Verbs 22 Flashcards
To let or make (ه = s.o.) hold (ه =
مَسَّك، يْمَسِّك
To make (ه = s.o.) cry
To bomb (ه =
قَصَف، يِقْصُف
اْنْقَصَف، يِنقِصِف
هالمَدِينَة ما اْنْقُصْفَتِ بْأَيَّامِ الحَرُب [I] This city didn’t get bombed during the war.
اْنْكِسْرْت الجَاْمَاْت لِمَّن اْنْقَصَف البَيْت [I] The windows broke when the house was bombed.
الطَّيَّارَاْت قُصْفَت مَعْمَلَين بِالمَدِينَة [I] The airplanes bombed two factories in the city.
To feel sad
To grieve
حِزِن، يِحْزَن
To dismantle, take apart (ه =
To disentangle, undo (ه =, e.g. several knots)
To make out, decipher (ه =
فَكفَك، يْفَكفِك
تْفَكفَك، يِتفَكفَك
الكُرسي تْفَكفَك [P] the chair fell apart; {‘il-kursy tºfakfak}
تْفَكفَك كُلِّ العُقَد [P] all the knots came undone
بيْفَكفِكِ المَكَنِة [P] he takes the machine apart; {byºfakfekᴵ-l-makane}
فَكْفَك شَقْفِة شَقْفِة [S] to pull apart piece by piece
اْنْجَبَر يْفَكْفِكِ العَرَبِيِّة شَقْفِة شَقْفِ قَبِل ما لَقَى العِطِل [S] He had to pull the whole car apart before he found what was wrong
فَفَكتِ الحَبِل [P] I disentangled the rope, undid all the knots; {fafaktᴵ-l-ḥabᵉl}
لَازِمِ تْفَكفَِك كُلِّ العُقَد [P] you have to untie all the knots
بْتِقْدِرِ تْفَكْفِكِ التَّارِيخ يَللي على دَمْغِةِ البَوْسْطَة [S] Can you make out the date on the postmark
To consider (ه = s.o.) a traitor, suspect or accuse (ه = s.o.) of treachery
خَوَّن، يْخَوِّن
شُو، أَنَا بَخَوّْنَك [P] what, am I accusing you of treachery!?
To drive (ه = home (على = to s.o.)
رَسَّخ، يْرَسِّخ
يا رَيْت اِحْسِن اْرَسِّخَهْا بْعَقْلَك إِنَّو لازِم تِجي عَ الوَقِت [S] If I could only drive it home to you that you have to be on time
To educate (ه = s.o.), impart culture (ه = to s.o.)
ثَقَّف، يْثَقِّف
To make (ه = s.o.) repeat (ه =
To celebrate a holiday (generally for “religious” or “non-national holidays”)
عَيَّد، يْعَيِّد
قَدّْ ما ضَلِّت عَم تْعَيِّدني ياه، حَسَّيْت إنّو كَرَهْتَهْا وخَلَص ما بَقَى بدِّي [L] as much as she made me repeat it (my lesson), I felt that I hated her, that’s it, I no longer wanted to
اليَوْم إِحنَا معَيّْدِيْن [P] today we’re celebrating a holiday;
To defeat (ه = s.o. /
هَزَم، يِهْزِم
To shit
خِرِي، يِخْرَا
الجَّاهِل خِرَا عَ الزُّولِيَّة [I] The baby messed on the carpet,
لا تْخَلِّي اِبْنَك يِخْرَا بِالشَّارِع [I] Don’t let your son go in the street,
الكَّلِب (الچَّلِب) خِرَا قِدَّام (گِدَّام) الباب [I] The dog made a mess in front of the door.
لا تِتْجادَل وِيَّاه. يِخْرَا مِن حَلْقَه (حَلْگَه) [I] Don’t argue with him he talks dirty.
إِجَا وْخِرَا بِالوَسْطَة [I] He came and messed up the works,
ما اكُو زَنْبُور يِخْرَى عَسَل [I] It sounds like baloney to me (lit., there’s no wasp which shits honey).
خَرَى بْهالشَاْرِب [I] Shit on your mustache/ shut up (idiomatic phrase).
To sweeten, put sugar in (ه =
حَلَّى، يْحَلّي
To become sweet
حِلِي، يِحْلَى
To keep up, catch, catch up with, follow along with (ه = s.o)
To keep up (ه = with, manage to do (ه =
To catch, make (ه =, manage to make it to (ه =, e.g. a train, bus)
لَحَّق، يْلَحِّق
ما لِي عَم اْلَحِّق شِغْلِي [S] I can’t keep up
with my work,
مُشِ مْلَحّْقَة أَخَلِّصِ اللي عَلَيّ [P] I haven’t managed to finish everything I have to do
To urge, incite, spur on, drive (ه = s.o.)
حَثّ، يْحِثّ
بِيْجُوْز شِي مْكَافَاة تْحِثَّو [S] Maybe a reward would spur him on
الِـمْناظِر بِيْحِسّ عِمَّالَو على طُوْل [S] The foreman drives his workers continually
حَثَّيْتُو يِنهي المَوضُوْع [P] I urged him to put an end to the matter
To tattoo
وَشَّم، يْوَشِّم
To tip, give a tip (e.g. in a restaurant)
بَخْشَش، يْبَخْشَش
To sigh (على = over, lament (على =
تْحَسَّر، يِتْحَسَّر
فِي نَاس بْتِتْحَسَّر على اْنْتِهَاءِ الاِسْتِعْمَار [S] There are some who lament the passing of colonialism
كُلّ وَاحَد بيْحَسَّر عَلَى طُفُوْلْتُو [P] everyone feels nostalgic for the days of his childhood
To make thirsty (ه = s.o.)
عَطَّش، يْعَطِّش
To satiate, satisfy, fill (ه = s.o.)
شَبَّع، يْشَبِّع
أَكِل هالمَطْعَم ما يْشَبِّع [I] This restaurant’s food doesn’t fill one up.
To hold sacred, venerate, revere (ه = s.o. /
قَدَّس، يْقَدِّس
To inquire, to get information (عن = on / about)
سْتَفْهَم ، يِسْتِفْهِم
مْنَيْن بِقْدِر اِسْتَعْلِم عَن هالشِّي [S] Where can I get some information about that?
To check, check on (ه =
To prostrate o.s. in (or as if in) prayer (intransitive)
سَجَد، يِسجُد
To violate, defile, abuse, profane, desecrate (ه =
اْنْتَهَك، يِنْتِهِك
دَنَّس ، يْدَنِّس
دَنَّسُوا الِكْنِيْس [P] they desecrated the synagogue
دَنَّسُوا الجَامِع [P] they desecrated the mosque
اْنْتِهَك حُرْمَةِ الجَّامِع [I] He violated the sanctity of the mosque,
حِبْسَوه لِأَنَّه اْنْتِهَك أَعْرَاضِ النَّاس [I] They jailed him because he desecrated the honor of the people.
To be busy, be occupied
اْنشَغَل، يِنِشغِل
اْنشَغَل بَالي عَلَيْك [P] I was worried about you (literally: my mind became occupied over you); {‘ºnšaġal bāly ʕalēk}
اْتّصِل مَعهَا أَحسَن مَا يِنِشغِل بَالهَا [P] call her so that she won’t worry;
To draw, derive, get
اْسْتِمَدّ، يِسْتِمِدّ
يِسْتِمِدّ قُوتَه مْنِ الحِزِب [I] He derives his power from the party.
To become sleepy
نِعِس، يِنعَس
To lose weight, to get slender
نِحِف، يِنْحَف
وَقِت كِنْتِ ضْعِيفِ نْحِفْتِ كْتِير [S] When I was sick I lost a lot of weight