْظُر بْمشْرُوع بِنَاء وَاسِعِ النِّطَاق [S] The city is considering a large-scale building
هادا خارِج نِطَاق نَشَاطَو [S] That’s outside his sphere of activity.
ضِمِن نِطَاق هالبَرْنَامِج [S] Within the framework of this program
نِطَاق أَسْعَار [S] price range
هادا خارِجِ كْتِير عَن نِطَاق هَيْك قَامُوْس [S] This goes far beyond the scope of such a dictionary
جْنَيْنِة، ج جَنَاْيِن
Foam, froth
رَغْوِة الصَّابُون [P] soap lather, soap bubbles {raGweᴵ-S-SAAbuun}
نْسِيْتِ تْقِيْم نِقْطِة رَغْوِة بْقَفَا إِدْنَك [S] You missed a spot of lather behind your ear
رَغْوِة صَابُوْن [S] froth, soap suds
في رَغْوِة أَكْتَر مِمَّا يْكُوْن فِي بِيْرَة [S] There’s more foam than beer,
Attribute, characteristic
صِفَة، ج صِفَات
صِفَة حَمِيْدِة [P] a commendable characteristic; {ṣifɑ ḥamīde}
الصَبِر هُوِّ مِن صِفَاتِ العَرَب [P] patience is an Arab trait
اللَتَافِة وَحَدِة مِن صِفَاتُو [P] kindness is one of his characteristics
Sincerity, truthfulness
بالصِّدِق [S] honestly
صِدْقًا [S] honestly
قِلْ لِي بالصِّدِق [S] Tell me honestly
صِدْقًا إِنِّي اْنْدَهَشْت [S] I was honestly surprised
Goodness, kindness
كانِ مْبَيِّن عَلَيْه إِنَّو بِدَّو يَعْمِلَهْا عَن طِيْبِة خاطِر [S] He seemed glad enough to do it
بيْستَغِلّ طِيْبِة قَلبِك [P] he takes advantage of your kind heart; {byºstaġell ṭībe qalbek}
عِمِل هَيْك عَن طِيْبِة خَاطرُو [P] he did that out of the goodness of his mood
Malice, malevolence
كَرَمَو تَقْرِيْبًا بْيِنْضِرِب فِي المَثَل عَنْدِ الفِقَرَا [S] His generosity is almost proverbial among the poor.
البَدُو مَشهُوْرِيْن بِالكَرَم [P] the Bedouin are renowned for their generosity
Altruism, selflessness
The United Nations
الأُمَمِ المُتَّحِدِة
تِقْنِيَّة ، ج تِقْنِيَّاْت
البَيْت هُوِّ البَسَاطَة بْعَيْنَهْا [S] The house is simplicity itself
بْبَسَاطَة [S] simply
بِيْعِيْشُوا بْكِلّْ بَسَاطَة [S] They live very simply
Acquisition, obtaining
اكْتِساب قِطْعةِ أَرْضٍ the acquisition of a piece of land
اكْتِساب الشُهْرةِ the acquisition of fame
اكْتِساب المَعْرِفةِ the acquisition of knowledge
لَحْظَة، ج لَحْظَاْت
Departure, going
مَع رَوْحتُو نِزِلِ المَطَر [P] just as he left it began to rain
Coming, arrival
مَع جَيّتُو [P] with his arrival; {maʕ jayyto}
مَع جَيِّة جَوْزهَا [P] with her husband’s arrival
Breach of faith, disloyalty, betrayal, treason, treachery
كَثِيْب، ج كِثْبَاْن
كثبان رملية
Spray (can, bottle, etc.), sprayer
بَخَّاْخَة، ج بَخَّاْخَاْت
الدّْهَان عَم يْحِطُّوا بْوَاسِطْةْ بَخَّاخَة [S] The paint is applied with a spray,
Haste, hurry, rush
ما فِي عَجَلِة [S] There’s no hurry
العَجَلِة مِنِ الشِيْطَان [P] haste is from Satan (i.e. haste makes waste); {‘il-ʕajale minᴵ-š-šīṭᾱn}
بْسِرْعَة = بْعَجَلِة [S] fast, quickly, in a rush (adverb)
العَجَلِة مْنِ الشَّيْطَان = العَجَلِة فِيْهَا نَدَامِة [S] Haste makes waste
وَدَّعُوا وْرَاحُوا بْعَجَلِة شْوَيِّة [S] They took leave rather hastily
التَّرْجَمِة صارِتِ بْعَجَلِة وْمَلَانِة أَغْلاط [S] The translation was hastily done and is full of mistakes
ما فِي عَجَلِة [S] There’s no hurry,
لا تِسْتَعْجِل = ما بِدَّهْا عَجَلِة [S] Don’t hurry!
لَيْش هالعَجَلِة [S] What’s your rush? what’s the furry
ما فِي لْزُوْم لِلْعَجَلِة = ما فِي عَجَلِة فِيْهَا [S] There’s no rush about it
شِي بَايِن إِنَّو اْنْعَمْلِتِ بْعَجَلِة [S] You can see it was done in a rush
خَلِّيْنِي ذَكّْرَكِ بْعَجَلِة هالقَضِيِّة [S] Let me remind you of the urgency of this matter,
Switch, shift, transformation
تَحْوِيْل، ج تَحْوِيْلَاْت / تَحَاْوِيْل
لاحَظْتِ التَّحْوِيْل الِـمْفَاجِئ بِسْيَاسِتُهْن [S] Have you noticed the surprising switch in their policy?
مَحَطِّة تَحْوِيْل [S] transformer station
مَوْتَو سَبَّب تَحْوِيْلِ كْبِير بِالمَسْؤُوْلِيِّة بِالشِّرْكِة [S] His death meant quite a shift of
responsibility in the company
تَحْوِيلِ المَصَارِي بِدَّو يَاخُد وَقِت [S] The transfer of the money will take some time
Rubbish heap, garbage dump
مَزْبَلِة، ج مَزَاْبِل
فِيْه مَزبَلِة جَنبِ البَيْت [P] there’s a rubbish heap next to the house (جنب is the proper spelling, but it is said جمب because of the combination of نْب); {fīᴴ mazbale janbᴵ-l-bēt}
هالفَسْحَة مِسْتَعْمَلِة مَزْبَلِة [S] That empty lot is used as a dump
تَعْيِيْنِة، ج تَعْيِيْنَاْت
حِصَّة، ج حِصَص
الفَصِيْلِة لَحَ تاخُد تَعْيِيْنَات لَتْلِتْةِ اْيَّام [S] The platoon will receive rations for three days
حِصَصْنَا كَانِت خِبِز وْشَوْرَبَا [S] Our rations consisted of bread and soup
Eater (of)
آكِل، ج آكِلِيْن
Piece, part
Plot, piece (of land)
قِطْعَة، ج قِطَع
قُطعِة أَتَات [P] a piece of furniture; {quṭʕe ʔatāt}
قُطعِةِ قْمَاش [P] a piece of material; {quṭʕeᵉ qºmāš}
لازِمِ نْوَصِّي على هالقِطَع مْنِ المَصْنَع [S] We’ll have to order these parts from the factory
قِطْعِة تَغْيِيْر [S] spare part
اْشْتَغَل بِالقِطْعَة [S] to do piecework
وِبْتِشْتِغشل اِنْتِا شِي كَمَان بِالقِطْعَة [S] Do you also do piecework?
قِطْعَة شِعْرِيِّة [S] poem
هالِكْتَاب فِيه كِلّْ قِطَعَو الشِّعْرِيِّة [V] This book contains all his poems
قِطْعَة فَنِّيِّة [S] work of art
هالبِنَايِة فِيْها قِطَع فَنِّيِّة كْتِيْرِة [S] This building
contains many works of art
اْشتَرَيْنَا قُطعِة أَرض [P] we bought a plot of land;
Shia (person, an adherent to the Shia sect of Islam)
شِيْعي، ج شِيْعَة
Sunni, Sunni Muslim
سُنّي، ج سُنِّيِّيْن
سِنِّي، ج سِنِّة
Jew (person), Jewish person
يَهُوْدِي، ج يَهُوْد
بَلْطَجِي، ج بَلْطَجِيّة
Bang, knock, blow
خَبْطَة، ج خَبْطَاْت
شَهْقِت مِنِ الخَبْطَة القَوِيِّة [S] She was startled by the loud bang
هالِـمْلَاحَظَة كانِت مِتْلِ الخَبْطَة عَ الرَّاس [S] That remark was like a slap in the face (literally: a knock on the head)
Haggling, bargaining
Prevention, prohibition
بْهَيدِي ما عندَك مَشْكَل تَحُطّ الدَوْلِة عَ الجَنْب [L] with this you don’t have any problem setting the state on the side;
بالنِسْبِة لَإِلِي ما في مَشْكَل، ما في داعي لَكِلّ هالشِي [L] in my opinion there is no problem, there is no need for all this;
قِطَار، ج قِطَارَاْت
تْرَيْن، ج تْرَيْنَاْت
Transplant (of body organs)
زَرِع أَعضَاء [P] organ transplantation; {zarᵉʕ ʔɑʕḍᾱʔÅ}
زَرعِ الكَبِد [P] a liver transplant
Plurality, multiplicity
تَعَدُّدِ الزَّوَاجَات [S] polygamy
تَعَدُّدِ الآلِهَة [P] polytheism; {taʕaddodᴵ-l-ʔāliha}
القَانُوْن بيْمنَع تَعَدُّدِ الزَوجَات [P] the law forbids polygamy
تَشْلِيْحَة، ج تَشْلِيْحَاْت
“الحرامية وقفونا بالليل عالطريق وعملولنا تشليحة، أخدوا المصاري وكل شي معنا!”
(“The thieves stopped us at night on the road and robbed us, taking the money and everything we had!”)
In this context, تشليحة vividly describes a forceful robbery where the victims are stripped of their belongings
عْتَاْب، ج عْتَاْبَاْت
ما عَنَيْت هَالشِّي مْعَاتَبَك [S] I didn’t mean that as a reproach
Equivalence, evenness, parity
مُباراة ما فْهاش تَكافُؤ [E] an unevenly matched (football/soccer) game;
تَكافُؤِ الفُرَص [E] equal opportunities (for all);
Spinster (typically does not take the ة )
عَاْنِس، ج عَوَاْنِس