Nouns 20 Flashcards
Belongings, material, materials, gear, stuff, articles
Commodity, object, thing
غَرَض، ج غْرَاض / أَغرَاض
اْغَرَاْض : belongings, material, materials, gear, stuff, articles
بِدّي أَشتْري شوَيِّتِ غْرَاض [P] I want to buy a few things; {biddy ʔaštºry šwayyetᵉ ġºrᾱḍ}
فِيْه هَوْن غَرَض مَشبُوْه [P] there’s a suspicious object here; {fīᴴ hōn ġɑrɑḍ mašbūh}
وْلادْنا بِيْحِبُّوا يُطْلَعُوا عَ الضَيْعَة، بَس أنا بِعْتَل هَمّ تُحْضِير الغْراض [L] our kids like to go up to the village, but I bear the worry of preparing (our) things;
شُو فيها غْرَاض [V] what things are there
in it?
جِدِّة، ج جِدَّات
سِتّ، ج سِتَّاْت
جِدّ، ج جْدُوْد / اْجْدَاْد
Announcement, statement, notice, declaration
Advertising, advertisement, ad
Placard, postcard, poster, notice
إِعْلَاْن، ج إِعْلَاْنَاْت
إِعلَانِ الحَرب [P] declaration of war; { ʔiʕlānᴵ-l-ḥarb}
إِعلَانِ المَبَادِئ [P] Declaration of Principles (between Israel and the PLO, September 1993) { ʔiʕlānᴵ-l-mabādeʔÁ}
إِعلَانِ الاِستِقلَال [P] declaration of independence; { ʔiʕlānᴵ-l-‘istiqlāl}
لَوْحِة إِعلَانَات [P] notice board; {lōḥe ʔiʕlānāt}
عَلَّق إِعلَان عَ اللَوْحَة [P] he hung an announcement on the board; {ʕallaq ʔiʕlān ʕa-l-lōḥa}
بِدِّي أَعْمِل إِعلان هامّ [S] I want to make an
important announcement,
أَعطَيْت / حَطَّيْت إِعلَان بِالجَرِيْدِة [P] I put an advertisement in the paper (the verb نزّل is also commonly used); { ʔɑʕṭēt / ḥɑṭṭēt ʔiʕlān bi-l-jarīde}
قْرِيْتِ الإِعلَان [P] did you read the advertisement?; {qºrītᴵ-l-ʔiʕlān}
لَيْش ما بِتْحِطّ إِعْلَان بِالجَرِيدِة [S] Why don’t you put an ad in the paper
لَوْحِة إِعْلانَات [S] billiboard
شِفِت إِعْلَانَك [S] I saw your advertisement
عَلَّقُوا إِعلَانَات [P] they hung up advertising posters (in this case, the meaning of “poster” is implied from the verb علّق); {ʕallaqu ʔiʕlānāt}
بيْعَلِّق إِعلَانَات في-شَارِع [P] he hangs up posters in the street; {byºʕalleq ʔiʕlānāt fy-šāreʕ}
مِيْن قَلَعِ الإِعْلَان [S] Who tore off the poster?
قَرَيْتِ الإِعْلان الِـمْعَلَّق على لَوْحِةِ الإِعْلَانَات [S] Did you read the notice on the bulletin board?
بْيِرْسُم إِعْلَانَات حِلْوِة كْتِير [S] He draws very nice posters
مَمْنُوْع عَلَيْكِ تْلَزِّق إِعْلَانَات هَون [S] You’re not allowed to post any bills here,
Realization, implementation, carrying out, putting into practice
Investigation, inquiry
تَحقِيْق، ج تَحقِيْقَات
بيْستَعمِلِ الخِلَاف لِتَحقِيْق هَدَفُو [P] he exploits the dispute to realize his own goal; {byºstaʕmelᴵ-l-ḵilāf litaḥqīq hadafo}
مْنِتمَنَّالِك تَحقِيْق مَشَارِيْعِك [P] we hope you will be able carry out your plans;
التَحقِيْق في القَضِيِّة [P] the investigation of the matter; {‘it-taḥqīq fy-l-qɑḍiyye}
التَّحْقِيْق كَشَف إِنَّو تَرَك الِبْلَاد بِالمِخْفِي [S] The inquiry revealed that he had secretly left the country,
المَحْكَمِة أَمْرِتِ بْفَتِح تَحْقِيْق [S] An investigation has been ordered by the court
الشُرطَة طَلَبُوْه لَلتَّحقِيْق [P] the police called him for interrogation; {‘iš-šurṭɑ ṭɑlɑbūᴴ lattaḥqīq}
بيْعمَلُوا مَعُو تَحقِيْق [P] they interrogate him
(masculine noun)
مَسَا، ج مَسَاْوَاْت / مَسَوَاْت
في المَسَا [P] in the evening; {fy-l-masa}
مْبَارِحِ المَسَا [P] yesterday evening; {mºbāreḥᴵ-l-masa}
مَسَا الخَيْر — مَسَا النُوْر [P] Good evening! — Good evening to you! (common greeting and response); {masa-l-ḵēr — masa-l-nūr}
اليَوْم عَشِيِّة = اليَوْمِ المَسَا [S] tonight
المَسَا هَون بَرِد [S] The evenings here are cold
مَسَا الخَيْر —— مَسَا الخَيْرَاْت / مِيْة مَسَا [S] Good evening —— and a fine evening
to you
اْلْـمَسَا [L] at night;
اليَوْمِ المَسَا [P] this evening; {‘il-yōmᴵ-l-masa}
الساعة عشرة المسا [V] ten o’clock in the evening, 10 pm;
بيضَلّ فاتِح لَلتْلاتِة الـمَسَا [V] it stays open until 3 at night (from context, 3 am);
وَيْن كِنْتِ المَسَا [S] Where were you in the evening?
جايِيْنِ المَسَا [S] Are they coming this evening?
صَاْرْ لَهْا (صَرْ لَهْا) عَم تِنْزِل مَطَر تْلِتْةْ مَسَوَاْت مِتْوالْيِة [S] It’s been raining three evenings in a row
مْنَعْمِل مِشْوَار كِلّ مَسَا [S] We take a walk every evening
المَسَا = عَنْدِ المَسَا [S] in the evening
عادَةً بِتْتَلْفِن عَنْدِ المَسَا [S] She usually calls in the evening,
هالمَطْعَم بْيِفْتَحِ المَسَا [S] Is this restaurant open evenings?
Hotel, hostel, inn
فُندُق، ج فَنَادِق
Means, method, medium
وَسِيْلِة، ج وَسَاْيِل
جَرَّبنَا كُلِّ الوَسَائِل [P] we’ve tried all (possible) means
عِندي المَصَاري وَسِيْلِة مِش هَدَف [P] for me money is a means, not an end
بِالوَسَائِلِ القَانُوْنِيِّة [P] by legal means / legally
صَدَى، ج أَصْدَاْء
اِمْتِيَاْز، ج اِمْتِيَاْزَاْت
حَرَمُوه مِن كِلّ اِمْتِيَازَاْتَو [S] He was denied all privileges
Tower, turret, steeple
بِرْج، ج بْرَاْج / أَبْرَاْج / بْرُوْج
أَهِل، ج أَهَالي
Remaining, rest, remainder
Change (i.e. the balance of something paid for)
(The) rest
بَاقي، ج بَاقِيْن / بَاقيِيْن
بَقِيِّة، ج بَقَايَا
بَقِيْيةِ المَبلَغ [P] the rest of the amount; {baqīyᴵ-l-mablaġ}
وَيْن أَحُطِّ البَقَايَا [P] where shall I put the rest of them
وَيْن أَحُطِّ البَاقي [P] where shall I put the rest; {wēn ʔaḥoṭṭᴵ-l-bāqy}
البَاقي إِلَك [P] the rest is for you; {‘il-bāqy ʔilak}
اِنتِا عْمِلتِ اللي عَلَيْك وِاْلبَاقي عَلَى الله [P] you’ve done your bit, and the rest is on God; {‘inte ʕºmeltᴵ-l-ly ʕalēk wi’ºlbāqy ʕalɑ-l-lᾱh}
بَاقي العُمَّال [P] the rest of the workers
كِلْ لَك شْوَيِّة هَلَّق وْخَبِّي البَاقِي [S] Eat some now and save the rest
اْجْمَعِ (جْمَاعِ) المَصَارِي وْأَنَا بَعْمِلِ البَاقِي [S] You raise the money and I’ll do the rest.
البَاْقِي [S] everything else
البَاْقِي بَسِيط [S] Everything else is simple
شُو عْمِلْتْ بِالِكْرُوْتِ البَاقْيِة = شُو عْمِلْتْ بْبَقِيْةْ الِكْرُوْت [S] What did you do with the remaining cards?
Incentive, bonus
حافِز، ج حَوافِز
حَوافز الاستثمار = دوافع الاستثمار [E] motives or incentives for investing;
الأَجْر الإضافِي يُعْتَبَر حافِز لِلمُوَظَّف [E] the extra pay is considered an incentive for employees;
(A) lie
كِذْبِة، ج كِذْبَاْت
كِلّْ شِي بِيْقُولَو كِذْب [S] Everything he says is a lie
الكِذِب ما بِيْوَصّْلَك لَشِي [S] Lying won’t get you anywhere
هادا كِذْبِ بْكِذِب [S] a pack of lies
الِوْلَاد عَم يِكْبَرُوا مِتْلِ الكِذِب [S] The children are thriving
Sex, sexual intercourse
Sex, gender
Species, type, kind
جِنِس (جِنْس)، ج أَجْنَاْس
الجِنسِ البَشَري [P] the human species
Calm(ness), quiet(ness), peace, stillness, tranquility
بِهُدُوْءٍ calmly, quietly
طَلَبَ الهُدوءَ to ask for silence
فُڥدَانِ الزَاكرِة [P] loss of memory
فُقدَان عَزِيْز; [P] the loss of a loved one (i.e. who has died)
People, nation (“political” in connotation, refers to a national group)
شَعِب (شَعْب)، ج شْعُوْب
الشَعبِ الفَلَسطِيْني [P] the Palestinian people
Stop, pause
وَقْفِة، ج وَقْفَاْت
بَعِد وَقْفِة قَصِيْرِة الخَطِيْبِ اْسْتَرْسَلِ بْخِطَابَو [S] After a short pause the speaker continued
فِي عَنْدْنَا (عَنَّا) وَقْفِة عَشِر دَقَايِق بْحَمَاة [S] We have a ten-minute stop in Hama
اْشْتَغَل خَمِسْتَعْشَر سَاعَة بَلَا وَقْفِة [S] He worked for fifteen hours without (a) stop
بَلَا وَقْفِة = بِدُوْن اِنْقِطَاْع [S] without stop, continual, continually, continuously
التَّلِيفَون صارْ لَو مِدِّة عَم يْدِقّ بَلَا وَقْفِة [S] The phone has been ringing continuously.
صارْ لَهْا (صَرْ لَهْا) نَازْلِة المَطَر خَمِسْةِ اْيَّام بَلَا وَقْفِة [S] It’s been raining now for five days
on end
وَقْفِتَهْا مُو مْنِيحَة [S] She has poor posture,
Meaning, signification
Moral (of a story)
مَغْزَى، ج مَغَاْزِي
بَعْدِ قْرَايِةِ المَكْتُوب كَلَامَو صَارْ لَو (صَرْ لَو) مَغْزَى جْدِيد [S] After reading that letter, his words have taken on a new significance
ما فْهِمِت مَغْزَى خِطَابَو [S] I couldn’t get the
drift of his speech,
القُصَّة وْمَغزَاهَا [P] the story and its moral
فَاتَك مَغْزَى القِصَّة [S] You missed the point
جَوَاز السَفَرِ، ج جوازات السفر
An evening, night; (a specific night, not the general concept of night. Compare to ليل);
لَيْلِة، ج لَيَاْلِي
حَرِب (حَرْب)، ج حْرُوْب
Guerrilla warfare
حَرْبِ العِصَابَات
The Cold War
الحَربِ البَاردِة
Winner, victor;
غَاْلِب، ج غَاْلْبِيْن
مِنْتِصِر، ج مِنْتِصْرِين
فَاْئِز، ج فَاْئِزِيْن
رَاْبِح، ج رَاْبْحِيْن
Problem, difficulty, trouble
مِشِكْلِة (مِشْكِلِة)، ج مَشَاْكِل
Bond, link
صِلَة، ج صِلَاْ
فِيه صِلَة قَوِيِّة بَيْنِ الرّْفِيقَين [S] There’s a firm bond between the two friends
فَاْنُوْس، ج فَوَاْنِيْس
Distinguishing feature, distinctive mark, characteristic trait, peculiarity
مِيْزِة، ج مِيْزَاْت
السّْيَاحَة بِالخَارِج إِلَهْا مِيْزَاْتَهْا [S] A tour abroad has its merits
عَنْدَهْا عِدِّة مِيْزَاتِ مْنِيحَة[S] She has many good qualities,
دايْمًا بْيِذِكْرُوا هالمِيْزِة فِيها أَوَّل شي [S] They always mention that characteristic in her first.
هِيِّة المِيْزِة الرَّئِيْسِيِّة لَهَالحَرَكِة [S] It is the principal feature of this literary movement
Jewel, precious stone
جَوهَرَة، ج جَوَاهِر
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